The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 900: Su Qi's Plan!

The northern part of Tianhuang Realm.

The creatures here also heard the shouts of the Heavenly Court First Army.

For a moment, all the creatures looked terrified, and every face couldn't help showing the color of fear...

Until now, these creatures don't understand what happened!

But one thing can be understood, that is, bad things are about to happen to the northern part of Tianhuang Realm.

"What kind of force is this, actually wanting to attack the northern part of my Tianhuang Realm!"

"Nine out of ten are forces from other regions! I just don't know why they did this!"

"No major incidents have happened in my north recently!"

"Brother, you don't know yet! I know some gossip, do you want to hear it!"

"Say it! Say it! Don't be a fool at this time!"

"The eastern part has been completely occupied by a force called the Ming Dynasty. Now, apart from Tianhuang Mansion, only the Ming Dynasty exists in the eastern part!"

"The Ming Dynasty? I seem to have heard this name before! Could it be that such a powerful force is the first-class force in the east?"

"You are stupid, where is the first-rate force in the east! It is a newly promoted second-rate force! Its leader is known as Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty, and its combat power is so strong! It is rare in the world!"

"You mean, the one who attacked was the Ming Dynasty in the east?"


Northern Tianhuang Mansion!

Su He's third brother, Su Qi, was listening to his subordinates' report.

Su Qi narrowed his eyes and said, "What! One hundred billion Earth Wonderland consummation experts? There are also an unknown number of Heaven Immortal Realm experts?"

"The Ming Dynasty? The Ming Dynasty in the east?"

"Not long ago, I wanted that Renshuizong to go to the east to test the waters."

"As a result, we sent out twelve Wood Fairies and one Fire Fairy, but none of them came back!"

"Now, the Ming Dynasty has assembled its troops again, and is preparing to attack the north of me. It's really..."

After listening to his subordinates' report, Su Qi waved him back.

Alone in the room, I began to deduce the cause and effect of this matter over and over again!

After a long time, Su Qi said: "Where did the Ming Dynasty come from?"

"Judging from the information it came over, the Ming Dynasty is simply an ordinary force that cannot be more ordinary!"

"But ever since I met the current Great Ming Qin Emperor, Qin Buyi, everything has changed!"

"Just over a hundred years

Time for such a big change! "

"From a small force with no name at all, it has become the top force that dominates the eastern region in one fell swoop!"

"The root of all this is the Great Ming Qin Emperor, but the origin of this Great Ming Qin Emperor is very strange, as if it appeared out of thin air."

"Could it be people from other planets?"

After this idea appeared in Su Qi's mind, the more Su Qi thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible!

And the possibility of this is not small!

"This Emperor Qin of Ming Dynasty is from another world!"

"This can explain why the Ming Dynasty changed so much after he appeared!"

"You horse-riding man, what kind of shit luck is this old five! Why did powerful people from other planets go to the east of Tianhuang Realm!"

"This is a 100 billion Heavenly Realm consummation powerhouse, and an unknown number of Heavenly Wonderland powerhouses!"

"If it all belongs to my north, my north will definitely become the most powerful existence in the four regions of Tianhuang Realm, southeast, northwest!"

"If I have accumulated a lot of cultivation over the years and thoroughly cultivated the cutting-edge combat power to the Fire Fairyland, I will be no worse than my elder brother!"

"It's a pity... Lao Wu cut off all of this!"

Su Qi had very complicated thoughts in his heart, wishing he could replace it with his own body and become Su He himself!

In the entire Tianhuang Realm, there are not so many perfect experts in the fairyland. This is 100 billion, not 100 million or 1 billion!

Even the largest and most powerful Tianhuang Realm Center is far from reaching this number.

It can be said that there are so many strong people, and in time, it only needs to cultivate a few more strong people in the Fire Wonderland.

The gap in comprehensive strength with the center of Tianhuang Realm can be infinitely narrowed!

The combat power at the bottom is far exceeded, but the combat power at the top is not enough!

This pair of Su Qi was like a huge cake, Su Qi murmured: "What should I do to bring this Emperor of Ming and Qin to the north of me!"

"As long as I have enough time and have a good relationship with him, I can definitely take the place of big brother!"

Su Qi didn't have the thought of killing him.

After cultivating to his level, as long as his mind is still normal, he will not think too little!

The entire Tianhuang Realm can't come up with 100 billion perfect powerhouses in the fairyland. Is the background of such characters just a joke?

If you really move the other party, it will make the other party back

With the retaliation of the latter forces, it is impossible to say that the entire Tianhuang Realm will be reduced to ruins in a short period of time!

It is too common in the heavens and worlds to treat such strong people who have developed from other planets!

As a local controller, he is naturally unwilling in his heart, because it is easy to develop and develop, and the dove will occupy the magpie's nest and replace it!

But if you don't want to, what can you do? In the face of forces that are several times or even dozens of times greater than their own, in addition to silently enduring, it is to build a good relationship!

In the heavens and worlds, there are not no examples of win-win!

There are many cases where local forces and other planetary forces work together to achieve a win-win situation!

What Su Qi is thinking about now is how to win-win! But the prerequisite for a win-win situation is to dig the Ming Dynasty from the east to the north!

For a moment, the thoughts in Su Qi's mind raced rapidly! Racking my brains to think of a way!

"Why don't you sell Renshuizong? Anyway, isn't the Ming Dynasty here for Renshuizong! Selling it just meets his wishes!"

In the next second, Su Qi overturned the idea in his mind!

"No, no! Renshuizong is a top-notch force. Selling it will definitely chill the hearts of other northern forces!"

"If in the end, the Ming Dynasty rejects me, wouldn't it mean losing my wife and losing my army! This is a foolish move! You can't do this!"

Su Qi thought about it and finally decided to let the situation develop for a while...

These first-class forces in the north are not vegetarians, and they will definitely unite to target the Ming Dynasty.

Let the two sides fight first! At the critical moment, I will come forward to solve it myself!

At that time, although the north may have suffered heavy losses, the troops of the Ming Dynasty will definitely suffer heavy losses!

When the time comes, I will propose that the Ming Dynasty join the north and promise all kinds of benefits! It shouldn't be a big problem!

Su Qi has found a solution here, but the forces in the north are in trouble!

There are five first-rate forces in the north, and dozens of second-rate forces!

The most worrying thing is these first-class forces!

In addition to the Renshui Sect, the first-class forces in the north also include the Shenhuo Sect, the Great Sword Sect, the Hehuan Sect, and the Tianxi Sect.

These four sects are not ignorant of what Renshuizong is doing.

It is a very big taboo to intervene in the infighting between the eastern forces across borders!

They didn't care about this matter in the north!

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