The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1968: Not optimistic

Suddenly, the situation suddenly became more delicate.

The four demon kings originally headed by the Darkwing Demon Emperor, and hundreds of demon kings were arranged nearby, the purpose of which was to lay a net of heaven and earth so that Xiao Yao and Xu Kuangge could not escape.

Such a disparity in strength is not too much to say that it is crushed, so that the Dark Wing Demon Emperor and other monster races have begun to be complacent, thinking that they are winning, but suddenly a group of dragon races are killed, including a dragon god. This caused a lot of impact on these monster races.

The battle has not yet begun, but the Yaozu has fallen into a dilemma.

From the current point of view, this is no longer a battle.

This is a war!

Except for Xiao Yao and Xu Kuangge, the strength of the Dragon Clan should not be underestimated. Coupled with the appearance of the Dragon God, this has caused too much pressure on the Monster Clan. Although this is the Monster World, it is their home field, but once the battle is At the beginning, the situation will enter an uncontrollable situation. There is no way for the monsters below the Demon King to join in, and they will be strangled by air pressure as soon as they approach. There is no doubt about this.

The most important thing is that this is the Yaozu now.

Why do you want to fight in the demon world?

This is so if you win, the demon world will become a ruin, right? How about we go to Longyu to fight?

These words, the demon emperors were holding in their hearts, and there was no way to say them.

Even if they didn't say it, they knew that the Dragon Clan would definitely not agree.

Seeing the smile on Xiao Yao's face, the four demon emperors wanted to rush forward and beat each other severely.

They couldn't figure it out. Since Xiao Yao still has the support of the Dragon Clan, can't they say it earlier?

As long as they say something earlier, they will definitely consider the pros and cons, and they may not make such a choice.

So now the four demon emperors of the Demon Race feel that Xiao Yao has a suspicion of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and it is completely to give them a trap and let them get the bait. The purpose is estimated to be to kill the demon race in one fell swoop.

"Friend Xiaoyao, I suddenly felt that we can actually have a good chat." Bai Mu Demon Emperor suddenly said.

Xiao Yaoxu Kuangge and a group of dragon races turned their faces and looked at the White Shepherd Demon Emperor.

The look was like looking at a fool.

"Now you want to chat?" Xiao Yao said with a sneer, "I'm sorry, I don't really want to chat with you."

Bai Mu Yaohuang's face was very ugly.

"Hmph, I said Bai Mu, don't try to communicate with them. Now that they have the support of the Dragon Clan, they think they can take our Monster Clan down." The Dark Wing Demon Emperor said gloomily, "But our Monster Clan, There are people who are greedy for life and fear of death? Let me ask, demon races, you dare to fight!"



The demon world pierced up like boiling water.

Not only the demon kings who have been arranged to ambush, even some demon soldiers and demon generals, at this time, are full of anger and fighting spirit.

I can't wait to roll up my sleeves now and take a good round with Xiao Yao.

I have to say that the Dark Wing Demon Emperor's ability to confuse the demon heart is still good.

The remaining three demon emperors stared at Darkwing Demon emperor fiercely.

This **** is going to push the monster race to the absolute path!

After such a toss, the demon world is boiling. If they still choose to compromise at this time, how can they face the demon race?

This was originally the Darkwing Demon Emperor's business!

It has nothing to do with them.

Xiao Yao and Xu Kuangge brought the Dragon Clan to the Demon Realm, not for the Demon Clan, but simply wanted to kill the Darkwing Demon Emperor, okay?

Have a half-cent relationship with Lao Tzu!

But now, the Dark Wing Demon Emperor used this method to stand them up.

The situation suddenly became a bit difficult.

"Since this is the case, let's fight." Xu Kuang singer Zhong Xuan Tiejian flashed a sword light, and when he finished saying this, he had already rushed towards the Darkwing Demon Emperor. When he rushed over, He vaguely heard Xiao Yao shout.

"Don't destroy his physical body!" Xiao Yao said.

Although Xu Kuangge was curious, he still wrote down these words.

Could it be that Hong Feisheng is not dead yet?

With this level of doubt in his heart, his sword mobilized a majestic sword aura to form a revolving sword gang, which enveloped the Yaozu's soil for ten kilometers and swept away.

When encountering grass to pull up weeds, encountering trees to destroy trees, encountering demons to kill demons, this ten-kilometer swordgang is like a restricted area of ​​life, trespassers-be punishable!

Xu Kuangge jumped up and turned into a long rainbow. After entering the Jian Gang, Jian Gang's movement speed suddenly accelerated, and another killing was set off in the Demon Realm.

When Xu Kuangge took the shot, the prelude to the war had already been kicked off by a sword.

Sword Qi was rippling, pushing back wave after wave of Demon King.

"Die me!" Suddenly, a roar came from behind Xu Kuangge.

Xu Kuangge turned his face and saw the hideous face of the Darkwing Demon Emperor. He frowned slightly, and could only step back for a certain distance. At the same time, with his wrists, the celestial power in his body surged wildly, forming a sword wind, and the opponent Forced back again.

If it weren't for what Xiao Yao said before, Xu Kuangge would definitely not have any pressure to face the Darkwing Demon Emperor.

But as soon as Xiao Yao said that he couldn't destroy the other party's body, Xu Kuangge felt that he didn't know what to do.

Could it be that he rushed over and pinched the Dark Wing Demon Emperor's neck and choked him to death?

Not to mention doing it this way, just thinking about it this way, Xu Kuangge felt very stupid.

At this moment, there was another strong wind behind him, accompanied by an oppressive force.

Although Xu Kuangge did not look back, he was not worried.

Because he had heard Xiao Yao's voice.

"Your opponent is here."

When the Mengcheng Demon Emperor immediately rushed in front of Xu Kuangge, his body was suddenly lifted out by a vast energy.

Before the Mengcheng Demon Emperor struggled to get up, Xiao Yao had already killed him again holding the Chunqiu Sword.

Before the immortal emperor was killed, let's try the sword with the demon emperor first.

The eyes of the Demon Emperor of Mengcheng City suddenly turned blue, Xuan even shot two beams from his eyes, and smashed towards Xiao Yao at an extremely fast speed.

Xiao Yao avoided sideways, the light beam still did not stop, and fell on a demon king in the distance. In an instant, the body of the demon king was torn to pieces, turned into powder, and fell from the sky.

Speaking of which, you may not believe it, but there was a rain of ashes.

Is it exciting to think about it?

"Bastard, bastard!" Seeing that he hadn't succeeded with a single blow, but killed a demon king on his side, the Mengcheng Demon Emperor was furious, and slammed towards Xiao Yao again with full of anger.

Xiao Yao was not happy at that time.

He just couldn't understand, what was the reason for the other party's anger?

It seemed as if the Demon King had killed himself.

Is he obviously the murderer?

Xiao Yao was very angry. He stretched out his hand, and a ball of strange fire flew out of his palm, and rushed directly at the door of the Demon King of Mengcheng.

The face of the Demon Emperor of Mengcheng City changed drastically, and he hurriedly fled. After Xiao Yao broke through, the original alien fire was once again blessed by the new power. If it were placed in the past, even though Xiao Yao’s alien fire had a great deal of damage. Strength, but still won't be put in the eyes of these Demon Emperor Immortal Emperors, after all, the disparity in strength is really too big.

But now Xiao Yao has broken through, and the ability to swallow the alien fire has once again been improved. Even a strong man like the Mengcheng Demon Emperor, the first reaction in the face of the alien fire is to dodge quickly instead of rushing up immediately. Head-to-head. Speaking of it, one thing about the Yaozu is ahead of the demon **** and the immortal emperor. It is their ability to judge danger. This may also be an animal instinct, and the Yaozu magnifies this instinct countless times and becomes They are a kind of ability.

Simply put, it is to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

It is precisely because of this that the Mengcheng Demon Sovereign will not take into account the face and face, the first reaction is to quickly avoid it.

On the other hand, the two powerhouses, Baimu Demon Emperor and Zihong Demon Emperor, can only compete with Qinglong. Part of the reason is that it has not been too long since Qinglong entered the realm of Longsheng. If they grow up a little bit, even if these two demon emperors join forces, they may not be Azure Dragon's opponents.

The strength of the Dragon God is so powerful!

Although now, the Bai Mu Demon Emperor and Zihong Demon Emperor can still hold the Qinglong, but judging from the current situation, the defeat of the Bai Mu Demon Emperor and Zihong Demon Emperor is only a matter of time, and it will not last long.

In fact, Bai Mu Demon Emperor and Zihong Demon Emperor also have their own ideas.

They hope now that the Dark Wing Demon Emperor or the Mengcheng Demon Emperor can quickly resolve Xiao Yao and Xu Kuangge, so that they can help them and slay the Qinglong.

The idea is good, but the Mengcheng Demon Emperor can only be chased and beaten by Xiao Yao, and there is no chance to turn the tide of the battle.

The only chance is the Dark Wing Demon Emperor.

The strength of the Darkwing Demon Emperor was originally the most powerful of these four demon emperors. In addition, because of Hong Feisheng’s body, Xu Kuangge couldn’t make a big break, decisively kill, and suffer everywhere. Restriction, so much that, it was actually at a disadvantage. Fortunately, Xu Kuangge's sword spirit was domineering, even if he was at a disadvantage, the Darkwing Demon Emperor did not dare to rush into the wind and fight him.

He knew that Xu Kuangge was afraid to do anything to him in a short period of time, but that didn't mean he dared to rush to die.

If someone dare not kill you with a knife, you have to hit someone else's knife. Isn't this insane?


The star gate that broke the deadlock appeared again.

The complexions of the four demon kings all changed.

They want to curse.

These **** actually have helpers?

The dragons who came before have already caused a lot of psychological pressure on them.

As a result, there are other players?

How to play this?

Have fun!

Although they knew that Xiao Yao and his relationship with the fairy clan weren’t very good, these demon emperors still knew that even if they had a bad relationship with Xiao Yao, they couldn’t stand up and help the monster clan. To deal with them, the fairy clan is still very clear in this big concept, saying that it cherishes feathers, and it is not too much to think that it is innocent and disdain to be with the monster clan.

So they don't expect the immortal clan to come to help them.

The door of the heart opened, and a man in a black robe walked out.

"It's from the Demon Race!" Bai Mu Demon Emperor's face was pale, it was hard to see the extreme.

Xiao Yao seems to be from the Demon Race, right?

However, what he didn't notice was that Xiao Yao's face at this time was also a little stern.

It seems not to be optimistic.

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