The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1906 Incarnation Of The Sword Demon (Part 1)

Qin Buyi felt the sudden increase in power on the flying scimitar, and immediately understood what the opponent was thinking.

"Want to run? Do you think it's that simple?"

The killing blade slashed down heavily, cutting back Xiang Kong, whose strength had suddenly increased.

Seeing that even his strongest strength could not do anything to Qin Buyi, Xiangkong wanted to change other ways to get out of trouble.

However, in the end, Qin Buyi saw through all of them.

After fighting for dozens of rounds, Xiangkong's body continued to ooze blood...

Qin Buyi left dozens of wounds on his body.

These wounds vary in size.

The sore spot was constantly hitting Xiangkong's mind like a tide.

While Xiangkong suppressed the pain coming from his body, he racked his brains to try to solve the current situation.

The thing he regrets most now is fighting Qin Buyi in close quarters.

The opponent's strength, speed, agility, etc. crushed him in all aspects.

Until now, he didn't even touch the hem of Qin Buyi's clothes.

"I can't go on like this, or I will die under his knife."

With massive blood loss comes weakness.

A sense of weakness has already appeared in Xiangkong's mind.

In the end, Xiangkong decided to use injury in exchange for getting out of the current situation.

What he was thinking just now was to get rid of Qin Buyi's attack with the least cost, preferably without any injuries.

Now I realize that I was thinking too much just now.

Based on the analysis of the current situation, the smallest price is to trade one's own injuries in exchange for not being consumed by the opponent's life.

"Clang~!" "Chi~!"

As the swords collided, Xiangkong endured the severe pain in his body, causing Qin Buyi to leave a deep wound on his body.

Take advantage of the trend to leave its attack range.

After breaking away from the attack, the first thing Xiangkong did was to open his space ring.

He poured out the elixir to restore his injuries and spiritual power and swallowed it all at once.

Feeling the constant stabilization of the injury and spiritual power in my body, the faint feeling of weakness also disappeared.

The expression on Xiangkong's face looked a little better.

If possible, he really didn't want to have any more close fights with Qin Buyi.

The feeling of being suppressed and even controlled by the other party is like a nightmare.

I don't even want to remember...

Xiangkong said: "Heavenly Emperor, it was my biggest mistake to fight close to your external avatar!"

Qin Buyi's voice is very

Calmly said: "It seems that you have realized the gap."

Xiangkong could not help but shudder with such a calm voice that could not hear any emotion.

What kind of enemy is the scariest? It is tantamount to this kind of enemy who has no 'emotion' in battle.

Those enemies who constantly have emotional fluctuations during the battle are not terrible from a certain level of analysis.

Xiangkong forced himself to be calm and said: "Don't talk big words, all of you are enlightened and fairyland with perfect combat power, do you think I will be afraid of you? The gap between bullshit! I don't believe it!"

Qin Buyi said: "The reality will make you believe it."

Xiangkong said: "Even if your body is a saint, so what? If I don't believe it, I won't believe it!"

Qin Buyi stopped talking, and slashed towards the sky with the killing blade in his hand.

"Killing, killing luck, intercepting luck, bad luck, luck, luck, killing luck!"


A dragon of luck with millions of feet appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this million-foot-sized dragon of luck hovering behind Qin Buyi, Xiangkong couldn't help saying: "Damn it!"

He has luck attack, but it is very weak!

He didn't even dare to dream of such a powerful dragon of luck.

Now I see it alive.

At this moment, Xiangkong's little self-confidence that had just been built up completely collapsed.

He panicked!

He is very clear about the consequences of being hit by such a powerful luck attack.

For practitioners, the most important thing is luck.

If the group of luck is torn apart, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Unless he can kill Qin Buyi and return to the Chaos Protoss headquarters alive.

Let those who are proficient in luck restore his luck, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to restore his own luck.

In the current situation, the probability of him beheading Qin Buyi is too small. Once he loses the group of luck, it will only make things worse in the end.

When Xiangkong's mind was full of thoughts, the dragon of luck rushed towards him under the control of Qin Buyi.


Without giving Xiangkong time to react, the Dragon of Fate simply and roughly shredded the group of Fate above his head.

Then a divine dragon swung its tail and hit the sky, chased after it and swallowed it into the dragon's belly.

All this happened too fast, when Xiangkong came back to his senses, he was already in the belly of the dragon.

His eyes were a little lost: "The group of luck is broken...Damn it! Damn it!"

its face suddenly

Suddenly twisted, Qin Buyi's move is tantamount to ruining Xiangkong's last hope of surviving.

"If you don't let me live, you can't live either!"

Looking at the dragon's belly in front of him, Xiangkong's anger reached its limit in an instant.

It's all this damn dragon of luck, if it weren't for it, how could I lose the group of luck!

"Crush me!"

"Crescent Moon Rainbow!"

The rainbow suddenly appeared.

Seen from the outside, rays of light erupted from the belly of the dragon of luck.

In the next second, the dragon of luck exploded.

Xiangkong with a distorted face walked out of it.

He looked at Qin Buyi and said, "Damn you!"

Qin Buyi said: "It's you who will be damned if you lose the luck group."

"Killing, Silence, Silence, Silence, Instant Slash!"

A huge black hole instantly appeared centered on the flying sky.

A powerful suction erupted from the black hole, directly sucking Xiangkong in.

After a few breaths, the black hole vibrated slightly.

Then the vibration continued to intensify, and a loud noise came out.

The black hole exploded with a bang...

Xiangkong, whose body was covered in blood and whose figure was about to collapse, walked out of it.

At this time, Xiangkong looked extremely miserable, with one arm broken, and the aura on his body fell to the bottom.

In his black hole just now, if he hadn't made a quick decision, he might have been completely buried in that space by now!

Qin Buyi's voice reached his ears: "Now do you think you can still fight with me?"

Xiangkong coughed twice, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

"I'm dead, and I can perform forbidden techniques without worrying about it."

"Crescent Moon Sword Demon!"

Xiangkong's body changed, and the scimitar in his hand turned into streamers of light that enveloped him.

After the stream of light dissipated, Xiangkong held two knives, his body was as tall as a million feet, and his wounds healed strangely.

Its shape also changes, with two horns on its head and dark skin...

"This is the strongest move in my life, and it is also a move that will kill me after I use it."

"Emperor of Heaven, your incarnation outside your body has forced me to this point, let's all die together!"

Qin Buyi said: "Seeing you like this, I understand what is wishful thinking and dreaming."

"Eighty-Nine Mysterious Skills Failing Heaven and Earth!"

"Eighty Nine Mysterious Skills Three heads and six arms!"

In an instant, Qin Buyi's stature soared to the same level as Xiangkong's, and his aura crushed him in all aspects.

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