The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 981 Zhang Jiaqi's Purpose

Zhang Jiaqi had already heard about Zhao She's arrangement in the Land of the Kingdoms, and she also knew very well that although Zhao She's arrangement could not put pressure on the Nanyan Kingdom from Longping City, it could also delay the Nanyan Kingdom's footsteps.

So it was ignored before.

But now that I know what happened, my first reaction is that Jin Yiwei is playing tricks.

Zhang Liyuan looked at Zhang Jiaqi and said, "You are right, there are indeed people behind this matter, but it is not the Nanyan Kingdom."

"Who is that?"

"Your uncle, Zhang Licheng!"


Zhang Jiaqi was stunned for a moment and said, "How could Uncle Huang know this news?"

This was very unexpected to Zhang Jiaqi, she had no idea that Zhang Licheng would be involved in this matter.

"The person who leaked the news from Guxuan Firm is a distant relative of your uncle Zhang Licheng's staff, Yu Yiran. He leaked the news to Yu Yiran, Yu Yiran told Zhang Licheng, and then there was the matter. Zhang Liyuan said.

"It turned out to be so?"

Zhang Jiaqi frowned slightly, thought for a while, then a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and said, "It seems that this uncle of mine is quite unwilling to be abolished on his throne!"

"Jiaqi, what do you mean by that?" Zhang Liyuan was puzzled.

"Father, you'll know right away." Zhang Jiaqi smiled and said, "No accident, my uncle is coming to the palace now."

"Your Majesty, the former King of Zhenbei asks to see you."

As soon as Zhang Jiaqi finished speaking, a eunuch walked into the imperial study to report.

Zhang Liyuan glanced at Zhang Jiaqi in surprise, obviously wondering how she knew.

"Father, let Uncle come in. After all, he still has something to report." Zhang Jiaqi said.

When Zhang Liyuan heard it, he sighed in his heart. When his daughter said something like this, he obviously understood what was going on, but he, the emperor, still didn't understand anything.

It hit him hard.

Helplessly smiled, Zhang Liyuan secretly said in his heart, fortunately, this is his own daughter. If it is the daughter of his younger brother Zhang Licheng, the future of his lineage may be over.

"Let him come in." Zhang Liyuan said to the eunuch.


After a while, the eunuch walked in with Zhang Licheng.

When Zhang Licheng came in, the first thing he saw was not Zhang Liyuan, but Zhang Jiaqi. An unpleasant feeling rose in his heart. How could Jiaqi be here?

To be honest, at present, he is more afraid of Zhang Jiaqi than his brother Zhang Liyuan.

Because he found that Zhang Jiaqi, who used to look at people who were only obsessed with martial arts, has become completely different after the incident in Shanghai City.

It gives the impression that there is a layer of gauze covering the body, making it impossible to see through the details.

Zhang Licheng didn't know if this was the essence of Zhang Jiaqi, and the appearance of being obsessed with martial arts before was just an illusion for people to see.

But he knows one thing, that is, this little girl who is only in her twenties cannot be underestimated.

Otherwise, a heavy price will be paid.

Now, he is a little worried that his plan will be destroyed by Zhang Jiaqi.

These were all thoughts in his mind for a moment. After raising his vigilance, he knelt on the ground and said, "The foolish brother pays a visit to the emperor."

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live."

"You are not in the mansion to reflect, what are you doing here with me?" Zhang Liyuan glanced at Zhang Licheng coldly.

"Young brother is well aware of the ignorance before, and he has indeed been reflecting on his own in the mansion recently, but today Liu Enyang suddenly led a large number of generals to the stupid brother's mansion to ask for a meeting with the foolish brother."

"What are they doing for you?"

"They said that Zhao She, the land of the kingdoms, was incompetent, leading an army of more than 10 million, but he never had the slightest intention to attack and was unable to contain the kingdom of Nanyan, which led to the great defeat of the dynasty in Lianyun Road.

Zhao She should be responsible for this battle, he should no longer be the leader of the army, Liu Enyang is willing to be the vanguard, take over the responsibility, and break the Nanyan Kingdom. "Zhang Li became Tao.

He was very smart, he didn't hide anything, and said everything Liu Enyang meant.

Because he knows

Liu Enyang could not be the leader of the army.

Sure enough, after his voice fell, Zhang Liyuan said coldly: "The large number of generals led by Liu Enyang early this morning persecuted me because of disloyalty."

Zhang Licheng was overjoyed to hear that.

But he was not happy that Liu Enyang couldn't be the leader, but he was happy that Zhang Liyuan didn't say that he couldn't move Zhao She's position.

In this way, he has a chance.

So he hurriedly said: "Young brother also thinks so, Liu Enyang leads a large number of generals, and it is said that it is a performance, but in fact it is forcing the palace. Yudi thinks that he should be put to death in a short time to set an example!"

"But Zhao She can't just let it go."

After the conversation changed, Zhang Licheng continued: "Although the army of the Dynasty was defeated in Lianyun Road, although some people were happy to underestimate the enemy, it was also a big factor that Zhao She could not put pressure on the Kingdom of Nanyan on the front line of Longping City."

"My brother thinks that we should discuss with the Hundred Nations College, abolish Zhao She's qualification to lead the army, and send another wise man to lead the army."

Zhang Liyuan looked at Zhang Licheng and said, "You are right, who do you think can take on this important task in the dynasty?"

"I don't know, brother idiot, everything depends on the arrangement of the emperor." Zhang Licheng said immediately.

Although he really wanted to lead the army, he knew very well that, given the current situation, if he really stood up and offered himself, he might be really close to death.

In addition, in the current Liyang Dynasty, the military generals who are really qualified to lead the army are either guarding one side or worrying about Liu Enyang being killed.

In the end, the person most likely to lead the troops will still be him, so no matter what he thinks, he doesn't rush to say it.

"So I know, you can go back." Zhang Liyuan said.

"Fool brother retire."

Zhang Licheng said no more, now he has done everything he should do, and Zhang Liyuan should decide the rest.

He still has a lot of confidence in himself.

After all, after all, he was also the king of Zhenbei in the previous dynasty, the supreme commander of the army.

"Jiaqi, what do you think about this matter?" After Zhang Licheng left, Zhang Liyuan asked while looking at his daughter.

Zhang Jiaqi chuckled and said, "It seems that I still underestimated Uncle Huang. I thought he would directly ask him to be the general of the army."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Liyuan looked puzzled.

"Father, since the uncle arranged all these things, and now he proposes to kill Liu Enyang who wants to lead the army, then his purpose is very simple."

Zhang Jiaqi said lightly: "Uncle is unwilling that the throne has been abolished by the ancestors, and wants to restore his throne, but he needs a credit to support him to restore the throne."

"For now, the dynasty's army, Lianyun Dao, has been defeated, and the dynasty has been humiliated by a kingdom. Therefore, the best credit for now is to defeat the Nanyan kingdom."

"If Uncle Huang can defeat the Nanyan Kingdom, with his influence in the dynasty, he should naturally be restored to the throne, or even a reward."

When Zhang Liyuan heard it, he pondered slightly, and said, "Then Jiaqi, how do you think this matter should be resolved? Let him go, or not let him go?"

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