Although he has a strong determination to never admit defeat in martial arts.

But he has no experience in matters between men and women.

Maybe I am too direct at this moment.

Want to settle this matter before Zhou Cheng leaves Shangdang.

After all, he went into the mountains to fight against the bandits.

It is not possible to return victoriously in an instant.

Zhou Cheng had many territories.

Where can I stay here and wait for my victory to come down the mountain?

So I made the matter clear directly.

I hope it can be under my own coordination.

Let two people form a good relationship.

But what I didn't expect was.

Zhou Cheng, who he originally thought would be the most difficult, actually agreed.

He also praised Ma Yunlu for his noble character.

I admire him very much.

On the contrary, it was Ma Yunlu who had been interested in Zhou Cheng before.

But he ran away embarrassedly.

Returning to his tent, Ma Chao quickly confessed to Zhou Cheng.

He said that his little sister is not very old.

Too thin-skinned.

Previously, I had always admired Zhou Cheng highly in private.

Quite admired.

I also tested her intentions.

There is no problem.

How could I know that I would say it to my face today.

To be so shy.

He didn't dare to face Zhou Cheng and ran out directly.

Zhou Cheng smiled and said it was nothing.

I just secretly lamented that Ma Chao was too generous.

Originally, I should have taken the initiative to invite the matchmaker for this matter.

Come to propose marriage.

However, they were forcibly matched on the spot by Ma Chao, the"internal agent".

This made Zhou Cheng feel quite embarrassed.

So I thought about it secretly.

After returning to Shangdang City, he immediately went to purchase betrothal gifts.

Invite a respected person to come to propose marriage.

Ma Chao continued.

He has asked Ma Yunlu's female soldiers to go check on Ma Yunlu's situation.

Ask Zhou Cheng not to worry too much.

Let’s have some wine first.

There will definitely be good news coming soon.

Zhou Cheng was still thinking about this secretly.

At this moment, Wen Yan quickly said that he would no longer drink alcohol.

You need to return to Shangdang City immediately.

Ma Chao was shocked and asked why.

Could it be that Zhou Cheng was unhappy with Ma Yunlu's performance just now?

Zhou Cheng smiled and said that he was a man after all.

There is no reason to let the woman you love answer such a thing face to face.

Moreover, the parents ordered the matchmaker to speak.

He is already fatherless and motherless.

Therefore, you must go back and ask someone with the corresponding status.

Come to formally propose marriage to Ma Yunlu.

To show that he values ​​Ma Yunlu.

Moreover, I am busy with my affairs and have many official documents.

A batch of official documents arrived at the station today and I haven't had time to review them yet.

Therefore, this matter must be prepared as early as possible.

Let Ma Chao relax and stop worrying.

You must make proper arrangements for yourself.

So Zhou Cheng was escorted by Ma Chao.

Just left the camp.

Returned to Shangdang City.

Zhou Chengyi arrived at the prefect's mansion.

He immediately summoned his followers.

He ordered his followers to go to several high-level warehouses in Yecheng and other places to take out some treasures designated by Zhou Cheng.

Various precious toys, silks, treasures, etc. presented by envoys from other forces.

They were all transported to Shangdang City as soon as possible.

Then I thought hard about how time was running out now.

Who should be invited to take on the important role of matchmaker?

Think about it.

Zhou Cheng decided to ask Li Ru and Zhang Yan to take action together.

Because currently the entire Shangdang City.

Something that can be done.

Except for everyone in the Ma family.

There are only these two people.

Among them, Li Ru has naturally been famous for a long time.

Zhang Yan, on the other hand, was guarding Shangdang City with Ma Yunlu and others.

A profound life-long friendship was formed.

And he was also the former Shangdang prefect.

The two make up for each other a lot.

It's just right to show up together.

So he quickly ordered someone to call the two of them.

Li Ru and Zhang Yan were busy with their official duties.

Suddenly, a disciple came to report that Zhou Cheng was invited.

Just drop what you are doing immediately.

Take a carriage to the Governor's Mansion.

Along the way, I was still wondering why Zhou Cheng asked me to go.

After arriving at the Prefect's Mansion.

The two went to see Zhou Cheng separately.

Standing aside and waiting for Zhou Cheng's instructions.

Zhou Cheng saw the two people arriving.

He also smiled.

It means that he has a big event.

Need to borrow the strength of two people.

Li Ru and Zhang Yan certainly agreed to this matter.

He also expressed that he had been greatly favored by Zhou Cheng.

If it weren't for Zhou Cheng.

He has long since turned into withered bones in the tomb.

This time only Zhou Cheng opened his mouth.

He must go through fire and water, and his heart and mind will be ruined.

To repay Zhou Cheng's great kindness.

Zhou Cheng saw that the two of them spoke so solemnly.

It occurred to me that the two of them might have misunderstood what they meant.

But I thought that I might have spoken too solemnly just now.

So he coughed lightly.

Smile and tell them to relax.

Things were not as they thought.

In fact, I just want to ask two people to help me be a matchmaker.

Li Ru and Zhang Yan became excited immediately upon hearing this.

After all, he can help his lord as a matchmaker.

But it's a matter of honoring one's ancestors.

There are so many ministers from ancient times to the present.

Able to gain the Lord's trust.

Sent to be the Lord's matchmaker.

There are really not many.

And the two of them have to gain the Lord's trust.

Trust yourself with something so important.

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