The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 901: Negotiations In The North!

However, this incident has the shadow of the northern Tianhuang Mansion.

These four first-rate forces can only choose to watch the fire from the other side.

Of course, he didn't have the will to stop Renshuizong at the beginning!

It's none of your business, hang on high.

If Renshuizong could attack the east successfully.

These first-class forces behind them can still eat meat and drink soup!

When the time comes, Renshuizong will not be able to monopolize the east, right?

Facing the threat from the four forces, he must give up many benefits!

Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel!

Renshuizong sent a total of twelve wood fairyland powerhouses, and the deputy suzerain Shuiyun.

As a result, the twelve wood fairyland powerhouses completely fell, and Shui Yun was said to have been abolished!

This time, Renshuizong is stealing chickens and losing money!

One-third of the foundation of the sect was lost in the east!

Not even a splash came out!

I thought this matter would just pass away, but I never expected it!

This horse-riding Ming Dynasty is actually so fierce!

Killing people, not counting after unifying the east, actually attacked them to the north!

According to the past, this kind of thing will definitely attract everyone to attack! Then destroy it!

But the background revealed by the Ming Dynasty is too terrifying!

Hundreds of billions of wonderland consummation powerhouses!

One hundred billion, not one thousand!

Who is not numb to this riding horse!

Then the battle strength of Emperor Ming and Qin could not be seen to the end at all...

God knows how strong the Emperor of Ming and Qin is!

Faced with such a powerful enemy attack, you must worry!

Reported to the northern Tianhuang mansion, the attitude of the northern Tianhuang mansion is that the master of the mansion is in seclusion, and this matter will be discussed after he leaves the seclusion!

Retreat! Let's go out of the customs, let's go out and have a ball!

By the time the palace lord leaves the customs, the northern part of them will be devastated already!

What needs to be solved most right now is how to deal with the attack of the Eastern Ming Dynasty!

If Renshuizong is allowed to fight against himself, the north will become a laughing stock if this matter spreads out!

From now on, practitioners in the north will be looked down upon by practitioners in other regions wherever they go!

Five first-rate forces in the north, plus dozens of second-rate forces, gathered together urgently to discuss.

During the negotiation process, the second-rate forces honestly acted as dumbs who could listen but could not speak!

During the whole process, the five first-class forces were talking!

The first to speak was the Shenhuo Sect, which ranked first among the top forces in the north.

The representative of Shenhuozong said: "Then there was a Ming Dynasty in the east, you should know about it..."

During the speech, Shenhuozong explained all the causes and consequences of this matter.

Not all second-rate forces know about this, and there are still a large number of second-rate forces

I don't know about it.

After listening to the representative of Shenhuozong, the representatives of the second-rate forces present focused their eyes on Renshuizong intentionally or unintentionally.

Of course, the representative of Renshuizong also felt the mixed meaning in these eyes. If one or two looked at them like this, the representative of Renshuizong could stare back.

Or write it down in a small notebook, and wait for this matter to end, and then come to settle accounts after autumn!

But all second-rate forces see it this way, and the representative of Renshuizong can only hold his nose as if he couldn't see it!

If the second-rate forces want to get along well, except for a few, most of them have interests with the first-rate forces!

If Renshuizong really offended these second-rate forces, it would be tantamount to offending the four first-rate forces in the north at the same time!

Fortunately, there are no second-rate forces making sarcastic remarks.

Otherwise, Renshuizong will explode with absolute mentality!

After the representative of the Shenhuo Sect finished speaking, he said: "I have called you here this time, just to ask what you think?"

After saying this, the representative of Shenhuozong looked past the representatives of these second-rate forces and looked directly at the other four first-rate forces in the north.

Among the four first-class forces, the Great Sword Sect, the Hehuan Sect, and the Tianxi Sect did not speak.

The representative of Renshuizong spoke up.

There is no way, their Renshuizong is the protagonist in this matter!

The reason why the east came to attack the north is inseparable from Renshuizong!

The representative of Renshuizong said: "This Ming Dynasty is too arrogant and domineering, even crossing borders and threatening to attack the north of me!"

"When did I suffer from such uselessness in the north! I suggest that everyone hug together and beat the Ming Dynasty back!"

The representative of Renshuizong cleaned up his relationship in a few words.

Many forces present, all scolded Dao Ren Shuizong for being shameless in their hearts!

Among them, the second-rate forces are the most scolded!

These second-rate forces belong to people who do it at home, and the disaster comes from heaven!

The key point is that the person who caused the trouble has now pushed back his responsibility completely!

Who can stand this?

However, the strength is not as good as Renshuizong, otherwise these second-rate forces would have to mock Renshuizong!

The representative of the Great Sword Sect said: "This matter is because of your Renshui Sect. Your Renshui Sect wants us to hug each other, so you must give us some benefits?"

"Otherwise, all of us will contribute our efforts to wipe your ass of Renshuizong, and you won't even have a single hair from Renshuizong, isn't it a bit unreasonable!"

After the representative of the Great Sword Sect finished speaking, everyone present focused their attention on the representative of the Renshui Sect.

People make money, birds die for food, only this benefit is the eternal truth!

Isn't there a saying that says: As long as the money is in place, everything can be broken!

This Ren

As long as the water sect can pay enough benefits for each of their forces.

It doesn't matter what the cause is or is not the cause! Definitely use all your strength to fight against the Ming Dynasty!

Of course, if the money is not in place, then no wonder everyone is perfunctory!

Anyway, a symbolic resistance, let the north have an explanation everywhere in Tianhuang Realm!

As for what Renshuizong will become in the end, that's out of everyone's consideration!

The representative of Renshuizong looked at everyone present, how could he not understand what everyone was thinking?

Now that Renshuizong's background has been greatly reduced, there will be another hemorrhage!

Renshuizong represents heartache! But no matter how heartbroken, the benefits that should be given are still given!

Otherwise, these forces really don't work hard!

The representative of Renshuizong said: "The Great Sword Sect is right, every faction has this benefit!"

"Our Renshui Sect has already prepared it, it is definitely a generous gift!"

"I won't let everyone do it in vain! It's just that this generous gift can be given to everyone only after the Ming Dynasty has been repelled!"

Renshuizong did this to prevent some people from taking money and doing nothing!

Everything in this world can be tested, but there is only one thing that cannot be tested, and that is the nature of living beings!

Those who take money and do nothing belong to the minority, but they definitely exist!

When many forces heard what the representative of Renshuizong said, their attitudes were divided into two factions.

There are those who agree, and naturally there are those who oppose it!

Those who agree think that it is reasonable to work first and then get paid.

Opponents believed that when the work was done, Renshuizong would be perfunctory! Haven't everyone been cheated!

The representative of the Great Sword Sect continued: "It's good to have generous gifts! It's just that after we drive away the Ming Dynasty, if your Renshui Sect gives too little, what will happen then?"

Many forces praised the representative of Dajianzong one after another!

Each of these two questions was on point!

The representative of Renshuizong said: "This kind of thing will never happen! Don't worry!"

"The presence is a powerful force in the north. As long as I, Renshuizong, want to continue to survive in the north, I will definitely not choose to renege!"

The representative of Dajianzong said: "It's good to have your words!"

"If your Renshui Sect perfunctories us in the end, the Ming Dynasty will not be able to destroy you, and we can make your Renshui Sect disappear completely in the north!"

The representative of Renshuizong glared at the representative of Dajianzong, his eyes were full of anger!

The representative of the Great Sword Sect seemed to have not seen it, and said: "Everyone present testifies to what the Renshui Sect said today!"

"If Renshuizong dares to perfunctory us in the future, he will definitely have to pay the price!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone echoed it!

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