The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 966 Ou Yezi's suffering

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"Damn Liyang Dynasty!"

Lu Feng cursed secretly, looking very unwilling.

But now he has no choice.

If five days ago, he had an army of two million in his hands, he would definitely lead the troops to fight without hesitation and take the initiative in his own hands.

But he didn't have that many troops in his hands, and the two million-strong army led by Gao Shun couldn't support him in an instant!

Now, five days have passed.

The enemy has already laid out the defenses, and all the fortifications are almost built.

At this time, even if Gao Shun's support arrived, he could no longer attack the enemy camp.

Because the enemy's fortifications are not only intact, but also the three million army of Zonglan Kingdom has arrived.

At this time, even if there are many elites in the Nanyan Kingdom, it is impossible to break through the enemy army!

This move of the Liyang Dynasty really blocked the way of the Nanyan Kingdom.

It also made Lu Feng's heart quite bitter. Who would have thought that the Liyang Dynasty still had hundreds of thousands of troops in the current dynasty, and there were also three million troops in the Zonglan Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Nanyan even more disgraced its face and brought shame to the head of the dynasty.

But in this case, they actually chose to swallow the bitter fruit, so that the army of nearly 4 million would not attack under the defense of the enemy's army of only 1.5 million combined by land and water.

Instead, he frantically built defenses and worked together to prevent the attack of a kingdom far below his own.

It's just a joke.

Whether it was Yuzhou or the rest of the Kyushu mainland, no one would have thought that a dynasty would make such a choice when fighting a kingdom far inferior to their own.

Lu Feng felt really helpless.

Isn't Zhang Liyuan, the emperor of the Liyang Dynasty, not afraid that this matter will spread out and make the Liyang Dynasty lose face?

When the dignified dynasty had an army of more than three million and close to four million,

Facing a small kingdom, instead of choosing to attack, he chose to defend.

This is really a joke!

It's a total joke!

Lu Feng really couldn't understand, did Zhang Liyuan think so lightly of the face of the dynasty?

"Your Majesty, there is news from Master Ou Yezi about the Sacred Sacred Crossbow." At this moment, Yue Fei came over.

"Can crossbow arrows be made?"

After obtaining the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow, Lu Feng had someone send the news back to Ou Yezi, asking him to study the crossbow arrow.

I just didn't expect that Ou Yezi waited for five days before the news came back.

"Master Ou Yezi said that crossbow arrows can be made, but because of the particularity of the holy crossbow, the difficulty of making it is not under making a set of soldiers trapped in the camp."

"If it must be produced, it will not be possible to produce too many in a short period of time, and it will be difficult for the army to use it." Yue Fei said.

Lu Feng frowned slightly. After discovering that the Liyang Dynasty was planning to block the road for the continued development of the Nanyan Kingdom, he planned to use the powerful power of the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow to break the situation.

If it is used well, it is not that there is no chance to break through the enemy.

But now Ou Yezi's answer disappointed him a little. He didn't expect that it was just an ordinary Sacred Sacred Crossbow, and the difficulty of making it was similar to that of a soldier's armor.

"Besides that, what else did Ou Yezi say?" Lu Feng asked.

"Ou Yezi said that if His Majesty wants to use the Sacred Crossbow, his suggestion is to ask Master Lu Ban to improve it and reduce the requirements of the Sacred Sacred Crossbow for the crossbow itself." Yue Fei replied.

The Saint-Destroyer Crossbow has extremely high requirements on the bolts. The bolts made of ordinary iron and stone cannot withstand the huge power generated when the Saint-Destroyer Crossbow is fired, and will shatter directly.

This will even lead to the destruction of the entire Holy Crossbow.

Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to use fine iron stone with sufficient hardness to make the crossbow.

"Let Lu Ban improve the Holy Crossbow?"

Lu Feng pondered slightly, shook his head, and said, "This idea may work later, but not now."

"Right now, we need the powerful power and range of the Holy Crossbow to break the formation. Once the power of the Holy Crossbow becomes smaller, the effect will be greatly reduced, and it is difficult to meet our previous requirements."

"Besides, even if Lu Ban is ordered to improve now, it is unlikely that he will be able to develop the improved Saint-Destroyer Crossbow within a month." Lu Feng shook his head and said.

"However, Your Majesty, if it weren't for this, now we can't make enough Saint-Destroyer crossbow arrows in the rear, and the Saint-Destroyer crossbow in our hands is not very useful!" Yue Fei said with a wry smile.

Lu Feng didn't answer, but after being silent for a while, he said, "I will go to see Ou Yezi first and ask him about his specific situation. You stay in the camp and always pay attention to the movement of the enemy."


Without further delay, Lu Feng immediately took the teleportation array from the barracks to Ernong County, one of the three northern counties.

Ernst \u0026 Young County is the only one of the three northern counties that is close to the barren hills.

At that time, after Lu Feng discovered that the barren mountain was composed of refined iron ore, he moved the people from the area close to the barren mountain in Ernong County to the other two counties among the three northern counties.

The empty area has directly become the weapons production base of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Here, in addition to the people who make weapons, the only people you see are the army and the Jinyiwei, the shadow guard, and the guards are very strict.

But the base outside is not a real iron stone forging ground. The real place is a place in the barren mountain, designed and built by Ou Yezi himself.

From that place to the outside, there is only one exit, and that is a specific teleportation array!

Other than that, there's nowhere else to get out.

This is more able to ensure that the iron stone ore will not be exposed.

Lu Feng went directly to the iron stone forging ground in the barren mountain through a specific teleportation array.

Just entered, the oncoming is a wave of heat, and ordinary people will definitely not be able to bear it.

But now all the craftsmen here are craftsmen under the command of Ou Yezi, and they are all craftsmen of high rank.

"My minister Ou Yezi, see Your Majesty."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

Ou Yezi, who was here, felt it when Lu Feng first arrived, and immediately came to see him.

"No need to be polite, get up quickly." Lu Feng said.

"Thank you Lord Long."

Ou Yezi got up and stood in front of Lu Feng.

"Ou Yezi, I'm here to ask about the production of the Sacred Extinguishing Crossbow Arrows. Is it really very difficult?" Lu Feng asked directly without delaying.

"Your Majesty, I would never dare to lie to you."

Ou Yezi smiled bitterly and said: "The crossbow arrow is not just finished by making the fine iron stone into that shape, but also needs to engrave a specific pattern on it. This pattern can ensure that when the holy crossbow is fired, the terrifying energy is stored in the pattern. "

"When the crossbow arrow hits the ground, the energy in the pattern will be released, causing a wide range of damage. It is precisely because of this that the power of the holy crossbow is so great."

"Therefore, if you want to make a crossbow bolt completely, you must carve the lines on the crossbow bolt, and the speed of carving the lines is very slow. Even if a minister comes to carve, if you don't do anything else in a day, you can only carve out at most. One hundred crossbow arrows."

Hearing this, Lu Feng frowned.

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