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Although the other generals did not speak, they looked at Guo Jia with such doubts.

"No, once the plan of Fengxiao is implemented, the main purpose of the 200,000 army behind it will not be to disrupt the enemy's army formation."

Lu Feng shook his head at this time, looked at Guo Jia, and said, "Fengxiao wants to use food and grass to deal with the enemy coalition!"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Guo Jia bowed slightly and said, "This is indeed what I think."

After a brief pause, he continued: "As long as Le Chongjin's army passes Lianyun Road, there is only Lianyun Road left. In this case, if our 200,000 elite soldiers can occupy them The current position can rely on their position to block Lianyun Road."

"At that time, Lianyun Road will be blocked by us, the high mountains on the right side of Lianyun Road will also be blocked by us, and the Evil Dragon River will also be occupied by us. We directly occupy the geographical advantage and people. In this case, we must win!"

The generals suddenly understood what Guo Jia meant.

This is equivalent to asking Le Chongjin to come to Chuanping County, and they go to the front of Lianyun Road, which is equivalent to changing the current positions of the troops of the Liyang Dynasty and the Nanyan Kingdom.

The difference is that the current Nanyan Kingdom is in this direction, with a large rear behind it, and the supply of food and grass is endless.

If the Liyang Dynasty reached this position, as long as the Lian Yundao behind it was captured by the 200,000 elite soldiers led by Gao Shun, then the Liyang Dynasty army would have no subsequent supply of food and grass.

And because of the war, the people in Chuanping County have long since left, and there are no ordinary people in Chuanping County except for the outside world.

There is no extra food.

At that time, Le Zhongjin's army of more than three million people will be in chaos within ten days once they lack the supply of food and grass from the rear.

I have to say that Guo Jia's strategy is indeed a very good plan.


But Qin Qiong looked at Guo Jia at this time, but said: "Master Guo, when our army retreats, even if Le Zhongjin moves the army's position to Chuanping County, he will definitely think that we still have naval battleships. We will definitely find a way to block the waters of the Evil Dragon River."

"At that time, we will be without the support of naval warships on the Evil Dragon River.

There are only 200,000 troops in front of Lianyun Road, and it is impossible to arrange too many soldiers on the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road. "

"Under such circumstances, once the general launches an attack from the rear and occupies Lianyun Road, Le Chongjin will definitely counterattack at all costs. Will the army of 200,000 people really be able to defend it?"

Qin Qiong's words made all the generals in the account frown. It is true that Guo Jia's strategy is good, but the premise is that he can continue to control the waters of the Evil Dragon River.

But Le Chongjin is not a fool, and the waters will definitely be blocked at that time.

"So, the premise of this plan is that after the navy warship retreats and the enemy has laid out means to block the waters, when we launch an attack, the navy warship can also break through the enemy's blockade and provide support as soon as possible!"

Guo Jia stared at Zhou Yu and said solemnly, "General Zhou, can the naval battleship under your command be able to do it?"

Zhou Yu immediately stood up and said loudly, "The naval battleship will never disappoint anyone!"

"Gong Jin, I don't care if the naval battleship will disappoint you, I just want to hear your answer, can the naval battleship do it? You just need to say: yes, or not!" Lu Feng stared at Zhou Yu and said solemnly road.

Guo Jia's strategy is very good, but the premise is that on the naval battleship, if Zhou Yu can do it, everything will be fine.

If you can't do it, you will lose the whole game!

When Zhou Yu heard Lu Feng's words, he did not answer immediately, but after pondering for a while, he said in a very positive tone: "Yes!"

"it is good!"

Lu Feng nodded, if Zhou Yu said yes without hesitation after asking him like this, he probably wouldn't believe it.

Because in that case, if Zhou Yu answered with a quick-witted mind, but he couldn't in the future war, then everything would be over.

But Zhou Yu was thinking about it, so Lu Feng chose to believe in him, in the history of the Great Governor of Eastern Wu!

"The plan has been decided, let's get started!" Lu Feng looked at all the generals in the account and said.


The generals responded and began to act immediately.

Gao Shun left the account and went to the place where the trap camp was, and was about to leave with the trap camp. Jin Yiwei also gave Xu Chu an order immediately.

Zhou Yu also went to the naval battleship and led the troops to retreat.

Lu Feng himself, Yue Fei, Qin Qiong, Zhang He and several others began to lead the army of Chuanping County to retreat to Hufeng County.


The fastest retreat was Zhou Yu's naval battleship on the Evil Dragon River.

A warship retreated from the Evil Dragon River in the direction of Hufeng County, and the news reached Le Chongjin's ears immediately.

"The naval battleship of the Nanyan Kingdom has retreated?"

When he got this news, Le Chongjin was a little stunned, and he didn't understand why the naval battleships of the Nanyan Kingdom were retreating now.

Could it be that Lu Feng did not want to attack any more, and did not intend to break through the blockade of the Liyang Dynasty?

But soon he became vigilant and wondered if this was Guo Jia's trick. He planned to let the navy battleship feint to retreat, lure himself to attack, and then kill him again and lose his elite soldiers.

Thinking of this, he sneered again and again and said, "Guo Jia, Guo Jia, do you think this will be fooled again?"

"Send an order that all generals in the army are not allowed to go into battle without authorization, and those who dare to disobey the order will be killed without mercy!"


After the arrangement was made, Le Chongjin nodded reassuringly, as long as he was vigilant enough, he would never fail again.

Just after his arrangement went down, another personal soldier walked in and reported: "General, the scout has heard news that more than one-third of the army of the Nanyan Kingdom in Chuanping County is retreating. ."

When Le Chongjin heard it, he sneered again, and said, "Good Guo Jia, knowing that the retreat of the naval battleship alone can't fool me, he even let the infantry begin to retreat."

"It's just that I, Le Zhongjin, can be fooled by you? Go tell those scouts, and you don't need to report this kind of news. This is the enemy's strategy, and you don't need to pay attention."


Soldiers lead down.

But after the personal soldiers went down for a while, someone else came in from the account. Le Zhongjin frowned slightly, looked up, but found that it was his lieutenant.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"General, there is not much food and grass in the army, so we can only hold the army of more than three million for five more days." The lieutenant looked worried.

Food and grass are the life of the army.

When there is enough food and grass, more than three million yuan is a big killer. As long as the enemy army dares to fight, the enemy army can be defeated.

But if there is not enough food and grass, the army of more than three million will have more than three million mouths. Without food, not only is it useless, but it will also make the army confused.

Le Zhongjin frowned and said, "Didn't this general send orders to Zonglan Kingdom to bring in the food and grass? Why hasn't the food and grass arrived yet?"

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