The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1907 Incarnation Of The Sword Demon (Part 2)

Looking at Qin Buyi's appearance, Xiangkong said, "As expected of the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, he is really difficult to deal with!"

The methods and supernatural powers of Qin Buyi made Xiangkong feel what is called a dimensionality reduction blow.

The forbidden technique that he needed to work hard to perform could achieve the effect, and it turned out to be the opponent's normal fighting form.

It's kind of... frustrating.

"Crescent Moon · Night Star Appearance!"

The two long knives in Xiangkong's hands turned into countless stars.

These stars are constantly approaching Qin Buyi under its control.

Looking at the stars getting closer and closer to him, Qin Buyi's face was very calm.

Looking at the expression on Qin Buyi's face, Xiangkong suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

It was really because the other party was too calm, so calm that he felt scared.

"Stop playing tricks there, I don't believe you can resist my attack!"

Qin Buyi said: "Then, you can take care of yourself."

"Killing · Divine Slaughter · Divine Fall · Divine Destroyer · Instant Slash · Shadow!"

His figure immediately disappeared in place.

Countless stars stopped in place after losing their targets.

Xiangkong quickly let go of his spiritual thoughts.

To his horror, he did not find the existence of the other party.

"Where did this guy go..."

Neither the naked eye nor the spiritual sense could find the other party, so Xiangkong couldn't help but take countless stars back to his side for defense.

He knew very well that Qin Buyi hadn't left the blood world space.

The other party disappeared entirely because he couldn't find it.

"This method...damn it!"

The feeling of dimensionality reduction blow surfaced on Xiangkong again.

The combat power is not as good as the opponent, the means are not as good as the opponent, and all aspects are crushed!

Originally thought that by using the forbidden technique, I could equalize or even surpass the opponent...

Never expected that this stepping on the horse was just the beginning!

When Xiangkong was nervous and focused on defense, Qin Buyi's voice appeared next to his ears.

"In my opinion, your defense is as fragile as paper!"

Xiangkong immediately looked left and right, trying to find Qin Buyi's location following the sound...

Unfortunately, he was disappointed again this time.

Anxiously, Xiangkong said: "The guy who can only hide his head and show his tail, come out if you have the ability!"

Qin Buyi said: "As you wish."

Appearing behind Xiangkong, the killing blade effortlessly sliced ​​through the defenses of the stars.


Passionately Painful

Come, Xiangkong immediately spit out a big mouthful of blood.


As he suppressed the severe pain, he knew that this opportunity might be the closest he was to Qin Buyi.

If you miss this opportunity, you may not know when the next time will be.

I saw that Xiangkong's figure was out of place, causing Qin Buyi to leave the weapon in his hand and grasp the killing blade tightly with both hands.

"Heavenly Emperor, this time you were caught by me!"

Qin Buyi's voice was still calm: "Really?"

"Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art·Samadhi True Fire!"

The mighty real fire of Samadhi spewed out from Qin Buyi's mouth.

These samadhi fires landed on Xiangkong's surface spiritual defense.

"Zi~la~!" "Zi~la~!"...

Bursts of blue smoke kept coming out.

Xiangkong felt that the spiritual power in his body was being consumed a lot due to defense, but he still didn't let go.

"Crescent Moon Rainbow!"

The long knife that turned into a star suddenly burst out with rainbow lights.

"Heavenly Emperor, how can you resist my move?"

Xiangkong is full of confidence, he has now controlled the opponent.

In his prediction, there are only two roads ahead of Qin Buyi.

One way is to let go of the weapon in his hand, so that Qin Buyi who lost the weapon will definitely lose his fighting power.

The second way is to be hit by the rainbow light... Even if Xiangkong himself is hit by an attack of this intensity, he will fall in all likelihood.

Just when he showed a smug smile at the corner of his mouth full of confidence.

Qin Buyi offered a small bell in his field of vision and placed it on top of his head. Biqu library

"Dang~!" "Dang~!"


All the rainbow light falling on the god-level chaotic clock was bounced back without exception.

This couldn't help making Xiangkong's eyes widen, as if he had seen a ghost.

"how can that be!"

Qin Buyi said: "There is nothing impossible, if there is, it's just that you haven't seen it yet."

"Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art · Samadhi Divine Wind!"

The yellow wind blows, enveloping Xiangkong with the true fire of Samadhi.

"Killing · Dao Killing · Instant Slash!"

The killing intent blade light flew out from the killing blade and landed directly on Xiangkong.

Xiangkong, who suffered such a heavy blow, immediately flew out.

"Bang~!" He hit the ground heavily, his mind went blank.

When he stood up again, the injury recovered from the forbidden technique just now fell into a serious injury state again.

Soaring also

want to say something...

Before he could speak, blood spurted from his mouth.


Qin Buyi did not let go of this opportunity to continue to hit the opponent hard.

To leave opportunities for the enemy is to plant the seeds of fall for oneself.

After fighting for so many years, Qin Buyi would never make such a low-level mistake.

"Killing, Punishing God, Breaking God, Instant Slash!"

From the Killing Blade to the Sea of ​​Flying Consciousness, there appeared a thin line that could not be seen without the naked eye.

Xiangkong, who was seriously injured, heard a loud noise again.


There was a loud noise and screams from Xiangkong.

His sea of ​​consciousness was instantly shattered!

Now the body and the sea of ​​consciousness have been hit twice, causing Xiangkong's state to fall to the bottom of history.

"This...what the hell kind of method! Why is it so powerful!"

Thoughts were racing through Xiangkong's mind, but he heard Qin Buyi say, "Do you have any last words to say?"

Hearing this, Xiangkong suppressed all the pain and looked at Qin Buyi: "My last words are to drag you to die together!"

In the next instant, Xiangkong circulated the spiritual power in his body and rushed towards Qin Buyi, trying to achieve his goal by self-destructing.

Seeing what Xiangkong wanted to do, Qin Buyi said, "Explode yourself? You are not worthy!"

"You can't blow yourself up without my permission."

Xiangkong seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world: "Haha, Heavenly Emperor, having been in a high position for a long time has made your brain water?"

"I want to blow myself up, how can you control it?"

Qin Buyi said: "If you don't believe me, we can wait and see."

"Killing · Slaughter · Execution...Lonely Death · Broken God · God Destroyer!"...

In an instant, Qin Buyi performed thirty times of all-in-one killing knife techniques.

The blade of the killing blade vibrated slightly, and the sound of the blade's sound resounded throughout the world.

A negativity burst out from Qin Buyi that made people completely lose hope.

Cold, dark, bloodthirsty, killing...

This powerful negative aura enveloped the sky.

Xiangkong instantly felt as if he had come to a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Behind this mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, a pair of emotionless eyes stared at him.

The strong pressure made Xiangkong keep breaking his defenses and breaking his defenses again and again!

"All of this is fake, all of this is an illusion, I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

"Back to me the illusion!"

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