The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 968 The Land of Nations

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Ou Yezi knew very well that the crossbow arrows that had just been made successfully must need the blessing of Xuanwen.

In the entire Nanyan Kingdom, apart from Lu Feng, there were no other ancient formation mages who could not use Xuanwen.

This basically means that this approach is not very useful.

Listening to this, Lu Feng shook his head and said, "Since this method is possible, then I have a way to solve this problem."

"Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Five Elements Mystery, Congeal!"

With a low voice, Lu Feng quickly made a few handprints with both hands and condensed them in the void, turning them into a five-element mysterious text.

"The technique of the five elements is based on the earth."

"Five elements solid soil formation, congeal!"

As Lu Feng's voice fell, the five elements of Xuanwen condensed in the void quickly fell and burrowed into the ground beneath their feet.


A burst of humming came from the ground, and it lasted for a long time before it stopped.

At the same time, Lu Feng's movements also stopped.

"Your Majesty, what is this?" Ou Yezi asked with some doubts.

"You can feel the surroundings and see what's different." Lu Feng smiled.

Ou Yezi still had a puzzled expression on his face, but he still listened to Lu Feng's order, released his perception, and probed the surrounding movement.

Soon, he opened his eyes and said: "The power of the earth affected by the five elements of the surrounding earth elements has increased dozens of times!"

"Yes, it is the power of the earth!"

Lu Feng nodded, stared at the molds, and said, "The power of the earth is the most solid and stable force in the five elements. I use the five elements to draw out the power of the earth, and then pour it into the molds for making crossbow arrows. Increase the hardness of the mold.”

"In this way, the huge energy fluctuations generated when the crossbow arrow is formed cannot damage the mold, allowing the mold to successfully make the crossbow arrow."


Ou Yezi looked at Lu Feng,

Said: "Your Majesty, even if you use the power of the earth to increase the hardness of the mold, how can you embed the True Qi into the crossbow as an introduction?"

"You don't have to worry about this. When the crossbow bolt is formed, you only need to bless the infuriating energy in the power of the earth, and the power of the earth can embed the infuriating energy in the crossbow bolt without affecting others." Lu Feng said.

Hearing this, Ou Yezi breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said, "This minister will go to make molds."

Before, he thought that this method would not be successful, and only two or three molds were made. Now that this method is effective, it is natural to make more.

In the next few days, Lu Feng plans to stay here, waiting for Ou Yezi to make enough molds.


The westernmost county in the twelve counties of Aoxiang is called Fanghua County. Further west from here is the area with the most small kingdoms in Yuzhou.

known as the Land of Nations.

This place is a bit similar to the ancient Western Regions of China. It is not a big place, but there are many countries, dozens of large and small.

Some countries call it a country to the outside world, but in fact, it is no bigger than a larger city in the Nanyan Kingdom.

Some of them can have the Nanyan Kingdom as a county, and they can be considered big countries in this so-called land of nations.

And because this place is in a remote area and very barren, few forces are willing to extend their sales here.

Basically no interest in this place.

That's why so many small countries exist in this place.

Except for one country, the former Aoxiang Kingdom.

The Aoxiang Kingdom was famous for its low combat effectiveness in the southwest of Yuzhou, but this low combat effectiveness was only compared to the previous Nanyan Kingdom, Ziyang Kingdom, Bailan Kingdom, Hongbao Kingdom, Jinshui Kingdom and Zonglan Kingdom.

Compared with these small countries in this land of nations, their army is still very powerful.

As the kingdom closest to this area, the Aoxiang Kingdom did not have the strength to develop its power in other directions, so it set its sights on this land of nations.

More than 200 years ago, a large army of more than 2 million people wanted to take the land of the kingdoms, but in the end, these small kingdoms in the land of the kingdoms were entangled, and the army of more than 2 million people of the Aoxiang Kingdom was repelled. Dare to attack this place again.

But because this is the result of the grouping of these small countries in the Land of Nations, these small countries are not at ease. After all, they are for the benefit of the group. When the Aoxiang Kingdom withdraws its troops, no one knows what will happen.

So in the end, a dramatic situation occurred, and many small countries sent people to the Aoxiang Kingdom to be their vassals and paid tribute every year.

Aoxiang Kingdom is also very happy.

This situation lasted for a hundred years, until more than a hundred years ago, a rather powerful small kingdom in the Land of Nations stopped paying tribute.

Then it made the Aoxiang Kingdom furious and sent troops to attack this small country. There were more than two million troops, but in the end, the ridiculous thing was that the small country was beaten by less than 500,000 troops.

In the end, it even hit the territory of the original Aoxiang Kingdom, and it was not until Aoxiang Longwei took action that the army of this small country was repelled.

It was this battle that made the army's low combat effectiveness completely synonymous with the Aoxiang Kingdom in the southwest of Yuzhou.

But since then, the Aoxiang Kingdom has no intention of accepting tribute from these small countries, and in order to avoid such a thing from happening again, they built a defensive city, Longping City, in a dangerous place closest to the land of the kingdoms in Fanghua County. , to guard against the invasion of those small nations in the Land of Nations.

And it was a complete joke at the time.

But I have to say that their Longping City was built perfectly, relying on a steep mountain, blocking the only way for the land of the kingdoms to develop to the Aoxiang Kingdom.

It can be said that one husband is in charge, and ten thousand people do not open it.

Today, Zhang Liao leads all the troops of the twelve counties of Aoxiang, with a total of two million troops guarding Longping City and guarding against the coalition forces of these small countries.

More precisely, it was used to guard against Zhao She, the general who came out of the Hundred Kingdoms Academy.

Jia Xu was also here. On the one hand, he was in charge of Jinyiwei's intelligence system in the land of the kingdoms, and on the other hand, he was also Zhang Liao's military advisor in this battle.

In the main mansion of Longping City, Zhang Liao was in the battle hall, staring at the map in front of him, frowning slightly.

The map shows the current location of the small coalition forces in the Land of Nations.

A few days ago, the coalition forces of these small countries had converged to a place not far from Longping City to build Dazhai.

But there was no immediate attack!

Jinyiwei heard news that after Zhao She, the leading general, became the commander-in-chief of the coalition, the first thing he did was to forcefully control all the military power in his own hands with the help of Baiguo Academy and the Liyang Dynasty.

The original commanders of those small countries were all under house arrest by him using an excuse.

It is precisely because of this move that Zhang Liao thinks highly of Zhao She.

If Zhao She doesn't want to control the military power completely in his own hands, the so-called coalition forces may be defeated before they fight.

Because, the small countries formed by this small country coalition are dozens of large and small, and they are chaotic. In addition, there will be more or less contradictions between them.

To keep their generals in power is undoubtedly an act of courting death.

Zhao She did a beautiful job.

But what made Zhang Liao look at Zhao She even more was Zhao She's next arrangement.

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