The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 969 Ryuheijo in trouble

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At first, Zhang Liao thought that after Zhao She took control of the army, he would immediately launch an attack.

After all, the number of these small country coalition forces has already exceeded 10 million, which is five times the number of the defenders of Longping City.

In this case, direct attack is undoubtedly a good choice.

Even with a pile of human lives, it is possible to break the city.

And Zhang Liao was also prepared early. As long as Zhao She dared to attack in this way, he would be 100% sure to block all the enemy forces from Longping City, and get the first victory.

Then he will launch a counterattack, relying on the elite soldiers under his command, the pursuit of victory will undoubtedly win.

At that time, even if there are as many as ten million enemy troops, the final outcome will only be a complete defeat!

What made Zhang Liao's preparations fail was that Zhao She did not choose to order the army to attack directly, but chose to set up camp not far away, then set up defenses, and then selected five million young men to start training.

Seeing that, it turned out to be planning to train troops first, not to rush to attack.

It was the Nanyan Kingdom that was suffering in this way.

The current Nanyan Kingdom is fighting on three fronts, Dunchuan City and the Jinshui Kingdom, Chuanping County and the Liyang Dynasty, plus Longping City and the land of the kingdoms of these small kingdoms allied forces.

For the Nanyan Kingdom, the pressure was very, very great. If it weren't for the fact that Lu Feng had brought back a lot of resources from Guxuan Business before, he would not have been able to persist.

If Zhao She camped in front of Longping City and trained the army, he would completely hold back the army of Longping City. In this way, it would be impossible to consume Nanyan Kingdom for a long time.

As for offense, that's almost impossible.

Zhao She's defense arrangements were excellent, even if the soldiers defending the city were low in combat effectiveness, and there were thousands of troops, no matter how low their combat effectiveness was, relying on the camp, it would definitely be no problem to defend the attack of the two million army of the Nanyan Kingdom. .

It's perfectly fine to hold on for at least a month or two.

In addition, with the passage of time, Zhao She can also train the elites of the small-nation coalition forces, which is definitely not a good thing for Zhang Liao, who is guarding Longping City.


Zhang Liao is also somewhat helpless now.

If Zhao She directly led his troops to attack the city, even if he took a step back and said that the two sides were fighting on the plain, Zhang Liao was confident that he would be able to defeat the rabble group of enemy troops.

But defending the city is hard to say.

"General, Prime Minister Jia Xu is here." At this moment, the personal soldiers walked in and said respectfully.

"Please!" Zhang Liao said immediately.

Soon, Jia Xu walked in under the leadership of his personal soldiers.

"I will meet the Prime Minister at the end." Zhang Liao saluted.

Jia Xu was the left prime minister of the Nanyan Kingdom, and in terms of official position, he was far above Zhang Liao.

However, in the face of Zhang Liao's salute, Jia Xu did not ask the big one, but smiled: "Why does Wen Yuan have to pay such a big salute? Your Majesty asked the next person to assist you, it is Wen Yuan, your military advisor, and the army in Longping City is still in battle. You have to order it."

Zhang Liao was relieved when he heard this. He was the chief general of Longping City, and naturally he should command the army to fight. But now Jia Xu is in the city, and he is also a military advisor. His official position is still the left prime minister of the kingdom, far above Zhang Liao.

If Jia Xu must command the army to fight, Zhang Liao is really hard to say.

Fortunately, Jia Xu did not have such an idea.

He also directly said that the command of the army was in his own hands, which made Zhang Liao admire Jia Xu quite a bit.

But not many ministers with official positions in the position of prime minister would be willing to lower their status to assist a general and be a military advisor.

Of course, he also knew that this was Lu Feng's order, and Jia Xu had to obey it.

Looking at Jia Xu, Zhang Liao asked, "Prime Minister, after you arrived at Longping City a few days ago, you disappeared and didn't appear until today. Did you go to investigate the enemy's situation?"

When Lu Feng learned that Zhao She was the allied army of the small countries, he asked Jia Xu to help Zhang Liao.

But after Jia Xu arrived, he told Zhang Liao and left with some Jin Yiwei, leaving Zhang Liao confused.


Jia Xu nodded with a smile, and said, "These days, I've been taking Jinyiwei to investigate the enemy's situation, and I already have some confidence in the current situation."

"Have some confidence?" Zhang Liao heard Yixi and immediately asked, "Could it be that the Prime Minister has something to do?"


"What way?" Zhang Liao asked anxiously.

"Let's go back first."

Jia Xu didn't say it immediately, but waited until everyone in the hall except him and Zhang Liao had left before saying, "I think the general has some understanding of the current situation of the enemy army, right?"

"I do understand."

Zhang Liao nodded, sighed softly, and said, "Zhao She is a smart person. What he does now is the most correct choice, completely limiting our army here."

"Unfortunately, it is a pity that I only have two million elite soldiers in my hands. If there is another one million, I will dare to try even if I take the initiative to attack the city, because the result will definitely be better than the current situation."

"Wen Yuan said that Zhao She is indeed a smart person, but there is a saying that smart is mistaken by smart. I have seen a flaw in the current arrangement in the past few days." Jia Xu said.

"What flaw?"

"Even though Zhao She was leading thousands of troops, he did not attack rashly. This was a very correct choice; he set up camp and trained the army, which was the second correct choice."

Zhang Liao heard that his brows were slightly wrinkled. He knew this, but he didn't know what Jia Xu meant.

After a slight pause, Jia Xu continued: "He made two correct choices, but he made a fatally wrong choice!"

"What choice?"

"He chose to put those small country generals under house arrest instead of beheading them!" Jia Xu said.

"What the prime minister means..." Zhang Liao stared at Jia Xu and said, "We release these small country generals and let them find their own army, so as to break all Zhao She's arrangements internally?"


"Well, tonight I will lead 50,000 elite soldiers to attack the enemy at night. As long as the Prime Minister can ask Jin Yiwei to tell me their exact location, I will be sure to release them." Zhang Liao said immediately.

"No, no, now is not the best time." Jia Xu shook his head slightly.

"Isn't the time?"

Zhang Liao was full of doubts, and said: "The current situation of the kingdom, the sooner the battle of Longping City ends, the greater the benefits to the kingdom. Now as long as we release those generals of the small country, we can break Zhao She's arrangement from the inside, and we will be able to Take the initiative on the battlefield and win this battle."

"Why did the Prime Minister say that now is not the best time?"

Zhang Liao really couldn't understand what Jia Xu meant.

"Even if we attack the enemy at night and release those small country generals, those small country generals will no longer be able to control their own army!" Jia Xu shook his head and said.

"why is that?"

Zhang Liao was puzzled and said, "Those generals will more or less establish their own prestige in their army, while Zhao She is just an outsider. As long as they show up, it's not difficult to control their former army, right?"

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