The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1948: I'm afraid you can't hold it

The Firebird Demon really didn't know what Xiao Yao was up to.

The Firebird Demon Lord and Xiao Yao both retreated, and those demons were also in a dazed state. They had no idea what had happened.

Wasn't this still hot?

Although within a certain period of time, those immortal races could not be won, but it would not be a disadvantage.

In the end, it just said to run...

They don't understand it!

Several demon Lords rushed up to ask the Firebird Demon Lord, but the Firebird Demon Lord was also depressed, and said in a bad mood: "I know what a shit!"

"..." Those demon kings were also dumbfounded.

Ouch, my temper, don't you know you still let us retreat?

But I thought about this in my heart, and didn't say it directly.

After all, they are both the main combat faction, and the relationship with the Firebird Demon Lord was good.

Not to mention the extraordinary strength of Firebird Demon Lord, above them.

After finding a cave and putting Xiao Yao down, the Firebird Demon Lord really couldn't hold his breath.

"I said Xiao Yao, what's the matter with you? Even if you can't fight, you should hide from me soon!" Firebird Demon said with a sigh.

Xiao Yao laughed, but his smile now looked a little far-fetched.

It seems that touching the corner of the mouth can cause pain on the body.

Seeing Xiao Yao's appearance, Firebird Demon Lord felt even more guilty.

Now he felt that it was entirely his own cause that would allow the sword master to take advantage of this opportunity to cause serious damage to Xiao Yao.

"Xiao Yao, I'm going to kill the sword master now." Firebird Demon Lord's eyes suddenly turned red, and he had to stand up when he spoke.

In fact, if it hadn't been for Xiao Yao's pull before, maybe the Firebird Demon Lord had already engaged with that Sword Master now.

Xiao Yao quickly pulled the Firebird Demon Lord back again.

Seeing such a sincere Firebird Demon Lord, Xiao Yao also had a headache.

"Don't go now, there are so many immortals, aren't you going to find death now?" Xiao Yao asked.

The firebird demon's body was trembling slightly, still because of anger.

At this moment, there was suddenly another rain of swords and patters outside.

Xiao Yao also has experience.

Under normal circumstances, if the sword rain comes quickly and fiercely, it will not take long for the minutes to stop.

The real headache is the light rain, which usually lasts for a long time.

"Did you see it? Sword rain is starting outside again. How can you trouble them? Moreover, because of the sword rain, it is impossible for those immortals to come and find us." Xiao Yao said.

Firebird Demon Lord breathed a long sigh of relief, and looked at Xiao Yao's eyes burning with a serious expression: "Xiao Yao, don't worry, when the rain stops, I will definitely help you kill the sword master. Bring his head over and hold it for you!"

At that time, Xiao Yao wanted to kick the Firebird Demon Lord directly with one kick.

What are your thoughts?

Is he a pervert in the heart of Firebird Demon Lord? Otherwise, it’s okay to hold someone else’s head and play.

Originally, Xiao Yao wanted to talk a few words to dissuade him, but when the words reached his mouth, he swallowed back, frowning. After all, there are a lot of demons squatting next to each other, and there is too much talk at this time. It is very likely that it will be spread, and the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable does have some magical powers.

"Okay, let's wait until Jianyu stops." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

He also had a plan in his heart, and he even felt that he had done one thing wrong from the beginning to the present.

That is, you shouldn't be mixed with these demons all the time.

The Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable may be very powerful, but it is impossible to rush into the demons to fight to kill Xiao Yao.

That's the real gift of people's heads. If this is the case, let the Firebird Demon Lord and the others move forward.

Didn't Zilian Xianzun always find a suitable opportunity?

Laozi creates opportunities for you, right?

Xiao Yao had a toothache.

There was a Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable who had been spying secretly and couldn't find a chance to kill him, but he was better off, and he had to find ways to create opportunities for the other party.

This worried...

In fact, the previous injuries will not cause any trouble to Xiao Yao at all.

The reason for getting the knife, besides having to kill Qi Zun, was to create some more opportunities for Zilian Immortal Zun by way of injury.

As for whether it was his own suspicion, the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable might not be in the Sword God Mountain at all, so Xiao Yao didn't think about these questions.

Once you have identified one thing, you must do it.

Even if it is really wrong, it will have to be said after hard work.

For Xiao Yao, this time the opportunity to kill the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable is really rare.

He said that he didn't want to miss such an opportunity.

In the final analysis, it was because in Xiao Yao's heart, he was too aggressive towards Zilian Immortal.

The resentment is deep!

After the sword rain stopped, the Firebird Demon Lord quickly stood up, ready to go.

Like a feather arrow stretched on the string.

"I'm leaving now." Firebird Demon Lord said.

Xiao Yao nodded: "Okay, go early and return early."

The Firebird Demon was taken aback, and felt that Xiao Yao's attitude change was a bit...abnormal, so he couldn't help asking, "Is there nothing you want to ask?"

Xiao Yao frowned, thinking seriously.

Firebird Demon Lord was not in a hurry, and began to wait.

"If there are rabbits or something, grab one, and I will roast and eat it. I haven't eaten meat for a long time." Xiao Yao said.

Firebird Demon: "..."

Seeing that Xiao Yao really didn't intend to say anything, Firebird Demon also breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a fire in his heart, and he was really worried that Xiao Yao would continue to persuade him. If that was the case, he felt that he would definitely be suffocated by the fire.

He waved his hand with the Firebird Demon Lord, and sent away a shot of Demon Clan, and found that there was a Demon Lord and two Demon Generals beside him.

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Yao asked.

The demon looked at his eyes, smiled at Xiao Yao, and said: "Firebird demon has ordered us to protect your safety here."

Xiao Yao: "..." What is this called?

Does Lao Tzu need your protection?

Especially if something happens, I might have to protect you!

Originally, he planned to drive these guys away directly, but after thinking about it, he dispelled his previous thoughts, and felt that it was very inappropriate to do so. After all, no one knows whether Zilian Immortal Venerable's gaze is placed here, what he has done is too abnormal, but will expose his own purpose.

Moreover, the strength of this demon king and two demon generals is not so strong, Zilian Immortal Venerable should not put them in his eyes, perhaps it is because of his defense that it makes the other party feel less abnormal.

Wanting to understand this, Xiao Yao also breathed a sigh of relief.

At the very least, the current situation is not too bad.

Anyway, if the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable really killed him, these three demons wouldn't have much effect.

I still have to do it myself...

Xiao Yao slowly closed his eyes.

It seems to be closing his eyes and resting.

After a short while, I heard footsteps coming from outside.

Xiao Yao frowned and opened his eyes, but he couldn't believe it.

Is it coming so fast?

Will my strategy work so quickly?

Although Xiao Yao felt that the Purple Lotus Immortal Venerable would not miss such a good opportunity, but he felt that it would not be so fast, with an immediate speed.

"A fairy clan is coming!" The demon king standing next to Xiao Yao immediately stood up, fighting spirit high, and a murderous look filled his eyes.

The two demon generals also quickly stood up and began to prepare for battle.

"Xiao Yao, no matter what happens, don't come out." The Demon Lord turned his face to look at Xiao Yao and said.

Xiao Yao was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded lightly, feeling in his heart that this demon is really enough to speak of loyalty.

"The demons inside, come out and die for Lao Tzu!" A roar sounded.

"Mozu, die!" It was another fairy clan's voice.

It seems that this time, more than one immortal clan came here.

Xiao Yao was somewhat puzzled.

Hearing the first voice, he felt very familiar, and when he thought about it, he immediately realized.

Isn't it the swordsman who inflicted serious injuries on himself before?

No matter how I thought about it, I felt something was wrong.

After all, the other party should be with the large group of immortals before.

At this time, perhaps they should have already met Firebird Demon Lord and they might have begun to fight.

How can you still find it here?

Before Xiao Yao could speak, the three demons had already walked out.

"Two immortals?" The demon king stared at the enemy in front of him, his face a little ugly.

If it was just one immortal venerable, maybe he still had the power to fight, but now, two immortal venerables made him feel the pressure.

But even so, he never thought about leaving Xiao Yao and fleeing.

Protecting Xiao Yao was previously assigned to him by the Firebird Demon Lord.

"Haha, just the three of you, do you dare to come out and die?" The sword master laughed, the knife in his hand was shining with a cold light, but it was a bit contradictory to hear it, after all, it was he who had shouted The demons inside were rushed to death, and now they pulled out such words, they really slapped themselves in the face.

Fortunately, the three demons standing in front of him did not have Xiao Yao.

Otherwise, he must be beaten to death.

"Whether you are the Immortal Venerable or the Immortal General Immortal Soldier, come one, and I will kill one!" The demon snorted coldly, already rushing towards the other party.

The speed is fast.

The two demon generals standing behind him did not hesitate at this moment, and they similarly killed the other Immortal Venerable with the momentum of encirclement.

The battle is on the verge.

Xiao Yao in the cave is still waiting with his eyes closed.

These two immortals have already appeared.

So, can the Zilian Immortal be far away?

He sat up suddenly and looked outside the cave.

Instead of watching the fighting happening outside, he passed through them and looked into the distance.

He always felt that in the jungle, a pair of eyes were staring at him.

Under those eyes, there was a cold smile...

There was a "bang".

One of the demon generals had been thrown away with a punch.

"Haha, you want to stop me with just so much patience? Xiao Yao, get out of me and die!" The master boxer who came with Dao Zun laughed loudly, full of ostentation.

Xiao Yao, who was sitting in the cave, remained silent all the time.

Inwardly, suffering.

"It's not that I don't want to go out, I'm afraid I go out, you can't resist..." Xiao Yao whispered.

It's like saying to myself.

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