The Most Powerful System

Chapter 86 Practice is the most direct way to break through doubts!

At the beginning, Qi Yu also planned to save Jack and Jenny, and also save the French man and woman.

But later, when Qi Yu and Emile were "pretending to be unconscious" and thrown into prison by the werewolf villagers, the French men and women actually proposed to kill them so that the werewolves would eat them first. Buy yourself more lingering time.

In fact, Qi Yu at that time had already begun to feel bad about the French couple, considering whether the two Frenchmen were worth saving.

And now that Qi Yu has woken up and stood up, these French men and women are still sneering at him?

Qi Yu had already made a decision in his heart. Later, even if the French couple piled up 100 million francs of cash in front of him and begged him for help, he would definitely not save them from leaving.

Qi Yu was too lazy to pay attention to the ridicule of the two foreign scumbags, stretched his hands behind his back, and quietly took out a blade from the system storage space.

This is a half-cut Edman alloy blade, which Qi Yu had captured from Deadpool.

Holding this cold metal blade, Qi Yu glanced at the French men and women on the opposite side, deliberately frightening them and making fun of them.

Seeing that Qi Yu took out half of the silver blade from behind, and glanced at the two of them maliciously, the brows of the French man and woman suddenly wrinkled, and a bad premonition came to their hearts.

"You... what do you want to do?" The French man thought that Qi Yu wanted to stab the two of them with a knife, and his expression immediately became flustered. If you are fighting with bare hands, you have learned boxing for a few years anyway, so there should be no problem in defeating this Chinese. But the problem is that now this Chinese is holding a knife in his hand, so he is at a great disadvantage!

Rao was the arrogant French woman. After seeing the 30-40 cm blade in Qi Yu's hand, she also hid behind the French man in horror, but her cheap mouth still did not calm down, "There is a knife. That's amazing! I can tell you that although we are trapped in this werewolf village, it still belongs to the territory of France. France is a country ruled by law, and murder is illegal!" The French woman added, "You kind of use your knife to chop down those werewolves!"

Qi Yu, who stands at the top of the world, can hardly raise even a trace of angry interest in such a small person who is like an ant in his own eyes.

'Hehe, just you? You are not even qualified to die under this broken Edman alloy blade! ’

With this thought in mind, Qi Yu took a few steps forward and came to the iron bars of this iron prison, and Emil followed closely.

When they learned that the other party was not going to use a knife to deal with them, the French couple let out a long sigh of relief, and then moved towards Qi Yu.

In the curious eyes of the four, Qi Yu pressed the edge of the Edman's alloy knife against one of the iron pillars in the iron prison.

The iron pillars of this iron prison are all as thick as arms. They don't look like they are imprisoning humans, but more like imprisoning beast-faced werewolves with a height of more than two meters. It is absolutely impossible to use ordinary knives. It cuts off.

Seeing this, the French men and women immediately noticed that this Chinese person seemed to want to use a knife to cut off the iron pillar of the iron prison, and then get out on his side!

The French man couldn't help shaking his head: "I thought you had a good idea! How could a blade cut off such a thick iron pillar? Even if you use a professional cutter to cut it, you need to continue cutting for at least one minute. Are you Chinese all stupid pigs?"

And the French woman is still like before, sneering and sneering whenever she gets an opportunity, as if she will feel uncomfortable if she doesn't step on others: "Do you really intend to use such a thin knife to chop down such a thick iron pillar? According to me Look, you might as well dig slowly on the ground with a knife, maybe persistently dig him for a day and a night,

Also, between the inside and outside of the prison, a dirt hole can be dug out that can be climbed out. "

Hearing this, Jack, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly his eyes lit up: "Yes! She really makes sense, Qi, we may really try it."

"There are six of us. Each of us will take turns digging for an hour first. After six hours of digging, we will take turns digging. In this case, maybe we can dig a hole that we can climb out of!" Jenny's face It is also brilliant, as if seeing the hope of escaping this iron prison.

Whether it was a malicious sarcasm or a well-meaning suggestion, Qi Yu just smiled nonchalantly after hearing it.

Practice is the most direct means to break through doubts!

He clenched the Edman's alloy knife and slashed with a little force on the iron pillar that was aimed at.

With the metal crisp sound of "ding", something that shocked the four of them immediately happened——

The iron pillar as thick as an arm was cut off like that! ! ? ?

Simply unexpected!

Witnessing this incredible scene with their own eyes, the mouths of the four of them were all grown up, and their chins were long.

On the contrary, Emil knew very well how capable his master was, so he was not shocked, and his expression was still very calm. What's more, it is not surprising that he can transform into a three-meter abomination at any time, and then break apart such a thick iron pillar with his bare hands.

'Am I dreaming? Even with a cutting machine, or even a modern industrial laser, it will take a while! But he just waved his knife lightly and cut off the iron pillar in one fell swoop, God, this is terrible! ' The French man was shocked!

'Hahaha, I thought it was dead, but I didn't expect that this Chinese boy had such a sharp sword. Although it may not be possible to escape the claws of those werewolves later, there is absolutely no problem in escaping this iron prison now. ' The French woman was very excited because she saw hope of escaping from the devil's den.

'I didn't expect Jenny's boyfriend to be so powerful, he's a hero! ' Jenny couldn't help but envy her good friend Jenny, even a little jealous.

'Next, as long as we have this treasured sword, maybe we can win a head-to-head battle with one or two werewolves. I am afraid that we will encounter several or even hundreds of werewolves on the way to escape. In that case, we will only have a dead end. ’ Jack began to calmly assess the situation, silently analyzing the current situation in his heart.

While the four of them were surprised, they all had different ideas in their hearts.

After cutting off the top of the iron pillar, Qi Yu used the Edman alloy knife to cut down the iron pillar as well.

The top and bottom of the iron pillar were cut off, and it suddenly broke away from the whole iron prison and fell to the ground.

As a result, there was a rectangular gap nearly thirty centimeters wide on the iron fence of this iron prison, which was enough for a person to get out obliquely.

"Haha, finally saved!"

The French woman jumped up with joy for a while, not to mention how happy she was.

However, at this moment, Qi Yu...

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