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After all, there are too many generals under his command, and if Gao Shun can't keep up with his ability, it is inevitable that generals in the army will have opinions on Gao Shun.

But fortunately, Gao Shun did not let him down. Knowing that he was lacking in ability, he studied humbly, and often asked Jia Xu, Xun Yu, Lian Po, Meng Tian and others to study humbly.

In this case, Gao Shun's ability continued to grow, far exceeding the original Gao Shun in Chinese history.

If Lu Feng only had an impression of Gao Shun's ability growth before, then what Gao Shun said now is undoubtedly proof that his ability has indeed increased greatly.

As a general in a kingdom, the most important thing is to see the overall situation!

Gao Shun was able to break through the limitations of Lianyun Dao in front of him, set his sights on the entire southwest of Yuzhou, and thus found a path that is very likely to be feasible now. This is the greatest proof of his ability!

Lu Feng was naturally also very happy. The greater Gao Shun's ability, the more correct his decision was at that time, and it also allowed him to have a top-notch talent under his command.

"Your Majesty, the last general also has an idea." Lu Bu suddenly said at this time.


Glancing at Lu Bu, Lu Feng smiled and said, "Fengxian, what are your thoughts?"

"Your Majesty, when it comes to surprise attacks, the cavalry is the best! The last general thought that although the general's strategy was good, the effect of the infantry surprise attack was definitely not as good as that of the cavalry. Therefore, the last general thought that the surprise attack army could be changed to 300,000 loyal iron cavalry. !"

Lu Bu was a little excited and said, "Wait until the 300,000 loyal and righteous iron cavalry crosses the Jiunan Mountains to the rear of the enemy army and launches a surprise attack, which is enough to smash Le Zhongjin's army to pieces, and then we will win!"

"Well, you Lu Fengxian, you still want to drive my trap camp out of the plan." Gao Shun looked at Lu Bu and smiled, "It's just that you said it well, but how did you let the 300,000 loyal cavalry pass through the terrain? The steep Nine South Mountains?"

"The infantry can climb over, but what about your cavalry? Where is your warhorse? Is it possible to fly over?"


Lu Bu was a little embarrassed all of a sudden. He really didn't think about it, but after he thought about it, he said, "I can choose the most elite cavalry of 100,000, and I can definitely do it at that time."


Gao Shun shook his head,

Said: "It's still the same sentence, it is not feasible for cavalry and horses to pass, it is not feasible."


"Nothing but."

Lu Feng interrupted Lu Bu's words and said, "The cavalry will not move for the time being. Let the trap camp and the Tiger Guards explore the way first. If a good route can be found, it will not be too late for the cavalry to move."

When Lu Bu heard it, he immediately said respectfully, "The commander will obey the order!"

"Immediately order Xu Chu to lead a 100,000 Tiger Guard to the Qiujin River immediately on the kingdom's internal battleship."


"Gao Shun."

"The end is here."

"I ordered you to immediately lead the 100,000 trapped camp to Hufeng County, and wait for the arrival of the kingdom's domestic warships at the port, and then set off immediately."

"The end will follow orders!"

"Zhang Han."

"The end is here."

"Let you lead 20,000 shadow guards to follow the trap camp, and at the same time bring Hua Tuo and Zuo Ci, and inform Jin Yiwei to completely block Hufeng County. I want people from the Liyang Dynasty to be unable to know any news about Hufeng County."

Hua Tuo is a sage of medicine. He has unparalleled medical skills in the world. With him, even if the army encounters poisonous insects in the Jiunan Mountains, there is a way to deal with it.

Zuo Ci is an alchemist. If there is a poisoning situation in the army, he can let Hua Tuo and him develop an antidote to ensure that the loss of the army is minimized.

"The order will be followed."

"Your Majesty, I still have a plan, which can make the general's strategy perfectly executed."

When Lu Feng went down and was about to let the generals in the account go down to execute, Guo Jia suddenly said.

"Oh? Fengxiao still has a plan?" Lu Feng turned to look at Guo Jia.

"I just thought of it just now."

Guo Jia bowed slightly.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Speak."

"Your Majesty, the terrain of the Jiunan Mountains is steep, which is destined to be impossible for us to let too many troops pass through. There are only 100,000 trapped camps and 100,000 tiger guards, plus 20,000 shadow guards. Although they are all elite soldiers, the number is too large. Less, even if a surprise attack is launched, there is no guarantee that the enemy will be able to break through!" Guo Jiadao.

"Even so, this is our only solution at present, we must try it!" Lu Bu said immediately.

"Of course."

Guo Jia nodded and said, "But we can do one thing, so that the army of the Liyang Dynasty and the army of the Zonglan Kingdom are scattered, and the previous coalition defense can no longer be formed."

"What way?" Lu Feng asked.

"withdraw troops!"

"withdraw troops?"

Lu Feng raised his voice, stared at Guo Jia, and said, "Fengxiao, are you sure you mean withdrawing troops?"

The generals in the account also stared at Guo Jia one by one, asking him to explain.

"It is the withdrawal of troops. But this withdrawal is not the withdrawal of troops." Guo Jiadao.

"Go on."


Guo Jia responded and said: "At the time of the minister's plan, we evacuated Chuanping County's 2.6 million army and General Lu Bu's 300,000 iron cavalry from Chuanping County, abandoned the Chuanping County military camp, and retreated to Hufeng County. Form a defensive front with surrounding cities."

"And when the Liyang Dynasty sees our army withdrawing, it will definitely think that we have given up attacking Lianyun Road. It is very likely that the army will move forward and occupy Chuanping County. With Chuanping County as the front line, we will continue to block the kingdom of Nanyan."

"After all, if it can occupy Chuanping County, it means that the Nanyan Kingdom has lost its advantage on the Evil Dragon River and can no longer receive the support of the naval warships. This has a great impact on the overall situation. Le Chongjin will not give up, and the Liyang Dynasty will not give up. will not give up.”

"In this way, the enemy can no longer use the mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road and the defensive positions in front."

When Guo Jia's voice fell, all the generals in the account frowned, and Gao Shun said directly: "Fengxiao, if your plan is successful, it will indeed make the defensive positions of the combined forces of the Liyang Dynasty and the Zonglan Kingdom useless. But then, how can we counterattack?"

"You also said that the terrain of the Jiunan Mountains is steep, and it is difficult for too many troops to pass through. A 200,000-strong army alone cannot destroy the enemy army. We must rely on the help of the Chuanping County army."

"You know, the real purpose of these 200,000 troops is only to disrupt the enemy's army, and the real ultimate move is still on the army of Chuanping County and the naval battleship."

"That's right, Mr. Guo, isn't your plan too simple?" Yue Fei also said.

Although the other generals did not speak, they looked at Guo Jia with such doubts.

"No, once the plan of Fengxiao is implemented, the main purpose of the 200,000 army behind it will not be to disrupt the enemy's army formation."

Lu Feng shook his head at this time, looked at Guo Jia, and said, "Fengxiao wants to use food and grass to deal with the enemy coalition!"

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