The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 970 Jia Xu Makes Another Strategy

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"It's usually like this, but now the enemy's situation is different."

Jia Xu shook his head and said, "The reason why Zhao She was able to take the military power of the generals of those small countries so easily is because these small country monarchs were afraid that the kingdom would do something to them, and wanted to unite to deal with the kingdom, and handed over the power to the Zhao She sent by Hundred Kingdoms Academy."

"But the most important aspect is that Zhao She has three elders from the Hundred Nations Academy following him, and the strength of these three elders has reached the first level of the emperor; in addition, Zhao She himself is a martial arts master, and his strength has reached the level of the emperor. The Emperor Eighth Heaven is very powerful."

"Zhao She was instructed by the monarchs of these small countries, and there were many martial arts masters around him, so he was able to control the military power so smoothly."

"Eighth Heaven of the Emperor!"

Zhang Liao was startled, he knew that Zhao She was a master of martial arts, but he didn't expect that Zhao She was actually a warrior of the Emperor's Eighth Heaven.

With a light sigh, Zhang Liao said, "If it weren't for the fact that Longping City has an army of 2 million, a dense army, and a large number of air-breaking arrows, perhaps Zhao She would have come over by virtue of his strong martial arts strength."

Now Zhang Liao understands why Jia Xu said that now is not a good time to start.

Zhao She's strength has reached the eighth level of the emperor, and there are three elders of the Hundred Kingdoms Academy from the first level of the emperor. With such martial arts strength, even if they can successfully release those small country generals, Zhao She can rely on himself. The strength of these people again put these people under house arrest.

At that time, all their efforts will be in vain and meaningless.

"Prime Minister, what can you do now?" Zhang Liao asked again.

"We must do two things. First, release those small country generals, which is the key to all plans; second, is the premise of all plans..."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Jia Xu said solemnly, "We must be the elders of the Hundred Kingdoms Academy who want to seriously hurt Zhao She and the three emperors around him!"

"As long as they are seriously injured, it is best to make them unable to use their true energy within a month or two, and then release those generals of small countries at this time to achieve the best results."

"And they can only be seriously injured, not killed. Once they are killed, Hundred Nations Academy will continue to send people, so what we do is still meaningless."


Zhang Liao frowned slightly.

Said: "Prime Minister, this method of yours is easy to say, but it is really too difficult to sit up."

Shaking his head, Zhang Liao continued: "If you want to kill them, as long as you can lead them out of the camp and shoot them with a large number of air-breaking arrows and air-breaking crossbows, there is still a good chance that they will be killed."

"But just wanting to seriously injure them, so that they can't use their true energy for a month or two, without hurting their lives, is too difficult."

With a light sigh, Zhang Liao said: "If we want to do this, unless we have warriors from the Emperor Jiuzhongtian here, or just relying on us, we can't do it at all."

Zhang Liao is also a master of martial arts, but he is more inclined to military generals.

But facing a warrior of the eighth-level emperor, it is too far away.

If it weren't for the presence of the army, Zhao She would have been able to kill him many times with the strength of his martial arts.

"Just relying on our strength is naturally not enough, so we need to ask His Majesty for help."

Jia Xu said: "As long as His Majesty sends the water-breaker among the six sword slaves, with the realm of the water-breaker emperor Jiuzhongtian, coupled with the combat power far exceeding superhuman, it is not difficult to achieve this."


Zhang Liao looked at Jia Xu and said, "The army led by His Majesty in Chuanping County is facing the main army of the Liyang Dynasty and the Zonglan Kingdom. There are many experts in the Liyang Dynasty. In this situation, can Duan Shui leave there?"

"His Majesty also has the spear prodigy Tongyuan next to him. His strength is at the peak of the Emperor's Nine Heavens, and he just defeated the semi-sage ancestor Zhang Mo of the Liyang Dynasty a few days ago. It is enough to deter the Liyang Dynasty in a short period of time. Jia Xu said.

"That's good."

Zhang Liao was relieved when he heard that, no longer worried, and said, "The Prime Minister, let's do this as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

Jia Xu nodded and immediately went down to let Jin Yiwei pass his request to Lu Feng.


Lu Feng spent five days at the weapon production base in Ouyezi, Barren Mountain, and helped to make more than 600 molds, which was enough for a short period of time.

The news from Jia Xu from Longping City just arrived when Lu Feng returned to the camp in Chuanping County.

"This Zhao She is indeed a powerful person."

"As expected to be one of the eight generals of the Six Eastern Nations at that time."

The news from Jia Xu not only wanted to ask Lu Feng to send water cutoff assistance, but also reported the current situation of Longping City.

When Lu Feng knew that the general sent by Hundred Kingdoms College to lead the army was Zhao She, he already thought that the situation on Zhang Liao's side would not be too easy.

But I didn't expect that this Zhao She did not attack rashly, but made a battle that I want to train troops and hold back your national strength.

I have to say that those who can leave a name in history have something special in their stomachs.

Lu Feng had already sent Jia Xu to help, but he still didn't expect that he was still in trouble.

In fact, the easiest and most effective way to get rid of Zhao She and his so-called 10,000-million-small-nation coalition is for Lu Feng to directly add two million troops to Zhang Liao, without saying a word, and directly attack the camp.

With the fighting strength of the Nanyan Kingdom's army, even if Zhao She had ten million coalition forces, it was impossible to stop him.

Because the tens of millions of coalition forces are rabble, but their own are well-trained elite soldiers.

Unfortunately, such an idea can only be thought about.

The current Nanyan Kingdom really does not have the strength to send two million troops to support Longping City, where Zhang Liao is located.

"Report, Your Majesty, General Gao Shun's two million troops are less than ten miles away from the barracks." At this moment, Zhang Han walked in and reported.

"Okay, Gao Shun is finally here!"

Lu Feng was overjoyed when he heard it.

After Changze City was broken, Gao Shun led a large army to Chuanping County, but the distance between the two was too far, and it took several days to arrive.

In this way, when Ou Yezi made enough Sacred Sacred Crossbow Arrows, it was not impossible for Lu Feng to organize a large army to counterattack.

Whether or not this idea works.

At least with the arrival of Gao Shun's two million army, the opportunity has come.

"Let Gao Shun, Lu Bu and Guo Jia come to see me immediately!" Lu Feng said to Zhang Han.


Zhang Han immediately went down to give orders.

Not long after, Gao Shun, Lu Bu, and Guo Jia, who received the order, rushed to Lu Feng's account as quickly as possible.

At this time, in addition to Lu Feng, there were also generals Yue Fei, Zhou Yu, Zhang Hand, Qin Qiong, Zhang He, and Shen Zhengwen.

Their purpose here is naturally to discuss how to use the forces at hand to break the current predicament under the current circumstances.

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