The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 971 Guo Jia supplements a plan

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"The last general Gao Shun."

"The last general Lu Bu."

"The last general Guo Jia."

"See Your Majesty."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

Gao Shun was the leader, and the three immediately knelt down in front of Lu Feng.

"No gift," Lu Feng said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The three stood up, found their place in the account and sat down.

Lu Feng looked at the people in the account, moved his hand, and handed over the news from Jia Xu to the generals to watch, and after everyone read it, he said, "Everyone, what do you think about Wen He's request? ?"

The generals in the account didn't speak, just looked at Guo Jia.

Jia Xu's request was not about the battle of the army, but about the strategy. Naturally, Guo Jia, one of the five advisors, should speak first.

Guo Jia pondered slightly, and said, "Your Majesty, Wen He's plan is very good and feasible, but I still have one concern."

"What worries?"

"The ability of Zhao She, the allied army of small nations that is currently leading the land of the nations, is obvious to all, and he is a handsome talent. According to Wen He's plan, if he and the elders of the Hundred Nations College around him are seriously injured and lose their combat effectiveness within a month or two, they will We have to let the water cut off and fight them head-on."

"And this requires Zhang Liao to be able to lead Zhao She out, and then have the opportunity to let Duan Shui and Zhao She fight head-on. If Zhao She can't leave the camp, even if Senior Tong Yuan goes, he won't be able to make it in a place with thousands of people. Zhao She and several martial arts emperors around him were seriously injured in the army camp of thousands of people."

Guo Jialue paused, then continued: "What Zhao She is doing now makes it clear that he wants to fight a protracted war, and he will never leave the camp easily. In this way, Wen He's strategy may fail."

Lu Feng pondered slightly, and said, "Wenhe should have this aspect in mind when using this strategy."

"I believe that Wenhe will definitely have this consideration, but I still think that we should help the battle of Longping City again.


"what for?"

"Liyang City!" Guo Jia said.

"Liyang City?"

Staring at Guo Jia, Lu Feng said, "Tell me, what does it have to do with Liyang City?"

"Your Majesty, we all understand the situation in Liyang City. Zhang Hengyuan, the ancestor of the royal family, dismissed the king of Zhenbei, Zhang Licheng, and made the king of Zhenbei, the highest military commander of the Liyang Dynasty, a simple member of the royal family."

"Before Zhang Licheng was the king of Zhenbei, he would not be so reconciled. I thought we could use Zhang Licheng for the fact that the coalition forces in the land of the kingdoms did not attack for a long time."

Although Guo Jia is not in Chuanping County these days, since the Liyang Dynasty launched its troops, the spies arranged by Jinyiwei in Liyang City will report back every move of the Liyang Dynasty royal family every day.

At first, they knew that Wang Zhanglicheng of Tangtang Zhenbei was a little surprised when he was dismissed.

"Different meter!"

Lu Feng's eyes flickered and he said, "Fengxiao, what do you think we should do?"

There are generals who can be completely trusted in the account, and Lu Feng will not shy away from them.

Seeing this, Guo Jia said, "In the Liyang Dynasty, although the ancestors of the royal family have a high status, in the army, their influence is far less than that of Zhenbei, who led the Liyang Dynasty's military power for decades. Wang Zhang was appointed."

"In this case, we only need to make some arrangements to let Zhang Licheng know that Zhao She, who is leading the army in the land of the kingdoms, will not launch the attack."

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said: "Unwilling to be removed from the throne, Zhang Licheng will definitely use his own connections to make a fuss in the army of the Liyang Dynasty, and the emperor Zhang Liyuan will definitely send someone to urge Zhao She to launch an attack. "

"At that time, there will naturally be an opportunity for Duan Shui to face Zhao She and the few Martial Dao emperors around him head-on. In this way, it will be able to add another layer of assurance to Wen He's plan!"

Lu Feng moved slightly in his heart and thought carefully about what Guo Jia said, it is indeed feasible, so he nodded and said, "It is feasible."

"It is inconvenient for Jin Yiwei to contact Zhang Licheng at Liyang City. I will let Gu Wenqian do this."

"Your Majesty Shengming." Guo Jia said respectfully.

"Break the water." Lu Feng shouted.

"My subordinates are here." Water-breaker's figure appeared in the account.

"Go to Longping City immediately, and obey Jia Xu's orders." Lu Feng ordered.

"Subordinates obey."

After the water cut off, the figure disappeared from the account.


After this matter was arranged, Lu Feng stared at Gao Shun, Yue Fei and the others in the account, and said solemnly, "We should come to deal with the alliance between Liyang Dynasty and Zonglan Kingdom in front of Lianyun Road!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

So many of them gathered here, the purpose is to solve this matter.

Even Guo Jia's face was dignified.

The predicament of Lianyun Dao is very, very important to the entire Nanyan Kingdom. If the predicament cannot be broken, the entire Nanyan Kingdom will be in difficulty!

"At the moment we have a total army of 3.7 million, including 300,000 iron cavalry and 1 million navy soldiers, but we face more than 3.8 million enemies, of which more than 800,000 are elite soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty, and their combat effectiveness is extremely high. strong, and the enemy has a terrain advantage."

"And our advantage is the 300,000 iron cavalry, 200 holy crossbows, and sufficient crossbow arrows, and we also control the water advantage."

"Next, how should the Kingdom's army fight, you can speak freely!"

Lu Feng opened the entire map and said to the generals in the account.

But after his voice fell, there was no sound coming out of the account.

Yue Fei, Zhou Yu, Qin Qiong, Zhang He, and Shen Zhengwen have been in the camp these days.

They are always studying how to fight.

But in the end there was no clue.

The reason is very simple. The advantage of the Nanyan Kingdom lies in the Sacred Crossbow and Naval Warships. Among them, the Sacred Sacred Crossbow is a big killer, but Le Zhongjin himself is a person who uses the Sacred Sacred Crossbow. He knows that two hundred Sacred Sacred Crossbows have fallen. In the hands of Nanyan Kingdom, unless it is a fool, or it will definitely make a defense.

And the naval battleship is indeed a big advantage, and Cola Chongjin also thought of this, and withdrew from the attack range of the naval battleship after the camp.

The army of Zonglan Kingdom on the banks of the Evil Dragon River has built very strong fortifications, which are enough to defend against the bed crossbow shooting of the naval battleships.

It is too difficult to land from the Evil Dragon River.

But the advantage that the Liyang Dynasty has at the moment is very deadly, because they occupy the high mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road, and from high to low, they can bring the entire Lianyun Road into the attack range.

In other words, if the Kingdom of Nanyan wanted to counterattack, as long as it moved troops from Lianyun Road, it would always be within the attack range of the mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road.

When an army of several million attacks, it may lose hundreds of thousands before reaching the enemy camp.

This is clearly not feasible!

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