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The army of the Liyang Dynasty had been disrupted before, and now that Le Chongjin had fled, the remaining soldiers were even more flustered.

In the face of the sudden attack of the shadow guards led by Liu Jiannu and Zhang Han, there was no stopping power at all.

In about two quarters of an hour, the battle was completely over.

"Report, in this battle our army killed 180,000 enemy troops, escaped 20,000 people, and lost 3,000 shadow guards." Zhang Han stood in front of Lu Feng and reported.

He looked sad.

There were only 30,000 shadow guards, and everyone was personally selected by him. They were all elites, but this battle directly lost 3,000 people.

And of the three thousand shadow guards lost, half of them were damaged under the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow.

Although the Holy Crossbow was only partially fired, it could cause huge losses.

Although they killed more enemies than this loss, Zhang Han was still not happy.

Lu Feng sighed lightly and said, "The lost shadow guards will be given ten times the pension."

"I will obey the order at the end." Zhang Han replied.

After a brief pause, Zhang Han continued: "Your Majesty, we have also seized all of the Saint Extinguishing Crossbows. Two hundred of them are intact, but the other one hundred are damaged, and more than fifty of them have been completely scrapped, but they have not been found. How many crossbow arrows, only less than a thousand."

Lu Feng was quite satisfied with this news.

In fact, the biggest result of this battle is these holy crossbows.

The fact that the Nanyan Kingdom obtained these holy crossbows was equivalent to breaking the foundation of the Liyang Dynasty army threatening the camp from the high mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road.

However, the Liyang Dynasty only purchased 300 Saint-Destroyer Crossbows, and it was impossible for Oufeng Firm to sell more Saint-Destroyer Crossbows to the Liyang Dynasty.

After all, these are the trump cards of the Cangchu Dynasty. If this time it wasn't to limit the development of the Nanyan Kingdom, or to limit the development of Wangqing Daomen's influence in Yuzhou, the Cangchu Dynasty would definitely not sell it to the Liyang Dynasty.

Lu Feng said: "Take all the Sacred Crossbow back, give the damaged ones to Lu Ban, and give him three more intact ones, so that he has time to study.


The last time Lu Feng returned from Shanghai City, he brought back the space shuttle, which he had already handed over to Luban, and asked Luban to study it himself to see if he could build it.

Compared to the Sacred Crossbow, Lu Feng actually valued the space shuttle more.

Because the space shuttle can be elusive.

Just like this war, if Lu Feng has a space shuttle to transport a million troops, he can directly dispatch a million troops to transport them to the rear of the enemy, and then there will be a wave of rushing from the rear, guaranteeing that they will kill Le Zhongjin. call mother.

It can change the tide of battle in an instant.

But unfortunately, now he doesn't have that much space for a shuttle.

Only to see Lu Ban.

However, Lu Feng is still very confident in it. He is a master craftsman after all. With real research, he should not disappoint Lu Feng.


Soon, Lu Feng left the mountain on the right side of Lianyun Dao with the Shadow Guard and the Sacred Crossbow, leaving behind the corpses of the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Liyang Dynasty.

As for occupying the mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road, Lu Feng never had the idea.

Although now occupying the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road can control the initiative in the battlefield, it is of little significance to the Kingdom of Nanyan.

Right now, the main force of the Liyang Dynasty army is still there, and there are several million army of Zonglan Kingdom behind him. If Lu Feng lets the army occupy the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, he will be attacked continuously by the enemy army.

Unless the people from the Liyang Dynasty and the Zonglan Kingdom are fools, or they will definitely not give up the mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road.

At that time, once the consumption is exhausted, the Nanyan Kingdom will definitely not be able to consume a dynasty and a strongest kingdom when Lingjianzong dominated Yuzhou.

Therefore, instead of wasting troops on the high mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road, it is better to let them go.

Anyway, the Nanyan Kingdom is in control of the Evil Dragon River, which is enough to cooperate with the camp.

In addition, the Saint-Destroyer Crossbow, which could threaten the camp before, had already fallen into his hands, and the mountain on the right side of Lianyun Dao had less significance to the Nanyan Kingdom than when he discussed it with Yue Fei.

Let it go and let it go.

In addition, with the Sacred Sacred Crossbow in hand, the Nanyan Kingdom controlled by Lu Feng also has concentrated iron ore, which can make a lot of crossbow arrows. At that time, the mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road will be within the range of the Sacred Sacred Crossbow.

Once the decisive battle comes, Le Chongjin, the general of the Liyang Dynasty, will definitely be very pleasantly surprised.


"Cough, cough, cough."

In the Liyang Dynasty military camp, Zhang Mo coughed after bringing Le Chongjin back, and blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Master Huangzu, are you alright?" Le Chongjin hurriedly supported him.

"Cough, cough, cough."

Zhang Mo coughed again and said, "I've been injured a little bit, just take care of it."

The two consecutive attacks by the spear god just now made Zhang Mo injured, and it was not light, otherwise he would not have escaped so decisively.

This also made him very jealous. The combat power of the gun god is really terrifying, and he is not an opponent in the semi-holy realm.

Could it be that he is about to break through to the Holy Venerable?

Zhang Mo couldn't answer this question himself, because he was on the semi-sacred road, and he had absolutely no idea what it would be like to break through from the peak of the Emperor's Nine Heavens to the realm of the Holy Venerable under normal circumstances.

Now I can't analyze the state of the gun god, only know that the gun god's combat effectiveness is very strong.


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Mo sat cross-legged on the ground, and after a week's flow of energy in his body, he said to Le Chongjin, "Report the situation to Your Majesty immediately, and don't hide anything."


Without Zhang Mo reminding Le Chongjin, he didn't dare to hide anything, he hurried to report the news back.

It didn't take long for Zhang Liyuan, the emperor of the Liyang Dynasty, who was sleeping with his concubine, to get the news.

Then, not caring about the concubine's glamorous and attractive body, he hurried to the imperial study, and then let people inform the ancestor Zhang Hengyuan, the princess Zhang Jiaqi, and his younger brother Zhang Licheng, the king of Zhenbei of the dynasty.

After a while, Zhang Hengyuan brought Zhang Jiaqi there, and then Zhang Licheng arrived.

"The emperor's summons, coming so slowly, what a formality!" Zhang Hengyuan stared at Zhang Licheng and said coldly.

Zhang Licheng took a deep look at his brother, without saying anything, he just sat in his seat.


"Okay, let's get down to business first." Zhang Hengyuan just wanted to get angry when Zhang Hengyuan said.


Zhang Hengyuan glared at Zhang Licheng, then looked at his ancestor Zhang Hengyuan, and then at his daughter Zhang Jiaqi, sighed, and said, "There is news from the front line, after the vanguard army was defeated and returned, Le Chongjin led the troops for a second. Hundreds and three hundred thousand attacked Yue Fei's camp, but in the end they were still defeated."

"In the evening, Le Chongjin led his troops to set up an ambush on the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, and successfully ambush Lu Feng who came to attack at night, but in the end it was still a big defeat. Not surprisingly, those holy crossbows purchased by the dynasty from Oufeng Commercial Bank are now It also fell into Lu Feng's hands."

"The war ahead... is not optimistic!"

Zhang Hengyuan's voice was trembling when he said this. The dignified Liyang Dynasty used troops against a kingdom, and it turned out to be like this. It's a joke when it spreads out!

"Hmph, a bunch of trash!"

Zhang Licheng snorted coldly, stared at Zhang Jiaqi, and said, "If I had let this king lead the army at that time, the enemy army would have been broken long ago, so how could there be a major defeat now?"

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