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"Why didn't Father Emperor ask Baiguo Academy if they would agree to replace Zhao She's commander position?" Zhang Jiaqi looked at Zhang Liyuan and asked.

Zhang Liyuan shook his head and said, "The reason why Baiguo College is willing to send Zhao She, who has been under house arrest for many years, to lead troops to the land of the kingdoms, is just to break the Nanyan Kingdom and avenge their elders."

"But now Zhao She is leading thousands of troops, but there is no movement at all. Tong Jingyi will not tolerate Zhao She, so there is no need for them to worry about whether they will agree or not, just think about who we should arrange to go. question."

Zhang Jiaqi nodded and said, "Your Majesty's words are very true!"

After a slight pause, she continued: "My daughter thinks that even though the uncle has his own selfishness in leaking this matter, it is indeed a good opportunity for the Liyang Dynasty."

"Good opportunity?" Zhang Liyuan asked a little strangely, "What good opportunity?"

"Occupy the land of the nations!"

Zhang Jiaqi stared at his father and said word by word.

"Occupy the land of the nations?"

Zhang Liyuan was shocked and said, "Jiaqi, do you want to take this opportunity to completely control the tens of millions of troops in the land of the kingdoms in the hands of the dynasty?"


Zhang Jiaqi said solemnly: "Although the dynasty has blocked the Nanyan Kingdom from Lianyun Road, but behind the Nanyan Kingdom is the Wangqing Daomen, there is no guarantee that they will have no way to help the Nanyan Kingdom break through the blockade."

"In this case, our blockade must not be just in Lian Yundao!"

"And the land of the kingdoms is located in the westernmost part of the Nanyan Kingdom, and further west is the Dazhou poisonous forest. Basically, there is no need to consider what dangers will follow. Therefore, as long as the land of the kingdoms can be controlled, it is equivalent to being able to directly put a sharp knife on the shelf. On the side of Nanyan Kingdom, as long as Nanyan Kingdom is slightly careless, he can be killed directly!"

"For a dynasty that wants to make great plans after the Great Emperor Ruins, this must be done, because at that time we cannot tolerate that there is an enemy whose strength is incomprehensible, and this enemy may stab from the back at any time. Knife."

Zhang Liyuan frowned when he heard it, and said, "Jiaqi, although what you said is very reasonable, the dynasty is too far away from the land of the kingdoms, and it is only through the Guxuan business now. The teleportation array can get there,

Under such circumstances, how can they control the land of the nations? Is there that strength there? "

"You can leave this matter to the uncle."

With a smile on his face, Zhang Jiaqi said, "Uncle Huang wants to make military exploits in the land of the kingdoms, and if he wants to defeat the Nanyan Kingdom in Longping City, then he must find a way to control the land of the kingdoms. Those small coalition forces."

"For the sake of his throne, Uncle Huang will definitely do everything possible to completely control the military power of the small-nation coalition forces in the land of the nations. We don't need to think about anything at all. We just need to wait for good news."

"Even if we take a step back, the uncle's inability to control the land of the kingdoms does not have much impact on us. It is nothing more than the inability to threaten the Nanyan Kingdom in Longping City, but we can still increase troops to Lianyun Road and continue to blockade. Nanyan Kingdom."

"After all, the reason why my daughter wants to propose to control the land of the kingdoms is that she just wants one more back-up."

Zhang Liyuan suddenly realized, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and said: "Okay, this plan is very good, I will arrange it now!"

"Father Emperor Shengming!"

In the next three days, two major events occurred in the Liyang Dynasty.

The first major incident was that Liu Enyang, the general, was dismembered by the emperor on the charge of treason outside the Meridian Gate. He died very tragically; all his family members and men were killed, without exception, and the women were all served as military prostitutes, no exception.

The second major event, after the exchanges between the Liyang Dynasty and the Baiguo Academy, Zhao She, who led the army in the land of the kingdoms, was afraid of fighting and could not be reused. Wang Zhang Licheng was in charge.

After Zhang Licheng received the order, he immediately rushed to the land of the kingdoms.

When these two major events came out, some people were happy and some were worried.

The worry is naturally the military generals who played with Liu Enyang before. After knowing that Liu Enyang was divided by five horses, they went to the imperial study room to plead guilty one by one.

The person who is happy is naturally the side of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Gu Wenqian, who was in control of the teleportation array, passed the news to Lu Feng as soon as Zhang Licheng left.

"Fengxiao, this plan was not only successful, but also unexpectedly happy. The Liyang Dynasty had the ability to discuss with Baiguo College, and directly abolished Zhao She's commander position and replaced it with Zhang Licheng."

As soon as he got the news from Gu Wenqian, Lu Feng ordered Guo Jia to come to his study in the Hufeng County mansion.

Guo Jia smiled and said, "This is indeed a pleasant surprise. The minister did not expect that the Liyang Dynasty would cooperate so well and directly abolish Zhao She, who caused the kingdom a headache."

"As for Zhang Licheng, this person..."

Shaking his head, Guo Jia said, "Although this person is named King Zhenbei of the Liyang Dynasty, the supreme commander of the army, in fact he doesn't have much ability, and in terms of his ability to lead troops, he is not as good as Le Chongjin on the opposite side of Lianyun Road. "

"He is the leader, and with General Zhang Liao and Wen He, he can completely eliminate those so-called coalition forces of tens of millions of small countries."

Not many people in the Nanyan Kingdom knew about Zhao She's ability before, but his arrangements for the army in front of Longping City made the advisors and generals of the Nanyan Kingdom look at him highly.

But Zhang Licheng was not Zhao She.

"This matter has been completed. With Wen Yuan and Wen He in Longping City, there is no need to worry anymore."

Lu Feng shook his head and said: "Now, I am even more curious, why Le Chongjin has not brought troops to Chuanping County, could it be that they are really determined to defend in front of Lianyun Road, even if I ordered the army to withdraw Don't you dare to attack even if you leave a county?"

Two days ago, the more than 2.6 million troops of the Nanyan Kingdom had completely withdrawn from the Chuanping County camp, but Le Chongjin did nothing.

Guo Jia heard a wry smile and shook his head.

As smart as he is, he can't see what Le Zhongjin's arrangements are now.

If the Liyang Dynasty really made up its mind to block the Nanyan Kingdom in front of Lianyun Road, it would prove that Guo Jia's strategy failed, and the Gao Shun Qibing who bypassed the Nine South Mountains would be under very, very high pressure.

There is less than 20% of the hope of the entire battle.


With a light sigh, Lu Feng said: "Let the remaining shadow guards and Jinyi guards continue to check the enemy's movements. If there is any trouble, be sure to notify me as soon as possible!"


Guo Jia took the lead.

In the Liyang Dynasty military camp in front of Lianyun Road, all the generals inside had very ugly faces.

Especially those generals from Zonglan Kingdom, their faces were even more gloomy as they stared at Le Chongjin who was sitting above them.

Judging from that expression, if it wasn't for Le Chongjin's identity, he would probably have directly drawn his knife and chopped him up.

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