The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1947: Run away

Xiao Yao rubbed his hands, and quickly climbed over from the ground, his eyes were a little cold when he looked at the chess master.

In fact, his original idea was to lose directly to the master of chess and then choose to escape, but now he dispels his previous idea.

He always felt that Zilian Immortal Venerable was not a fool after all.

I have already revealed my strength before, and if my current strength is too different from the previous one, then Zilian Immortal Venerable will definitely realize that there is a fraud.

For a long time, Xiao Yao was reluctant to treat his opponent as a fool.

Because he always feels that if he really regards his opponent as a fool, then he is the biggest fool.

So, he already wanted to understand what he was going to do next.

As for whether there is any reason for being hurt by the chess master, it is not known.

after all……

Xiao Yao's temper has not been very good.

In the Human Race, when I came to Tianwaitian, there was actually not much change.

However, Xiao Yao did not change much from before.

Now that he has decided to show weakness, he will not slap himself in the face.

Therefore, even if he really wanted to kill the chess master in front of him, he would not use a destructive way.

For a time, he and Qi Zun also had a relationship with each other.

Chess Master also seemed to realize that Xiao Yao's strength had improved somewhat. Although he was curious, he still disagreed. He didn't know whether it was because he had enough confidence in his own strength, or because he felt comfortable with the chess pot in his hand.

Xiao Yao is not very worried.

Although there originally existed some strength gaps between the fairy clan and the demon clan, fortunately, the number of the demon clan is slightly larger, and it is impossible to tell the victory or defeat in a short period of time.

Several more black and white chess pieces, with a force of destroying the city and shaking the mountains, lased towards Xiao Yao.

Every piece of chess bursts out a cloud of energy.

Xiao Yao slammed a fist out, which caused a burst of energy, and immediately collided with the black and white chess pieces, making a violent collision sound.

In an instant, the mountain shook vaguely.

Qi Zun's eyes were cold, and the chess pot in his hand floated.

Xiao Yao seemed to have guessed that the other party was ready to use another big move, so he also put away his contempt, not to mention going all out, but he must be a little more careful.

Of course there is nothing wrong with deliberately showing weakness.

This is not, he has always suppressed his strength on the ranks of the demon generals.

But showing weakness does not mean death.

Even if he missed the opportunity to kill the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable, he couldn't let himself fall into the hands of a chess Venerable.

That's the real capsize in the gutter.

From the chess pot of the chess master, two black-and-white rainbows burst out, and they turned into a Tai Chi diagram and turned.

Xiao Yao was taken aback for a moment, and his mind was a little awkward.

After he wanted to understand, he felt dumbfounded.

No wonder he always felt that the chess pot in the opponent's hand was not like a common thing, it turned out to be because of the rhyme left by a certain powerful person.

He even wondered if the chess pot was left over from the human race.

Of course, Xiao Yao will definitely not get an answer to this question.

Xiao Yao's pupils shrank, as if he had seen something extremely shocking.

The black and white Tai Chi picture rushed towards Xiao Yao quickly.

There was a sneer on Qi Zun's face.

It seems that he has seen Xiao Yao's head in a different place.

If this were the case, Xiao Yao wouldn't be surprised.

The reason why he was surprised was that not only did he not feel any sense of oppression, but instead felt that the Tai Chi picture that was flying towards him seemed to reveal a pleading mood to himself.

As a result, Xiao Yao quickly relaxed.

There was nothing like a big enemy, but he laughed.

"Hmph, looking for death." Seeing that Xiao Yao was facing his Taiji diagram without dodge or dodge, the eyes of the chess master looked at Xiao Yao as if he was looking at a fool.

He felt that the other party was just dying.

The Tai Chi diagram is the spirit of his chess pot.

This was given to him by an immortal emperor.

Why can the other party be so calm?

Do you really think he is a big man?

Qi Zun shook his head.

The demons are still the same as many years ago, stupid and hopelessly stupid!

However, what happened next was enough to make him unforgettable for a lifetime.

Just when he thought that the spirit of his chess pot could directly kill the difficult demons in front of him, the situation changed instantly.

The Taiji Tu, which kept spinning but contained powerful energy, fell on Xiao Yao, not only did not cause any output damage to the opponent, but disappeared.

To be more precise, it was integrated into Xiao Yao's body.

Qi Zun almost peeed.

What's the situation with this mud horse?

Xiao Yao smiled and looked at him, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the expression on the chess master's face was a bit wrong, as if he was about to cry in the next second.

Qi Zun is really going to cry.

His own chess pot has always been the most proud thing.

Most importantly, it was given to him by an immortal emperor.

This also means that the immortal emperor is actually very optimistic about him, and the chess pot is a symbol of power and status in his hands.

Under normal circumstances, when other immortals see the chess pot endowed with Daoyun in his hand, they will choose to retreat.

But now, the spirit of the chess pot has been lost, which means that there is no original strength, and there is no essential difference from a broken piece.

How can he accept this?

"Damn it, bastard, what the **** did you do!" Qi Zun went wild in an instant.

Fortunately, although he is now burning with anger, he still maintains the most basic sanity.

Previously, relying on the chess pot in his hand, he was able to match Xiao Yao's match, but he felt a little hairy in his heart. He always felt that the more he proceeded, the stronger his opponent would be.

That was the case back then, let alone the one who lost the chess pot now?

Now he rushed up to fight Xiao Yao rashly. What is it not to die?

He thought Xiao Yao was stupid before, but now he thinks he is the most stupid, and he is so stupid that there is no cure.

Xiao Yao smiled and asked, "You are looking for Dad for that stuff."

Qi Zun was even more angry.

What he didn't know was that Xiao Yao didn't mean to joke with him.

When the energy in the chess pot converged into a Tai Chi diagram and appeared, the power of Tai Chi in Xiao Yao's body also faintly moved.

The Taiji Tu seemed to be aware of something, and it seemed very cheerful, as if his son had seen his father, and rushed towards Xiao Yao in a hurry, as if he wanted to rush into his father's arms.

But after Xiao Yao said these words, the chess master didn't mean it that way.

It sounded like a mockery.

It seems to be saying to him: young man, stop struggling, your father is still your father after all.

Who would be happy to hear that?

All of a sudden, Qi Zun's eyes stared out.

"Give it back to me, give it back to me!" he roared.

Xiao Yao hooked his finger at Master Qi, but didn't say a word. This meant it was self-evident.

If you have the ability, just come and do it... No, just hit me!

Qi Zun finally couldn't help it, and suddenly turned his face and shouted: "Brother Zuo, come and help me!"

Xiao Yao snorted coldly, feeling very angry.

What's the matter, you can't find a helper if you can't do it?


So Xiao Yao had decisively rushed towards the chess master.

Qi Zun snorted coldly, "Dog jumps off the wall in a hurry?"

The four words are full of contempt for Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao also sneered, raising his hand and a red light fell.

A shocked expression appeared in Qi Zun's eyes, and he quickly tried to stop him, and once again mobilized several chess pieces.

Probably because the chess pot has lost its spirit, the current chess pieces are much smaller than before.

With such strength, it is undoubtedly a man who wants to block Xiao Yao.

It was also because the opponent lost the Tao Yun hidden in the chess pot, so Xiao Yao felt that even if he killed the opponent at this time, he would not appear too abrupt.

So he clenched his fist, and another Nirvana fist fell fiercely. Although the hammer was in the air, the body of Qi Zun was already in turmoil.

"Get out of here!" At this time, there was another roar.

A sturdy man holding a heavy knife has appeared behind Xiao Yao, with the knife in his hand falling, and the violent wind has swept towards Xiao Yao.

The other party's intentions were very simple and clear, and he didn't expect this knife to be able to kill Xiao Yao directly, just thinking that for the time being, Xiao Yao would be forced back, and it would be enough to keep the chess master alive.

Xiao Yao's eyeballs moved a little, his brows furrowed, Xiao Yao still had the answer in his mind among the sparks of calcium carbide, and he could not evade the wind directly facing the gust of wind, and he still fell with one punch again, which contained endless coercion. This punch directly crushed the chess master's body, shattering his soul.

However, it was too late for Xiao Yao to avoid that stab at this time. A blood stain appeared on his body, and his body flew out directly.

"Xiao Yao!" Firebird Demon Lord was furious.

Originally, he saw the sword master making a move and rushed over here, but he didn't expect it to be a bit late.

It was even more self-blame in his heart. Xiao Yao was still not easy to deal with the chess master. Not only could he not help, but he also let go of a fairy clan so that the chess master had a helper.

What is this called?

More anger was transformed into strength, and his eyes became flushed, bloodthirsty and terrible.

The sword master snorted coldly, and was also very dissatisfied. The tip of the sword picked at the Firebird Demon Lord, signaled the other party to let the horse come, and put the jealousy back to the full.

"Looking for death!" Firebird Demon King just rushed forward, only to find that Xiao Yao's arm was grabbed by Xiao Yao.

"Go first." Xiao Yao said to Firebird Demon Lord with blood on the corner of his mouth, his eyes firm and beyond doubt.

Fire Bird Demon Lord hesitated for a moment, but could only nod his head, lifted Xiao Yao on his back, and shouted.

"Retreat quickly!"

After speaking, he hurried away with Xiao Yao.

An Wen had already ran over, caught Xiao Yao, and ran away.

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