The Most Powerful System

Chapter 85 The master and servant were thrown into the iron prison

About half an hour later, the previous woman with blue eyes came over again.

It's just that this time, not only the blue-eyed woman came here, but also the husband and the white-haired old man beside her, as well as several other burly men.

The blue-eyed woman tried to knock on the door, while Qi Yu and Emil deliberately lay dead on the table without responding.

Sure enough, she knocked on the door for a while, and when no one responded, she stopped covering it up, tore off her disguised mask, and pushed open the door directly to enter.

"Hahaha, the medicine that my father mixed in the food is really good. Two human beings with such a strong physique have been made unconscious like dead pigs." The blond man, the son of the white-haired old man, said with a big laugh.

"Husband, don't forget, I also have a share of the credit. If I hadn't performed well enough to make the two of them mistake me for a beautiful, kind and dignified woman, how could the two of them be unguarded and eat me easily. What about the food you brought?" The blue-eyed woman asked herself for credit.

"Yes, yes, you also have a share of the credit." The blond man patted the blue-eyed woman's shoulders perfunctorily, then looked at the white-haired old man, and said with a serious face, "Father, shall we start lifting people now?"

"Yeah." The white-haired old man nodded with permission, exuding the majesty of his village chief.

Immediately afterwards, the blond man and three other men, in groups of two men, lifted the two prey who were "in a coma", and after some tossing and turning, a few people came to a cold stone house.

At this time, Qi Yu slightly opened his eyes and took a peek, only to find out that this stone house was actually an iron prison for imprisoning people!

This stone house is relatively large, including four iron prisons, three of which are rusted and filled with weeds. It seems that it has not been used for a long time, but there is one iron prison, which is imprisoned. A full four people.

These four people are two men and two women. One of them is Hannah's missing Fa Xiao, and the other is a French lover. At that time, the French man and woman, as well as another Brazilian young man, were with Jake and Jake. Jenny came to climb the mountain together in a group, but she didn't realize that she strayed into this dangerous werewolf den.

The werewolf villagers threw Qi Yu and Emir into the same iron prison, then closed the door, and left with a high-spirited look of success.

Seeing the villagers throwing in two more people, the 1.9-meter French man couldn't help but sighed: "Hehe, two more unlucky bastards came in. But that's fine, let those damn werewolves eat them both first, and then Then we'll have a few more days to live."

This French man witnessed yesterday that the young Brazilian who accompanied them was dragged out and eaten alive by a werewolf.

"I suggest that we should kill these two men while they are unconscious. In this case, if those werewolves want to eat people, they should give priority to eating the dead." French man's girlfriend, French woman viciously Seconded Road. The ugliness of human nature and the decline of morality can be described as vividly displayed in this extreme situation.

"No! We should wait here and wait for the police to come to rescue us, instead of arbitrarily depriving others of their lives!" Jenny's character is not bad, and she is not the same as the French couple.

"Yes, you can't kill people! In fact, I think people are more powerful, and these two men seem to be quite strong. Together, the six of us, working together, might really be able to escape from this werewolf village. "Jack also disagreed with the suggestion to kill the two unconscious men.

What the French man, French woman, and Jack and Jenny didn't expect was that while they were talking about people behind their backs, Qi Yu and Emile suddenly woke up from their coma.

"Bitch! Who do you want to kill?" Qi Yu hurriedly got up from the ground and spoke to the French woman who suggested killing him just now.

asked maliciously.

When she heard what Qi Yu said after she woke up, the French woman was startled, she turned her head away a little guilty, and put her hands on her chest to pretend to be calm, but she didn't dare to look directly at Qi Yu's eyes." Hmph, even if I don't want to kill you, you won't survive for a few days."

"Hey, bastard, who are you calling a bitch? Keep your mouth clean, otherwise..." The French man immediately stood up for his girlfriend, but when he said this, he swallowed it back, because he suddenly In the meantime, I saw the strong Russian man beside Qi Yu with a pair of fists clucking, his expression grim, and he was staring at him fiercely. Looking at this posture, it seems that as long as he dares to say more, the strong Russian man will rush over and beat himself up.

The French man knew that although he had a burly physique, he was 1.9 meters tall, and he had practiced boxing for a few years, but the man on the opposite side who looked like a bodyguard looked professionally trained, exuding a solemn murderous aura, and The figure is also very strong, I am afraid that if the two sides really fight, the possibility of losing here is relatively high.

In the eyes of Emile, this is not just a simple "beating". In fact, as long as the owner sends a word, his Emile will turn into hatred at any time, tearing the French man and woman into bloody pieces.

"Ant..." Qi Yu didn't bother to talk nonsense to the French couple, and turned to the American couple next to him, "You two are Jack and Jenny, right?"

"Huh?" Hearing the yellow man in front of him reporting his name, Jack's heart was full of doubts, "How do you know the two of us?"

"My name is Qi Yu, and I'm Hannah's boyfriend. You two should have heard of my name." Having said this, Qi Yu extended his right hand to Jack in a friendly manner, "Hannah said. I learned that you are missing, so I specially asked me to find your whereabouts."

Jack's moral character is quite good, even in such a critical situation, he still shook hands with Qi Yu with a smile on his face: "So you are the Qi, I heard Hannah mention it many times, she I often praise you in front of us. You can come all the way here to find our whereabouts, and you have a heart. Thank you very much. I'm sorry, the two of us have affected you, and I didn't expect you to be caught here. " After speaking, he shrugged in frustration.

For what Jack said, Jenny also pursed her lips with sympathy, and there was a deep apology in her silent sigh.

"Jack, Jenny, please don't be so pessimistic. Since Emile and I are here, we will naturally find a way to rescue you..."

However, before Qi Yu could finish her words, she was abruptly interrupted by the vicious French woman, who looked disdainfully: "Haha, what a joke. Even if she was caught, she could not protect herself. How to save others out?"

The French man also agreed with a mocking expression: "In my opinion, if you really want to save people, you might as well apply to those werewolves to be the first to be eaten, so that we can survive for a while." Anyway, this iron The six people in the prison will all be eaten by the werewolves sooner or later, and he is not afraid of offending Qi Yu.

PS. Thank you L Zimo for your 100-point support!

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