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As for taking the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, they had not thought about it, but after the last night attack, Le Zhongjin learned to be smart.

Not to mention the destruction of the mountain road up the mountain from Chuanping County, the air-breaking arrow formation and fortifications are even more solid, almost eliminating the chance of breaking the formation.

Even if there is a holy crossbow, it cannot be said that the arrangement of the Kaile Heavy Brocade on the high mountain on the right can be broken.

Therefore, Yue Fei and others have nothing to do right now.

Lu Bu didn't speak either. Although he had just arrived, Jin Yiwei would report to him at any time the battle report of Chuanping County and the movement of the enemy.

Naturally, he also understands the current situation very well. It is not so simple to break the formation.

Gao Shun also did not speak, his eyes were always on the map.

As for Guo Jia, he looked solemn and stared at the map.

"Fengxiao, what do you say?"

When the generals in the account did not speak, Lu Feng looked at Guo Jia, one of his five advisors, and asked.

If there is no way for the generals in the account at the moment, then all hope is on Guo Jia.

Facing Lu Feng's question, Guo Jia gave a wry smile and said, "Your Majesty, this minister... I have nothing to do right now."

As smart as him, facing such a predicament, he couldn't think of a good solution for a while.

Because the most difficult problem at the moment is that the royal family of the Liyang Dynasty chose to stick to their positions and did not plan to continue to attack the Nanyan Kingdom.

However, the enemy's army is no longer under its own, and it occupies an absolutely favorable terrain.

In this case, it is really too difficult to break the game.

As for the strategy and calculation, Guo Jia did not think about it.

He even imagined sending Jin Yiwei to spread the news inside the Liyang Dynasty, saying that Le Chongjin was greedy for life and fear of death, did not dare to fight against a kingdom, lost the face of the dynasty, and then let people inside the dynasty force the emperor to change generals.

And the Kingdom of Nanyan can wait until the beginning of the enemy's change of generals,

When you are not familiar with the army, launch an attack immediately, and the winning rate will be very, very high.

But after thinking about it, he still gave up.

There are two reasons. First, the attitude of the Liyang Dynasty is obvious. Before the Great Emperor Ruins, it did not mean to swallow the Nanyan Kingdom in one fell swoop. It just wanted to limit the development of the Nanyan Kingdom, so as to avoid the chaos of Yuzhou after the Great Emperor Ruins. , caught fire behind him.

The second reason is because Le Chongjin led his troops to experience three major defeats, the vanguard, the main force, and the night attack. The loss of soldiers was as high as 700,000, but even so, the position of Le Zhongjin's leading general remained unchanged.

This is what the smart person arranged in the Liyang Dynasty told the Nanyan Kingdom, even if Le Chongjin lost three times, we would not take his position, on the contrary, we would continue to trust him.

In this case, Le Chongjin does not say that he is grateful to the royal family of the Liyang Dynasty, at least he will be careful and careful in the follow-up actions, and it is difficult to make mistakes again and fail for the fourth time. Because he knew that if he made another mistake, his life might be lost.

Therefore, Le Zhongjin will be very vigilant in his actions behind!

The most important reason for the first three defeats was because Le Chongjin underestimated the Nanyan Kingdom too much, causing the entire line to collapse. With this kind of experience, even if Le Chongjin was a fool, he could no longer underestimate the Kingdom of Nanyan.

Therefore, at present, it is very, very difficult for the Nanyan Kingdom to defeat Le Chongjin, who has an army of more than three million.

Not to mention that Le Chongjin still used the army of more than three million to set up defenses, which was even more difficult.

Obviously, the person in the Liyang Dynasty who arranged for Le Chongjin to continue to serve as the main general of the army had long thought of all this, so Guo Jia would say that the person who arranged all this was a smart person.

And this, it also completely eliminated the Nanyan Kingdom's intention to act from the inside, and could only fight head-on.

However, in the current situation, even if there is a holy crossbow, it is really impossible to fight the Nanyan Kingdom head-on!

The enemy's advantage is too great!

Faced with such a predicament, Guo Jia could only sigh, helpless.

Lu Feng frowned even more, he didn't think that Guo Jia would have no choice in the face of the current predicament.

"Hey, could it be that the Nanyan Kingdom is really going to be blocked by the Liyang Dynasty?" Lu Feng sighed.

The generals in the account all bowed their heads, looking ashamed, and more still unwilling.

The potential and development momentum of the Nanyan Kingdom was unprecedentedly good, but the Yang Dynasty couldn't stand it anymore, and the whole situation was on the verge of collapse.

Once this difficulty cannot be overcome, it will be really too difficult for the Nanyan Kingdom to develop.

Even after developing to the north, he can control the northern grasslands in his own hands, but what about after that? After passing the northern grasslands, they will face the Ice and Snow Dynasty, which ranks among the top ten dynasties in terms of combat power.

If even the dilemma of the Liyang Dynasty at the end of the ten dynasties cannot be broken, how can there be a chance to snatch the territory of the Ice and Snow Dynasty?

"Your Majesty, the last commander is willing to lead 300,000 loyal and righteous iron cavalry by himself to rush out for the kingdom!"

Lu Bu stood up and said solemnly: "If the enemy army is not defeated, the iron cavalry will not be returned!"

Lu Feng did not answer, but stared at the map in front of him.

It's not that he didn't think about the iron cavalry charge, on the contrary, he had already thought about it at the beginning of the face of the predicament.

But that doesn't work.

The enemy is not without a strong crossbow, not without a bed crossbow.

The 300,000 iron cavalry charge, charging in Lianyun Dao, a place that is not suitable for large-scale iron cavalry charge, is completely the target of the enemy's bed crossbow and strong crossbow.

300,000 cavalry, rushing to the remaining 10,000 or 20,000 is already a fortune in misfortune.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing that Lu Feng did not answer, Lu Bu shouted again, loudly: "Your Majesty, the kingdom is your hard work, are you willing to watch your hard work go to waste?"

"The last commander also knows that the iron cavalry charges with nine deaths, but even if it is nine deaths, there is still a chance!"

"If we do nothing and let the enemy continue to build fortifications, then we really have no chance!"

"Your Majesty, don't hesitate, don't hesitate!"

"Final seconded!"

Yue Fei stood up and said solemnly: "The Kingdom of Nanyan has waited for hundreds of years until you think that your Majesty is a monarch with great talent and strategy, and waited for hundreds of years to have such an opportunity to become a dynasty."

"This is a hundred years of luck for the Nanyan Kingdom!"

"Even if there is only a silver lining right now, we must not give up."

"The last commander is willing to lead 300,000 loyal and loyal cavalry with the hussar generals to turn this line of life into a royal road!"

"The last general and others agree!"

After Yue Fei, Zhou Yu, Qin Qiong, Zhang He, and Shen Zhengwen all stood up and said loudly.

Lu Feng still didn't answer, but his face became more solemn and his eyes were hesitant.

He is weighing the pros and cons.

spell? Still not fighting?

ps: Friends who are about to take the college entrance examination, come on!

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