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Gao complied with the sound, paused for a moment, and said: "The idea of ​​the last general is because of what you just said inspired me."

"That sentence?" Lu Feng asked.

"His Majesty just said: The kingdom can still develop in a different direction." Gao Shun said.

"Oh?" Looking at Gao Shun in surprise, Lu Feng said, "Continue talking."

Gao Shun listened to the order and continued: "For the current Nanyan Kingdom, if you want to develop south, you must break through the blockade of the Liyang Kingdom and the Zonglan Kingdom before the Lianyun Road."

"However, it is absolutely impossible for the current kingdom to break through the blockade head-on; but..."

After looking at the generals in the account, Gao Shun continued, "Why don't we launch a surprise attack from the enemy's rear?"

"The enemy's rear?"

All the generals frowned and looked at Gao Shun for unknown reasons.

Lu Bu even said directly: "General, Zonglan Kingdom has already blocked all the places where the Evil Dragon River can land. Under such circumstances, how can we dispatch a large army to the rear of the enemy army? This method will not work at all. !"


Gao Shun shook his head and said, "It's not feasible to land from the Evil Dragon River, but why do we have to land on the banks of the Evil Dragon River? Could it be possible to change it to another place?"

"Another place?"

Everyone was even more unclear, saying: "General, what is the other place in your mouth?"


Gao Shun pointed to a spot on the map and said, "It's right here!"

Everyone looked at the place where Gao Shun pointed, but found that the place he pointed was indeed not on the bank of the Evil Dragon River, but in the waters of the Jinshui Kingdom called Qiujinhe.

Qiujin River is the dividing river between Jinshui Kingdom and Zonglan Kingdom.

But unlike other kingdom boundaries,

Because after crossing the Qiujin River to the Zonglan Kingdom, it will not enter the territory of the Zonglan Kingdom, but will enter a mountain range near the Qiujin River, called the Nine South Mountains.

The Jiunan Mountains nominally belonged to the Zonglan Kingdom, but in fact, the Zonglan Kingdom could not control this place, because there was a race in the Jiunan Mountains called the Jiunan Clan.

The Jiunan people live in the mountains all the year round and hate outsiders very much. As long as they enter the Jiunan Mountains, they are very likely to be attacked by them.

In addition, the terrain in the Nine South Mountain Range is steep, so in the Zonglan Kingdom, even if the Nine South Mountain Range is rich in resources, few warriors are willing to enter.

Because after walking in, not only must the terrain be tough and steep, but also to guard against sneak attacks by the Jiu Nan tribe, which is often not worth the loss.

And the place that Gao Shun was pointing at now was the Nine South Mountains.

Gao Shun said solemnly: "We can let the naval warships transport the elite troops to Qiujin River, and then enter the Jiunan Mountains and cross the entire Jiunan Mountains to reach Dongwu County in the Zonglan Kingdom."

"Dongwu County is a small county close to the north of Zonglan Kingdom. From here to Lianyun Road is less than five days away. As long as our army is fast enough, it can definitely act as a surprise attack!"


The generals were a little hesitant to hear it.

Indeed, if you follow the route pointed out by Gao Shun, theoretically, there is a high possibility of success, because even if Le Chongjin breaks his head, he cannot imagine that the army will emerge from the Jiunan Mountains.

But the key is, how to cross the Nine South Mountains?

In the Jiu Nan Mountains, in addition to the strong Jiu Nan clan and the steep terrain, there are also many powerful monsters.

You must know that in a mountain range, what is really deadly is nothing else, but the countless monsters inside.

These monsters are strong or weak, and they are always infesting you, which is very deadly to the army.

Even Yue Fei frowned.

Before, when he led the army to surprise Neiyang County, he passed through the boundary mountain between the Ziyang Kingdom and the Bailan Kingdom at that time.

At that time, there were also some monsters in the mountain range, but their strength was not very strong, and because the mountain range was not big, it didn't take long to pass through, so the army suffered little losses.

But the Nine South Mountains were different. The Nine South Mountains were at least five times larger than the mountain range that Yue Fei led the army through at that time.

If you want to cross such a mountain range, no matter how elite the army is, the loss will be very large.

Not to mention that there are some poisonous insects in the Jiunan tribe and the mountains, which are enough to make the army lose a lot of combat effectiveness.

In this case, even if the army was able to pass through the Nine South Mountains, the fighting power of the remaining people would be very limited, and it would be basically impossible to attack the Lianyun Dao Le Zhongjin army.

"Admiral, your idea is indeed very good, but even if we can deal with the Jiunan clan with the help of the kingdom's masters, how can we be able to deal with those monsters in the mountains? You know, compared with the Jiunan clan, they are more deadly to the army. But these monsters." Zhang He said.

"There is no need to worry about the monster issue." Gao Shun looked at the generals in the account with a smile on his face, and said, "Could it be that everyone forgot about His Majesty's mount?"

"Dragon Colt!"

Lu Feng's eyes moved and said: "Dragon ju has the blood of a real dragon in its body, and it has fatal oppression to other monsters. As long as the dragon follows the army, just relying on the blood in the body to suppress it is enough to make other monsters dare not intrude on the army. ."

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Gao Shun said respectfully: "In this way, the army will no longer have to worry about the infestation of monsters. The only trouble is the Jiunan tribe and the steep terrain and poisonous insects in the Jiunan Mountains."

"The last general thought that the army could use 100,000 trap camps and 100,000 tiger guards, plus the shadow guards, all three were elites, the impact of the dangerous terrain could be minimized, and it would also be useful to deal with the infestation of poisonous insects and the Jiu Nan clan. The martial arts masters of the secret guards block it, enough to deal with the troubles encountered."

"This plan is very good!"

Guo Jia sighed and said: "We all thought that if we wanted to break through the blockade of the Liyang Dynasty army, we could only make a frontal breakthrough, but we didn't focus on the entire southwest of Yuzhou, and we didn't look at the overall situation and find a way. It's just limited to Lianyun Dao."

"Therefore, we can't think of any way. The general saw the big picture and came up with this good way. As long as it is used well, it is enough to break the game!"

Lu Feng also nodded, still very relieved.

In history, Gao Shun was more rumored to be a general who was good at training troops, and no one said that he had the ability to be a general.

When Gao Shun was summoned, there was no one around Lu Feng, so he was appointed as the general to lead the kingdom's military.

Later, as more and more generals were summoned, Lian Po, Meng Tian, ​​Wei Qing, Qin Qiong, Yue Fei, etc., in terms of historical achievements, these people were far superior to Gao Shun in commanding troops.

At that time, Lu Feng was also thinking about whether it was too rash to make Gao Shun the general at first.

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