The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 960 The old man who pretended to be a rival was going to run

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If Lu Feng was really human, how could he have reached the realm of an emperor before he was twenty?

Even if that's the case, he can still control thunder? Even if it's not a natural supernatural power, it's just an ordinary supernatural power, which is shocking enough.

Because the thunder magic power is different from the ordinary magic power, the requirements for the martial artist are very high, especially the requirements for the soul.

A martial arts emperor who is less than 20 years old, no matter how amazing his talent is, it is impossible to specialize in soul, right?

Not to mention, the lightning he controls now is still the lightning released by the Tianlei Talisman.

The Tianlei Talisman can make a semi-sacred warrior lose a layer of skin, and the lightning released is extremely terrifying, but now it is controlled by Lu Feng.

This made Le Chongjin really unable to calm down.

But when he saw that the black-clothed warrior had already arrived in front of Duan Shui, he was relieved again. As long as the black-clothed warrior could block Duan Shui, the other lieutenants under his command would be able to block Liu Jiannu and the other five.

In this way, even if it is impossible to defeat, it can maintain an indistinguishable state. When the emperor slays the spear god, everything will be over.

"Damn, this Lu Feng actually has such a means!"

When the black-clothed warrior saw it, he scolded secretly, and it was also a pain in the flesh.

He took a lot of effort to get the Tianlei Talisman. It was originally a trump card of his, but now he uses it, which makes him very uncomfortable.

That's fine.

The key is that after using it, it was blocked by Lu Feng, which made him very sad.

But now he can't help thinking too much, he has already reached the front of Shuan Shui, and he has to let go of his heartache first, and quickly carry his True Qi to fight with Shuan Shui.

"Wait, go and block Zhen Gang and others immediately, hurry up!"

Seeing that the water cut was blocked, Le Chongjin immediately said to the lieutenant beside him.

These lieutenants did not dare to block Duan Shui, but they still had some confidence in the five Zhen Gang who were not as strong as Duan Shui, and immediately rushed up with their weapons.

"If so,

It was just the two of us. "

Seeing Le Chongjin's arrangement, Lu Feng looked at him with a smile.


Le Chongjin sneered, a silver-white sword appeared in his hand, pointed at Lu Feng, and said, "Lu Feng, I would have to admit that you are a genius, maybe even a genius that is rare in ten thousand years."

"But unfortunately, the most low-key person in this world is a genius, because..."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Le Zhongjin said coldly, "Genius is always..."


Before he could finish his words, Lu Feng's Gan Jiang sword uttered a roar and slashed it down.

In an instant, a sword qi shot out and slashed towards Le Chongjin.


Le Chongjin held the sword in front of him, blocked the sword energy, and scolded: "Lu Feng, as the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, you even made a sneak attack, are you not afraid of being laughed at?"

"Sneak attack?"

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "It's just that you talk too much!"

"True martial arts!"

Without hesitation, Lu Feng immediately cast the secret, and his realm was instantly elevated from the first level of the emperor to the fourth level of the emperor.

Le Chongjin wanted to take advantage of this good opportunity to kill Lu Feng, but why didn't Lu Feng want to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Le Chongjin?

As long as Le Chongjin is dead, and the Liyang Dynasty army is leaderless, Lu Feng can lead the attack, and the probability of winning is definitely above 80%.

Therefore, Lu Feng used the True Martial Art to raise his realm, ready to kill Le Chongjin directly.

"The Emperor's Fourth Heaven!"

Although Le Chongjin himself is a warrior of the Emperor's Third Heaven, his position as a general is not obtained by virtue of his martial arts strength surpassing everyone else, but by his military talent.

Under his command, there are also warriors of the fourth layer of the emperor, even the fifth layer and the sixth layer of heaven, so he can suddenly feel that Lu Feng's current infuriating fluctuation is the fourth layer of the emperor.

At this moment, there was some panic in his eyes.

Lu Feng himself is in the realm of the emperor's first layer of heaven, coupled with the magic power of controlling thunder, his combat power is not weak, Le Zhongjin has no confidence to defeat Lu Feng at all.

Who knows that now, he even used a secret to instantly raise his realm to the fourth level of the emperor.

How does this make him fight?

Lu Feng ignored Le Chongjin's expression, he held the Ganjiang sword, turned it slightly, and shouted in a low voice, "The fifth sword of Zhenwu Jianjue!"


On the Ganjiang sword, a strange sword energy appeared, and it was cut down with one sword.


The sword energy was only one meter, which was much shorter than what Lu Feng used before, but the movement it brought was very large.

Under the lasing, the air is cut, and a long space crack is formed in the air.

When Le Chongjin didn't react at all, he directly hit him in the head.


However, the sword energy did not directly kill Le Chongjin as Lu Feng expected, but was blocked by a transparent talisman.



After the sword qi was blocked, Le Chongjin gasped for breath, secretly thinking that he was lucky, fortunately, fortunately, he also had the means to save his life, otherwise this sword would definitely kill him.

"There is actually a way to save lives?"

Lu Feng was also a little surprised. For now, his strength to use the fifth sword of the True Martial Sword Art is enough to instantly kill a warrior from the sixth level of the emperor.

But he didn't expect that Le Chongjin's life-saving means actually blocked his attack.

But it doesn't matter, this is just the beginning.

Taking a step forward, Lu Feng held the Gan Jiang sword in his hand, ready to take another shot.

"Zhang Mo, it seems that you only have so much ability! Then, I should show you my true ability!"

At this moment, Tong Yuan's voice suddenly came from the sky.

Lu Feng looked up at the battle between Tong Yuan and Zhang Mo in the void, and saw Tong Yuan's spear flicked and stabbed Zhang Mo sharply.

Zhang Mo's hands were full of infuriating energy, trying to block Tong Yuan's attack.


But Zhang Mo was kicked away as soon as he touched Tong Yuan's spear.


At the same time, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the body flew out.

"Get down!"

Tong Yuan's figure flashed, and when he reached Zhang Mo's body, the spear slammed down.


There was another loud noise, and Zhang Mo's body was directly knocked down, falling at the fastest speed.


Accompanied by a loud noise, Zhang Mo smashed into the mountain, smashing the mountain into a big hole.

Tong Yuan's figure flashed, and he came to Lu Feng, staring at the big pit.

He knew very well that this attack was not enough to kill a half-sacred warrior.

"Cough, cough, cough."

Soon, there was a light coughing sound from the pit, Zhang Mo came out from the pit, and the gorgeous brocade robe became dirty and covered with mud.

But Zhang Mo didn't have the mind to clean it up, he just stared at Tong Yuan and said solemnly, "How did you become so strong?"

"Because I'm walking on the most correct martial arts." Tong Yuan replied.

"The most correct martial arts?" Zhang Mo sneered and said, "The so-called most correct martial arts in your mouth is to be a servant of Lu Feng, the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom?"

Tong Yuan frowned, and when he was about to refute, Lu Feng suddenly said, "No, he wants to run, quickly interrupt him!"

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