The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 974 Gao Shun has a strategy

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Yue Fei was speechless. Indeed, he forgot to consider this point. The speed of cavalry and infantry were completely different.

The ordinary cavalry charge is on the plain, and the ability of the cavalry can disrupt the enemy's formation, and then the infantry arrives to besiege.

But this situation is really not good at the moment, the cavalry can't last that long.

Lu Feng looked at Yue Fei, shook his head slightly, and said, "Pengju, I know what you're thinking, but all the decisions I make at the moment must be calm and don't be impatient!"

Lu Feng knew very well that under normal circumstances, Yue Fei would definitely take a long-term view and would not agree with Lu Bu's proposal.

But things are really different now.

In Yue Fei's heart, he thought that he had not considered that the Liyang Dynasty would choose to stick to the position before, so he gave up the high mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road, which made the situation of the entire Nanyan Kingdom become very passive.

He believed that if he had held on to the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road at all costs at that time, and when the reinforcements arrived, he might have launched a counterattack immediately, and there would not have been the current predicament of the kingdom at all.

It was this kind of self-blame that kept Yue Fei from looking at this matter calmly.

After all, although Yue Fei in history is Yue Wumu who has a long history, Yue Fei, who was summoned by Lu Feng to the Kyushu mainland, was just a young man with extremely strong abilities, but only in his twenties.

There is still a long way to go from Yue Wumu, who has been famous for thousands of years in Chinese history, and it will take time for him to grow.

"I will be convicted at the end."

Yue Fei deserves to be Yue Wumu, who can be famous in history. He quickly reacted and realized how impulsive his previous second opinion was, and immediately pleaded guilty.

Lu Feng shook his head and did not blame Yue Fei.

After all, he is also for the Nanyan Kingdom, not for any other purpose.

Looking at Lu Bu again, Lu Feng said, "Fengxian, do you have anything else to say now? Do you still insist on leading 300,000 loyal and righteous cavalry to charge and break through the formation?"

"I will be convicted at the end."

Lu Bu is not stupid.

After Lu Feng's remarks, he woke up and realized how impulsive and irresponsible his previous proposal was, and should not be what a general should say.

Lu Feng also didn't blame Lu Bu, just like Yue Fei, Lu Bu's purpose was for the Nanyan Kingdom, and Lu Feng couldn't blame him for this.

But looking at Lu Bu, Lu Feng still reminded: "Fengxian, you are a general of the Kingdom's cavalry. You must think twice before making decisions. Don't make such impulsive things happen again today. Don't let me down."

During the battle with Bailan Kingdom, Lu Feng woke up Lu Bu and made Lu Bu make a lot of progress.

Now Lu Feng hopes that he will think more and think more.

After all, he was the first warrior he summoned. In his heart, Lu Feng was naturally more willing to let him progress faster and take on more important responsibilities.

"The last will know." Lu Bu responded immediately.

But after a brief pause, he was still a little unwilling, and said: "But Your Majesty, if we do nothing now, will we allow the Liyang Dynasty to slowly block the road from the kingdom to the Dynasty? In this way, we will make All your hard work was in vain!"

"If you can't go south, can't you go north?"

Lu Feng said with a smile: "The barbarians on the grasslands in the north are naturally much easier to deal with than the Liyang Dynasty. Now that there is no way to go south, we will deal with them first, and then slowly accumulate national strength. When there is an opportunity, we will find a way to defeat them. Get rid of the blockade of the Liyang Dynasty."

If he had a choice, Lu Feng would naturally be reluctant to deal with the barbarians in the northern grasslands, after all, there was a witch tribe behind them.

Ten thousand years ago, the Wu clan had the strength to compete with the dynasty, and they could make the dynasty acquiesce that they existed until now. It is absolutely impossible without any strength.

It's just that Lu Feng has no choice now, so he can only compete with the Wu clan.

Although there are many dangers, Lu Feng still has a lot of confidence, because he also has generals under his command against foreign tribes, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, these two must be very handy when dealing with barbarians.

In addition, after Tong Yuan became a strong man in the realm of sainthood, his high-end combat power also improved.

By then, there will definitely be opportunities.

When Lu Bu heard it, he smiled and said, "At the end of the day, I will definitely be the vanguard for His Majesty!"

"I haven't competed with those barbarians for a few days. It will be very interesting then."

"Haha, what General Lu said is right." Several other generals in the account also laughed.

"That's right!" Lu Feng said with a smile: "It's not necessarily impossible to develop in a different direction!"

"Change direction?"

Gao Shun, who had been staring at the map without saying a word, heard this, he was stunned for a moment, after muttering a word, he stared at the map again, after looking twice, excitedly said: "Your Majesty, the last general has an idea to break it. Drop the enemy's defenses!"


When Gao Shun said this, all the generals in the account were shocked.

Don't look at the smiles on their faces when they heard Lu Feng say that they were going north. They all knew very well in their hearts that they were facing barbarians when they went north.

The barbarians are soldiers when they turn on their horses. There are more than tens of millions of barbarians in the entire northern grasslands? All of them can be mounted on horses and become iron riders!

That is equivalent to tens of millions of iron cavalry, or even more.

The number is terrifying!

Although Lu Bu just said it lightly, Qin Qiong and Zhang He and the generals knew very well that the real fight would not be easy at all.

Because there are too many barbarian iron cavalry, even if the iron cavalry of Nanyan Kingdom can defeat ten, there are still too many.

When the time comes to really fight, maybe it will be even bigger than the predicament we are facing now.

Now Gao Shun is saying that he has a way to break the defensive formation of the Liyang Dynasty army. How can these generals not be surprised?

In addition to being surprised, he stared excitedly at Gao Shun, the General of the Kingdom, waiting for him to tell the method.

Guo Jia, who was beside Gao Shun, also stared at him with hope in his eyes.

I hope that the general of the kingdom can really have a very good way to break the current situation.

At the same time, he was also very curious about what kind of solution Gao Shun would have.

Because he himself did not come up with an idea in the face of such a predicament.

Lu Feng was also very surprised, and Gao Shun spoke at this time.

Just now when everyone was talking, Gao Shun didn't speak. He thought that because he was a general, but he couldn't help the army, he was a little ashamed, so he didn't speak, and didn't think much about it.

But he didn't expect that Gao Shun would open his mouth at this time and say that there is a way to break the formation.

Rao is Lu Feng's temperament when he has seen the wind and waves, and he is also a little excited at this time.


Taking a deep breath and allowing himself to recover, Lu Feng stared at Gao Shun and said, "Gao Shun, tell me what your idea is?"

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