The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 961 Running faster than a rabbit!

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"Jie Jie, it's too late."

Zhang Mo laughed coldly, a teleportation formation suddenly lit up under his feet, the light flashed, and Zhang Mo's figure had disappeared without a trace.

At the same moment, Le Chongjin also disappeared.

It was obviously taken away by Zhang Mo.

"Damn, it's still one step slower!"

Lu Feng was a little annoyed.

Just after Zhang Mo came out of the pit, he felt that there was something wrong with the other party's breath, but he didn't think of the teleportation array at the first time.

When he thought about it, Zhang Mo's teleportation formation had already been fully opened, and he couldn't stop it if he wanted to.

Moreover, he also let him take Le Chongjin away, missing a great opportunity.

"My subordinates are careless, let Zhang Mo escape with Le Chongjin, and hope that Your Majesty will be punished." Tong Yuan was ashamed, bowed and said to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng waved his hand and said, "It's not your fault, after all..."

"No one would have imagined that a dignified semi-sacred warrior would choose to flee for his life after losing the first battle in the face of a group of warriors in the emperor's realm."

"No one could have imagined."

When Zhang Mo fell, Lu Feng was still thinking that Tong Yuan would definitely anger Zhang Mo completely, and then let Zhang Mo go all out to fight Tong Yuan in a life-and-death battle.

After all, Zhang Mo's pretense before, gave people the feeling that he really looked down on the world.

Lu Feng didn't even think that Zhang Mo chose to run for his life after realizing that he didn't have the strength to kill Tong Yuan.

To be honest, Lu Feng can still believe that this kind of unethical behavior happened to a holy king, or even a warrior in the realm of an emperor.

It can happen to a semi-holy warrior, he really can't think of it.

Otherwise, when Zhang Mo was just beaten down, Lu Feng directly used the Tianlei in the Tianlei Talisman he controlled to attack him, dragged him down, and then let Tong Yuan attack. In all likelihood, he would not let him. escaped.


No one could consider Zhang Mo's choice so 'unique'.

"Damn Zhang Mo, I'll take care of your ancestors!"

At this time, the angry voice of the black-clothed warrior suddenly came out.

The black-clothed warrior is a master of the Liyang Dynasty. In the face of Zhang Mo, the ancestor of the royal family of the Liyang Dynasty, he would scold him like this. It is conceivable how angry he is in his heart.

And he did have reason to be angry.

Zhang Mo ran away, what should he do?

Originally, there were two warriors of the Emperor Jiuzhongtian under Lu Feng, and one of them was Tong Yuan, who was at the peak of the Emperor Jiuzhongtian.

He can stop the water, but he can't be Tong Yuan's opponent.

After all, Tong Yuan could even defeat Zhang Mo in the semi-holy realm, let alone him.

There was a Zhang Mo who blocked Tong Yuan before, so he didn't need to worry about Tong Yuan.

But now, Zhang Mo ran away, and what he faced was the cut-off of water and Tong Yuan.

This makes him scold!

It is already very good that he can block a water cut, another Tong Yuan? What is this for?


At this time, although the black-clothed warrior really wanted to turn Mrs. Zhang Mo over to the grass, he could only have one thought in his heart, run!

Hurry up and run, if you're late, you really won't have a chance.

Without hesitation, he took advantage of the opportunity of the Shuan Shui sword to stab, instead of avoiding it, he took out the weapon to block in front of him, and let the Shuan Shui sword hit the weapon.


With the sound of gold and iron intersecting, a huge force slammed into the body of the black-clothed warrior.

Not only did he not run the infuriating energy to unload this power, but instead he gritted his teeth and let this huge force hit his body.


With a loud bang, his body was directly knocked into the air.

But soon the black-clothed warrior stabilized his figure in the air and quickly flew into the distance.

"If you were to run away, how could I, Tong Yuan, have any face to walk in the land of Yuzhou?"

Tong Yuan snorted angrily, stomped his feet, and his whole body shot out like a cannonball.

Extremely fast!

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of the fleeing black-clothed warrior, and with a long spear in his hand, it hit the black-clothed warrior accurately on the head.

"Pfft", the black-clothed warrior's head was smashed like a watermelon, and the brain pulp and blood mixed together and exploded.

At the same time, a gray soul emerged from the corpse, trying to escape.

But before he could move, he was grabbed by Tong Yuan and violently exerted force.


A very miserable cry rang out.

Tong Yuan smashed the soul into pieces.

It also caused Tong Yuan to express the wickedness of being escaped by Zhang Mo.

"Your Majesty, your subordinates succeeded in beheading him."

Soon, Tong Yuan picked up the body of the black-clothed warrior and returned to Lu Feng, bowed and said.

"very good."

When Lu Feng saw it, he nodded secretly and asked, "How far are you from the realm of the Holy Venerable now?"

"Within one month, we will be able to break through!" Tong Yuan said with great certainty.

"very good!"

Lu Feng was very satisfied with Tong Yuan's progress, Tong Yuan did not let him down, and the Martial Dao Comprehension Card was not used in vain.

Within a month, Tong Yuan can break through to the realm of sainthood. At that time, there will be nearly a month before the call for the dynasty. With a large number of high-level spirit stones, it is enough for Tong Yuan to stabilize the realm.

At that time, there will be a saintly strong man under his command who is known as the 'land gods', and he will have the qualifications to fight for the emperor's ruins that will be opened later.

After all, that is the ruins of the Great Emperor, the ruins left by the Martial Dao Emperor!

Even if Lu Feng has the Emperor System, he still wants to get some good things from it.

As for now...

Looking at the army of the Liyang Dynasty, which was being defeated by the shadow guards, Lu Feng said, "You all take action and solve the war here."


Liu Jiannu responded, his figure flashed, and he immediately rushed into the enemy's army to start a slaughter.

Tong Yuan held a long spear and wanted to go, but Lu Feng stopped him.

Tong Yuan is about to become a powerful saint. At this time, rushing to kill ordinary soldiers will violate an unwritten unwritten rule of Yuzhou.

Holy Venerable powerhouses have face, if the enemy has an army formation, it doesn't matter if you rush to kill, because if the army's army formation is powerful, it is not impossible to suppress the Holy Venerable Powerhouse.

But if there is no enemy army, and you still go to kill people, that is bullying, and it will be disgraced if you spread it out.

Lu Feng might not care, but Tong Yuan was a well-known gun god in Yuzhou before anyway. If such a reputation spread, it would not be a good thing for him.

Tong Yuan stopped and glanced at Lu Feng gratefully.

He naturally knew this, but because Lu Feng said just now that you all go out, as Lu Feng's courtier, if he didn't go, he would be disobedient, so he would go.

But Lu Feng stopped him in the end, proving that Lu Feng still thinks of his courtiers, which is a great honor for a courtier.

You must know that if Tong Yuan is to take action, under the current situation, Le Zhongjin's army on the right side of the mountain will all be killed within a quarter of an hour.

But in this way, his reputation in Yuzhou is also discredited.

Especially in the eyes of those who are similar in strength to him, he will become a joke.

Lu Feng didn't let him do this, and he was naturally grateful.

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