You must do your best.

Don't dare to refuse.

Zhou Cheng nodded with satisfaction.

It means that he has sent someone to collect the treasure betrothal gift.

Let the two go back and prepare.

He is about to go to the camp outside the city to recruit.

And inside the camp.

Ma Yunlu ran all the way.

My mind went blank.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.


After being caught up by the soldiers.

Only then did he come back to his senses.

A group of female soldiers.

They also made fun of Ma Yunlu.

It means such a God-given marriage.

Why are you still embarrassed?

Ma Yunlu said that although he was sincere to Zhou Cheng.

But I am still afraid of some gossips from the world.

He said that he was interested in Zhou Cheng's power.

The soldiers said quickly.

Just rely on yourself to make great achievements.

It can calm the suspicion of the world.

Why bother with this.

Ma Yunlu thought about it for himself, and it seemed to be the same reason.

So after some persuasion from his own soldiers.

I also figured this out.

At this time, Ma Chao also came over.

Tell Ma Yunlu.

Zhou Cheng had returned to the city at this time.

I am about to prepare the betrothal gift and come to propose marriage.

As an elder brother, I have to tell Ma Yunlu first.

Be prepared in advance so as not to lose face.

Only then did Ma Yunlu become angry.

It means before Ma Chao said these words today.

Don’t even say hello to yourself first.

Saying it rashly made me feel embarrassed.

Ma Chao laughed.

I know I am in trouble.

So they used the excuse that the Guards in the camp were poorly trained.

You can choose a day to kill the bandits.

Worried about not being able to keep up with subsequent training.

Therefore, we must seize the time to train more soldiers now.

He ran away immediately.

Ma Yunlu also has nothing to do with Ma Chao.

I can only sigh secretly.

A few days later.

Li Ru and Zhang Yan are wearing formal clothes.

With their respective entourage, followed by a large number of carriages.

There were soldiers escorting them under the banner of Shangdang.

Just go directly to the field camp outside the city.

Along the way, gongs and drums were beaten, trumpets were played and bombs were played.

So lively.

People on the roadside were curious about what was going on.

The group of people arrived near the camp in a short time.

Scouts had already reported to Ma Chao and Ma Yunlu.

After Ma Chao learned the news.

He took people directly out of the camp several miles to greet him.

Because they are all acquaintances.

No need to be too polite.

It's important to get down to business first.

Ma Chao welcomed Li Ru and Zhang Yan into the camp.

Along the way, Li Ru and Zhang Yan already congratulated him one after another.

Briefly explain the matter.

In addition, Ma Chao had a conversation with Zhou Cheng when he left.

Therefore, Ma Chao already had some confidence in his mind.

Wait until everyone is seated in the big tent.

Ma Chao also quickly summoned Ma Yunlu.

Li Ru and Zhang Yan met Ma Yunlu.

Another congratulations.

Especially Zhang Yan.

The relationship with Ma Yunlu is even more fatal.

At this moment, Ma Yunlu has long been regarded as her own daughter.

For Ma Yunlu and Zhou Cheng to get married.

I also felt extremely happy in my heart.

I feel that Ma Yunlu has finally found the most suitable husband.

So the two expressed their matchmaking intentions in front of Ma Yunlu.

Because Jiangmen’s House doesn’t have so much red tape.

So it doesn't matter if you say this in front of Ma Yunlu.

What's more, Ma Chao personally called out Ma Yunlu.

At this time, the marriage was formally proposed in front of Ma Yunlu.

Ma Yunlu was thin-skinned, but he still couldn't hold it back.

Blushed again.

He whispered,"My father is not here, the eldest brother is the elder brother."

Ma Chao alone makes the decision.

Ma Chao laughed.

Representing himself as Ma Yunlu’s brother.

Agreed to this matter.

And his father Ma Teng.

Regarding the matter between Ma Yunlu and Zhou Cheng.

Also very much in agreement.

In this way, the elders in the family agree.

Both parties have no other opinions.

The happy event is done.

Li Ru and Zhang Yan congratulated each other.

Then take out the gift list.

Recite the betrothal gifts brought this time one by one.

Among them, silk and satin have countless rare treasures.

However, the most important one is the most valued by Ma Yunlu.

At this moment, they have all been taken outside the tent.

One was the inn that carried Zhou Cheng from outside Yecheng.

Galloping thousands of miles, they fought from outside the city to inside the city.

Fight under the inner city wall to the inner city wall.

In the end, at the moment of life and death, he killed the bandit who was about to kill Ma Yunlu.

The BMW that saved Ma Yunlu’s life.

This horse is the same as Yitianjian.

Zhou Cheng snatched them from Cao Cao.

It was when Cao Cao was attacking Dong Zhuo and lost his horse during the night march.

Cao Hong dedicated his own horse to Cao Cao.

This horse's name is White Bird.

While walking, I could feel the sound of wind in my ears, as if my feet were not touching the ground.

Zhou Cheng drove the horse to gallop thousands of miles to rescue Shangdang.

In an instant, the hair on the horse's feet is not stained with dust.

It can be said that he is riding on the wind, and he is also a great horse of his generation.

Ma Yunlu originally liked these magic soldiers and famous horses.

What's more, Bai Hu also entrusted Zhou Cheng Qianli to save his life.

How unhappy my heart is.

Walk out of the tent.

Carefully stroke the white swan's mane.

Lots of emotion.

I simply can’t put it down.

There was a burst of sweetness in my heart.

Even Ma Chao was a little envious.

Li Ru and Zhang Yan also temporarily stopped chanting.

Looking at Ma Yunlu with a smile.

After a long time, Ma Yunlu came back to his senses.

He was about to ask Li Ru and Zhang Yan.

Suddenly, he saw the soldier next to him holding a spear that exuded the color of silver glass. _Please download the novel without underlining

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