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The reason for the sigh of relief was because in this way, there was no need to fight with the army of the Nanyan Kingdom in a short time.

You must know that after the night battle on the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, he lost the Holy Crossbow and lost nearly 200,000 troops.

If he were allowed to continue to attack the enemy camp with the assistance of naval battleships, he really didn't have much confidence in winning.

Now that the emperor's order came down, for now, he is naturally relieved.

"Your Majesty, the enemy army has completely shrunk, and has begun to set up a defensive formation, and it is also on the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road."

"After our army retreated, Le Chongjin sent another 300,000 troops to set up a defensive formation, and destroyed the mountain road facing us. It seems that he is ready to continue to defend."

In the military camp of the Nanyan Kingdom, Zhang Han immediately reported the discovery of the Shadow Guard to Lu Feng.

"Strange, what does Le Chongjin mean? Stop attacking, are you going to use this as a position to defend?" Zhang He said with some doubts.

Lu Feng frowned slightly, he was also wondering about Le Chongjin's plan, which was a little abnormal.

Your side is a kingdom. You have defeated your dynasty three times, and your dynasty has lost all face. You don't want to take revenge, but you want to hold your ground. What does this mean?


At this moment, a soldier ran in outside and said loudly, "Your Majesty, General Zhou Yu has heard news that the navy scouts have found that the army of Zonglan Kingdom has arrived, and it is completely arranged by the river."

"This is to prevent our army from landing on the riverside and attacking the Lezhongjin Barracks." After Yue Fei said, he looked at Lu Feng and said, "Your Majesty, looking at the various arrangements of the enemy's army, he really intends to hold the position and guard against evil dragons. On the other side of the river, I don't want to fight with our army anymore."

"It seems that the enemy is afraid of being beaten and dare not attack again." Shen Zhengwen and some lieutenants laughed.

"Absolutely not!"

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "We are now facing the Liyang Dynasty, one of the top ten dynasties. They can't just let it go. They definitely have some plans."

"Yue Fei."

"The end is here."

"You arrange the scouts immediately,

Do a good job of investigating the news, and if there is any movement from the enemy, you must report it as soon as possible. "


"Zhang Han!"

"The end is here."

"You immediately send shadow secret guards to sneak into the Zonglan Kingdom's military camp. I want to know what's going on with the Zonglan Kingdom's army."

"The end will follow the order!"

"Okay, go down and make arrangements immediately."


Soon, all the generals in the barracks left, leaving only Lu Feng in the barracks.

He stared at the map near the Evil Dragon River in front of him and frowned, his expression not looking good.

It is said that the enemy is not attacking now, which is good news for them.

But Lu Feng knew very well that if the enemy did not attack, it would not be good news for the Nanyan Kingdom.

Once the Liyang Dynasty intends to stick to the high mountains on the right side of the Evil Dragon River and Lianyun Road, and plan to block the way for the Nanyan Kingdom to attack the Zonglan Kingdom, it will make the later development of the Nanyan Kingdom very difficult.

With the army of Liyang Dynasty and Zonglan Kingdom, it is a very simple thing to keep this line.

On the contrary, it is very difficult for the Nanyan Kingdom to break through the enemy's defense.

"Really just." Lu Feng looked at the map and said suddenly.

"Subordinates are here."

Really just appeared in the barracks.

"Send the order to the Jinyiwei spy in the Liyang Dynasty, and let them find a way to find out the exact news of the Liyang Dynasty. In addition, let Gu Wenqian also investigate the news as much as possible." Lu Feng ordered.

Lu Feng must know what happened inside the Liyang Dynasty, and then he can judge what Zhang Liyuan's plan is.


Zhen Gang immediately went down to give orders according to Lu Feng's order.

In the blink of an eye, five days have passed.

Lu Feng stood at the head of the Walled City, looking at Lianyun Road, for a long time without saying a word.

In the past five days, the army of Zonglan Kingdom on the other side of the Evil Dragon River has gathered three million.

The entire three million army did not launch any offensive, but instead built defensive fortifications on the shore. Judging from the appearance, it was really preparing for the Nanyan Kingdom to break out from the Evil Dragon River.

The remaining 800,000 troops under Le Chongjin of the Liyang Dynasty also did the same.

They arranged for an army of 300,000 troops on the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road to build fortifications day and night for five days, turning the entire mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road into a huge defensive position.

For now, it is basically impossible for Lu Feng to take the shadow guard to attack the mountains on the right side of Lianyun Dao at night.

In order to detect this news, the shadow guards under Lu Feng had already lost several excellent scouts.

There is also the Le Chongjin army camp in front of Lianyun Road, which is also building fortifications. In five days, the built fortifications are no less than the camp of the Nanyan Kingdom behind Lianyun Road.

And also added the previous siege vehicle to the defensive position.

Yue Fei and the others speculated based on the situation that, given the current defense of the Lezhongjin Camp, if the Nanyan Kingdom wanted to attack, it might have lost more than ten to two hundred thousand troops before they approached the enemy camp.

And Lu Feng has never had a smile on his face for the past five days.

Because everything the enemy has done, the purpose is very clear, that is, to block the Lianyun Road, that is, to block the road of Nanyan Kingdom's development to the south.

It is to force your Nanyan Kingdom to develop northward.

This is the purpose of the Liyang Dynasty!

As the monarch of the Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng knew very well what this meant. Naturally, he couldn't be happy.

"Your Majesty, there is news from Jinyiwei and Guxuan Business about the internal decision of the Liyang Dynasty."

The head of the Walled City of the Great Military Camp had just arrived at Lu Feng's side, holding two jade tubes in his hands.

Lu Feng took the jade tube, opened it and looked at the information inside.

The information of the two jade tubes was similar, but they both mentioned one key point. The Liyang Dynasty was mobilized internally and began to dispatch a large amount of grain to the Zonglan Kingdom. The purpose was to supply the Liyang Dynasty's army in the Zonglan Kingdom.

At the same time, some will be sold to Zonglan Kingdom to ensure that Zonglan Kingdom's food and grass will not be exhausted due to long-term defense.

There is an important point in this message.

Defense for a long time!

This already means that the Liyang Dynasty has given up the offensive and has directly defended it, ensuring that the army of the Nanyan Kingdom will not be attacked.

It took Jin Yiwei and Guxuan firm five days to find out the news, and it is conceivable how much difficulty they encountered.

Obviously, these news are classified in the Liyang Dynasty.

And this also proves Lu Feng's speculation in the past five days that the Liyang Dynasty did not plan to destroy the Nanyan Kingdom when the imperial call-up order was about to open, and when the Great Emperor Ruins was about to open.

They just want to block the road of the Nanyan Kingdom's continued development to the south, to force the Nanyan Kingdom to the northern grasslands, to compete with the northern barbarians for land, and to compete with the Wu people for land!

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