The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 973 Angrily Rebuking Lu Bu

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Fight and win.

All is well and the kingdom will take off.

fight, lose.

The 300,000 loyal and righteous cavalry together with Lu Bu were killed in Huangquan, the dynasty lost its soldiers, the national strength was greatly damaged, and it would cast a shadow over the entire kingdom: the kingdom will always be a kingdom.

If you don't fight, you will give up the road of Lianyun Road, give up the hope of breaking out from the Zonglan Kingdom, and give up the hope of developing to the south of Yuzhou.

The advantage is that the kingdom will not fail too much, and it will not cast a shadow on the heads of the entire kingdom, so there are other opportunities, they can also accumulate national strength, plot the northern grasslands, and compete with the Wu tribe for territory.

It will not let the whole kingdom think that: a kingdom can only be a kingdom for a lifetime, and it will never become a dynasty.

Fighting or not fighting, the pros and cons here are things that Lu Feng, the emperor of the Southern Yan Kingdom, must weigh.

He has to come up with a decision.

And this decision is very likely to decide the future fate of Nanyan Kingdom.


While Lu Feng was weighing, Lu Bu knelt on the ground and said loudly, "Your Majesty, the kingdom must not give up this last hope! We really did not retreat!"

"Your Majesty, let's fight!"

"Your Majesty, please wait for the battle!"

Yue Fei and several others also knelt down to the ground in unison, begging for orders.

"War? I'm never afraid of a war!"

Lu Feng stood up, looked at the generals of Lu Bu who were kneeling in the account, and said, "A little over a year ago, when I was sixteen years old, I was still the crown prince. At that time, my father died and I ascended the throne as the new emperor."

"At that time, the powerful officials in the kingdom were in charge of the kingdom's government affairs, and the civil and military officials only knew that there were prime ministers, but not the emperor Lu Feng. By my side, the only generals were Mulan and Gao Shun, and there were only a few civil officials. An old minister who was wrongfully imprisoned."

"At that time, I was not afraid, and led the troops to kill Mo Dao and the Yunkong Mountain behind him."


An army of millions of Ziyang Kingdom invaded, trying to destroy our country and occupy our territory. "

"At that time, I was not afraid, I drove the army personally, led the Gao Shun Imperial Guards, led Feng Xian's loyal and righteous iron cavalry to meet the enemy, and ordered Meng Tian's army to come out, smash the enemy's army, and swallow the enemy's territory for thousands of miles."

"The army is returning to the DPRK, and my uncle is rebellious, leading hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers to try to kill me."

"At that time, I was not afraid, and led the army to defeat the rebellion, killing hundreds of thousands of enemies, and eliminating the kingdom's rebellion in one fell swoop."

"There will be rebellious families in the future, I will not be afraid, destroy the family, establish new regulations, reward those who respect the emperor, and kill those who rebel against the emperor."

"There is more bullying by the Spirit Sword Sect, the Three Kingdoms encircled Nanyan, and the northern barbarians invaded. I was not afraid, and led the troops to defeat them one by one, laying the foundation for the prosperity of the kingdom."

"Since I ascended the throne, I have encountered countless crises, and have passed through countless crises. I have never been afraid of a battle, big or small."

"War, I am not afraid!"

"But now the iron cavalry is charging, is this a battle? Or is it a death sentence?"

A cold light flashed in Lu Feng's eyes, staring at Lu Bu, at Yue Fei, at Zhou Yu, at Qin Qiong, Zhang He, and Shen Zhengwen, and loudly reprimanded: "The 300,000 iron cavalry, the 300,000 sons and daughters of the Nanyan Kingdom, charged in the war, If they die, they will die on the battlefield, and they will die properly."

"But right now, I know that the enemy has made all preparations. The strong crossbow, bow crossbow, and bed crossbow have been set up early, and they are waiting for my army to go."

"If you have an idea to let the infantry push forward with shields, I may consider it, but you actually let the iron cavalry charge. Isn't this why 300,000 iron cavalry go to die?"

"You and others are the generals of my Nanyan Kingdom and the pillars of my kingdom, but why do you say such a stupid thing?"

When Lu Bu proposed, Lu Feng was tempted, hesitating, and weighing the possibility of letting the cavalry charge.

But in the end, he gave up.

He has never been a soft-hearted person. He killed many people, not 100,000 but 80,000 or 90,000.

The number of people who died under his orders has already exceeded 10 million, and the number of people who killed the barbarians alone has already exceeded 50 million.

Not to mention the various battles, the number of enemies who died under his orders was even more.

But the people who died directly or indirectly at his hands, the premise is that they are all enemies of Lu Feng.

To the enemy, Lu Feng would never have any kindness, but what about his own soldiers?

Do you want him to be as iron-blooded, ruthless, and ruthless as he is to the enemy? As proposed by Lu Bu and others, let 300,000 iron cavalry charge, and let a group of iron cavalry that can't stop the enemy's bed crossbow, strong crossbow, and bow crossbow charge and die?

Isn't that what those who slandered Lu Feng said? Call him a tyrant!

Under the circumstances of knowing that it is not desirable, let 300,000 iron cavalry charge and die. Isn't this what a tyrant is?

Lu Feng was never soft-hearted, but he couldn't do it by letting his cavalry Erlang go to his death!

"Your Majesty, but this is our only chance!"

Lu Bu begged bitterly.

Lu Bu was unwilling to give up, and he did not want the kingdom to be blocked and lose the chance to become a dynasty.

"Okay, Lu Bu, you just said that this is a life-and-death move, so I will tell you now that your suggestion is not a life-threatening situation, but a life-threatening situation!"

Staring at Lu Bu, Lu Feng said solemnly, "You said that 300,000 cavalry charge and break the formation!"

"Okay, even if you can break through the formation, your 300,000 cavalry will break through the mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road and the enemy's arrow rain blockade. Tell me, how many of your 300,000 cavalry are left? "

Lu Bu narrowed his eyes and said, "But... it may be less than fifty thousand!"

"Then I'll give you fifty thousand people!"

Lu Feng continued: "50,000 iron cavalry, breaking through the enemy's shield soldiers, will lose at least 5,000 people, and then you have to face the 800,000 elites of the Liyang Dynasty, tell me, how do you use 40,000 people? Five thousand iron cavalry broke through the blockade of the enemy's 800,000 elite?"


Lu Bu was stunned for a while, not knowing how to answer.

If it were on the plain, Lü Bu could have used 45,000 iron cavalry to hold back hundreds of thousands of infantry.

But Lianyun Road is not a plain, and the location of Le Chongjin's camp is still on a slope, which will greatly weaken the power of the iron cavalry charge.

Forty-five thousand people, wanting to break through the 800,000 elite dynasty army formation is tantamount to a dream.

"Yue Fei, come and tell me, can the 45,000 iron cavalry break through the enemy army's 800,000 elite dynasty army?"

Seeing that Lu Bu didn't answer, Lu Feng stared at Yue Fei who was the first to agree and asked loudly.

Yue Fei lowered his head, thought for a while, and said, "As long as the iron cavalry can break through the enemy's shield formation, our infantry can keep up, and the follow-up troops can be guaranteed."

"Keep up, what are you keeping up with?"

Lu Feng shouted: "The speed of the cavalry charge is more than ten times that of the infantry. It takes at least half an hour for the infantry to go from our army's camp to the enemy's camp, and during this period, they will be shot by arrows from the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road. Kill, the speed will be reduced even more."

"When the infantry arrived in front of the enemy's formation, the cavalry would have been cleaned up by Le Chongjin's elite army!"

"Under such circumstances, tell me how my infantry can keep up with the speed of the cavalry and provide military support?"

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