The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 2047 Bogu And The Fire Emperor!

Qin Buyi said: "There is a Potter race in my faction, and they live happily."

Bogu looked at Qin Buyi suspiciously: "Well, I believe this from your sincere tone."

Qin Buyi said: "Is there anything you want to see me for?"

Bogu said: "Our Potter family is not good at fighting. I am ranked ninety-eighth, and no one in front of me is playing with me."

"That's why I came to you, the ninety-ninth."

Qin Buyi: "..."

Is it really good to speak so directly?

Those words pierced his heart like a knife.

Bogu may also feel that what he said is a bit direct and heart-wrenching, so he is embarrassed to slap his head and say:

"Sorry, I was a little too direct."

Qin Buyi said: "How do you know that I am ranked ninety-ninth?"

Bo Gu said: "Analyzed from your cultivation base, I am a first-rank immortal emperor, and you are a fairyland of enlightenment."

The implication is already very clear, if you are not the last one, whoever is the last one.

Qin Buyi was dumbfounded for a while, and quickly smiled wryly.

The ranking of other people's power may not be obvious and you need to guess.

He is the bottom one, but he doesn't even need to guess.

After a few chats with Bogu, he discovered that Potter's ethnic Buddhist personality was innate.

Except for their obsession with making equipment, the rest of the things are completely harmless to humans and animals.

The other party didn't have any aloof mentality because of his lack of cultivation.

Bogu said: "Emperor Qin, is your cultivation in the fairyland of enlightenment real or fake?"

This is something he is very puzzled about.

Not only he was puzzled, but all the creatures who saw Qin Buyi were also puzzled.

I was wondering why Wanlong would invite a enlightened fairyland to this meeting.

To put it more directly, this meeting is aimed at the Chaos Protoss of the third star ring.

The role of a Consummated Enlightenment Fairyland is basically that of cannon fodder.

Seeing Bo Gu's doubts, Qin Buyi said: "Naturally it is true."

Bo Gu said: "Then you are amazing!"

He, the Potters, had been invited, purely because of racial characteristics.

After all, if you want to launch such a large-scale battle, you need some professional talents in logistics


Obviously, the Potter race, who are good at building equipment, is a talent in this area.

"Emperor Qin, what are you good at?"

Qin Buyi was obviously confused by this endless sentence.

What is he good at? good at fighting...

Thinking of this, he said, "I might be better at fighting."

Bo Gu patted Qin Buyi on the shoulder and said, "Come on, those who rank higher are not as powerful as you."

"You must be good at something, otherwise you wouldn't be invited here."

Qin Buyi was speechless.

While the two were chatting, another guest came outside the door.

After Qin Buyi let the other party in, he couldn't help but sized him up and down.

To use the relatively unkind words of Blue Star, this length is really distinctive, like a gas tank...

The other party introduced himself: "I am from the Huolu family, good at alchemy, ranked 97th."

"You can call me Fire Emperor."

Qin Buyi: "..."

He had already guessed the reason for the other party's arrival.

It is estimated that it is similar to Bogu, they are all low-ranking crane tails, and they are not good at fighting.

If you don't like the ones at the top, you can only find the bottom one newspaper group to keep warm.

In this way, among the ninety-nine forces, the three lowest-ranked forces took the lead in forming an alliance.

Huohuang and Bogu mean the inspirational trio.

Qin Buyi didn't refuse on the surface, but in his heart he secretly thought, 'this is not an inspirational trio, this is a bad trio. '

Their ranking is destined to have no say in this first meeting.

If you don't have the right to speak, if you participate in the whole process, you will naturally fail the whole process.

Don't show off, do you still count on your own strength to conquer others...

Soon the day of the official meeting will come.

Qin Buyi followed the guards who came to invite him.

The conference room is large, and everyone sits around a long table.

Seats are arranged according to their respective ranks.

Qin Buyi, Bogu, and Huohuang sat in the last row without any surprise.

After Wanlong made some meaningless opening remarks earlier, the first official meeting began.

The first is to clarify the theme, and then these top-ranked forces start to talk about their plans and ideas.

after finishing speaking

Go to voting.

There are three choices in total, agree, oppose, and abstain.

The bad trio chose to abstain all the way.

It is impossible to agree, and if they agree, they will have to go.

It is impossible to oppose it. With my own strength, I will definitely offend people if I oppose it rashly.

They are still very clear about the saying that the arm cannot twist the thigh after all.

Therefore, considering various options, abstention is the most reasonable.

Don't offend others, and don't let yourself get involved in the respective battles of the previous big forces.

Except for Qin Buyi who abstained all the way, the factions that are basically ranked above them are also abstaining.

But when encountering a plan that is beneficial to you, you will still choose to agree.

Only Qin Buyi abstained from voting regardless of whether it was beneficial or not.

No one paid attention to this scene, after all, the opinions of the lower ranks are not very important.

As long as there is no objection, no one is willing to talk to them.

Bo Gu whispered: "These guys who are obsessed with money really think that they can take advantage of it."

"According to my experience of being squeezed for so many years, it is generally difficult to gain some advantage from the teeth of the big forces."

The Fire Emperor nodded aside and said: "I agree with what you said. Many times these big forces just take advantage of our greedy side, and then keep setting us up."

"In reality, they're just taking more from us than taking advantage of us."

"It's just that we use dazzling methods to make us mistakenly think that we are making a lot of money. In fact, it is a miracle that we can keep our capital when we lose money."

Seeing that Qin Buyi was silent, the two asked with some doubts: "Emperor Qin, why don't you publish your experience of being squeezed?"

Qin Buyi: "..."

Many times, he really wanted to tell these two people that he had never experienced what is called oppression since he practiced.

After all, all the way along the way, he is the king and hegemony, and there is no such thing as squeezing.

But these two people obviously regarded themselves as the same bullshit as them.

This kind of misunderstanding is funny, but also a little helpless.

After coughing lightly, Qin Buyi said: "We just need to keep abstaining. Participation comes first and voting comes second."

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