The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 1969: Pull a backed

A demon **** suddenly appeared in the demon world.

If this is placed in the past, it is nothing new.

After all, there is such a great enemy as the fairy clan, so the demon clan and the demon clan move around more frequently.

Not to mention whether the demon clan and the monster clan can really unite, so that there is no gap, at least such an illusion can also make the fairy clan feel like a mouse.

This is the real purpose.

Therefore, the relationship between the demons and monsters has not been very strong for a long time. It is completely based on what they need. In some ancient places, the demons and monsters are fighting for something because they are fighting for something.

Now that the demon gods are coming, the brains of the four demon emperors are not enough.

They don't think that the devil will come to help them.

After all, when Xiao Yao first came to Tianwaitian, he stayed in the Demon Realm and had a very good relationship with the Demon Race. No matter whether the opponent is a Demon Race or not, there is no doubt about this.

There was also a wry smile on the face of the Demon Emperor Bai Mu, and he felt that he was really a wrong step.

The Demon God who came to the Demon World this time was not the Buddha Demon God who had often dealt with Xiao Yao before.

Demon God of Covering Hands.

When he saw this demon god, Xiao Yao felt very uncomfortable.

Xiao Yao was thinking, if the Demon Realm is really willing to blend in, then the Demon God who came this time should also be the Buddha Demon God.

After all, the Buddha and Xiao Yao are the closest to each other, and the relationship is also very good.

But now it was not the Demon God of Buddha, and he always felt that the eyes of the Demon God who came to the demon world looked at him, something was wrong.

Although he is an optimist, he can't think of a good place at this time.

Any mistake will affect the battle.

Although the previous battle has always been in a stalemate, Xiao Yao is confident that as long as they are given enough time, the final victory must belong to them.

This is Xiao Yao’s confidence,

But now, Xiao Yao was a little shaken.

"Hand-Folding Demon God, are you going to deal with our Demon Realm too?" The Demon Emperor Bai Mu shouted with his throat.

The Demon God of Covered Hands looked calm, with a smile on his face.

Indeed, if it was Xiao Yao or Bai Mu Demon Emperor, they would not be able to laugh at this time. Only a character who had nothing to do with him could be so calm.

Unconsciously, Xiao Yao and the demon emperors stopped and looked at the Demon God of Covering Hands with complicated eyes.

The Hand Covered Demon God still didn't speak, he remained silent all the time, and he didn't know if something was brewing.

"Hey, I said this grandson deliberately didn't say anything, did he deliberately enjoy the feeling of being stared at by everyone!" Xu Kuangge said.

The Demon God of Covered Hands snorted coldly, his face a little bit uncontrollable.

Xiao Yao was stunned for a while.


Xu Kuangge said it just now!

This is so special, what demon god, do you just need to find a sense of existence?

Nothing to do at your leisure!

"Ahem, everyone, don't get me wrong, I am not here this time to participate in your war." The Demon God of Covered Hands said softly.

When speaking, it was really calm and calm.

The appearance of an expert alive.

There is a great courage to defy the floating clouds to cover the eyes.

To put it bluntly, I just don't care about Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is happy and happy.

"Then what are you doing here?" Xu Kuangge didn't seem to realize anything, perhaps because he has always been of the kind with simpler thoughts, so he still doesn't give this demon **** who has the possibility of directly controlling the battle situation. Face, intending to carry on to the end, "Are you here to stop by?"

The hand-covered demon **** should not have such a good temper. In fact, few people who have become the demon **** immortal emperor have a good temper. The so-called good temper is nothing more than not wanting to offend people. Do they need to worry about offending anyone? He glanced at Xu Kuangge coldly, and said with a sincere voice: "If I'm here to help the Demon Realm, what can you do?"

Those demon emperors were naturally overjoyed when they heard this, but they didn't know whether the Demon God of Covering Hands was speaking from his heart or from angrily.

From the current point of view, it seems more likely to be angry.

To say that the Demon God of Covering Hands is here to help them in the Demon Realm.

Don't talk about others, even the four demon emperors of them found it difficult to understand.

Isn't it a brain disease?

Anyway, those demon emperors couldn't understand why.

The Demon God of Covered Hands walked forward step by step.

When he walked to Xiao Yao, he sighed and said, "You shouldn't be like this."

Xiao Yao chuckled, and did not make any comments.

He really wanted to hear what the other party was going to say at this time.

"You also know that our Demon Race is about to go to war with the Immortal Race. At that time, it will be a large-scale battle, so our Demon Race needs the ally of the Demon Race very much," said the Demon God.

Hearing such words, the four demon emperors were very excited.

They are now sure.

The appearance of the Demon God of Covering Hands is really to help them!

Since this is the case, what else can they fear?

Xiao Yao laughed and said, "So you think, what should we do?"

The Demon God of Covered Hands wrinkled slightly.

He felt that Xiao Yao's tone of speaking with him was a little frivolous.

However, he didn't care about these, after all, now Xiao Yao is no longer the same Wu Xia Amon.

People's strength may not be as good as him, but it will not be much worse than him.

"You'd better be more straightforward. Isn't it good to state your purpose directly? Why do you have to grind?" Xiao Yao said with a sigh.

The Demon God of Covering Hands suddenly didn't want to say anything.

Is this a rhythm to let yourself go down?

Obviously... bullying the devil!

"So far, how?" The Hand-covered Demon God took a deep breath, and suppressed his anger as much as possible. "If you really fight, the Yaozu will not care about the consequences, even if you have another helper here. , It may not be the opponent of the entire monster race, believe it or not?"

Xiao Yao frowned, but did not speak.

To be honest, he believed what the Demon God of Covering Hands said.

Even with his current cultivation base, plus Xu Kuangge, Qinglong, and so many dragons, if it really drives the monster to an end.

Even if it was filled with those demon soldiers and demon generals, they couldn't bear it.

The reason why the other party didn't do this was because he felt that he hadn't reached a desperate situation, so he kept suppressing it.

"I want to take my friend away." Xiao Yao said, "Everything else is easy to say."

"Huh?" The Demon God of Covering Hands was taken aback.

Xiao Yao stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the Dark Wing Demon Emperor.

"The purpose of my coming to the Demon Realm this time is to bring my friend back." Xiao Yao said with a light smile.

The Hand-covered Demon God glanced at the Darkwing Demon Emperor and nodded gently.

"Your friend has been taken away, even if you take it back, it's useless," said the Demon God of Covering Hands.

"I have a way." Xiao Yao said with a smile.

"What can you do?" The Demon God of Covering Hands was taken aback.

Xiao Yao took a deep breath: "I can pull the soul of the Dark Wing Demon Emperor from my friend's body. My friend's soul still exists, but it is temporarily suppressed."

Xiao Yao had already realized this when he saw the Darkwing Demon Emperor before.

He felt that things were not irreversible.

Moreover, there are some records in the memory of human inheritance how to restore Hong Feisheng.

After breaking through the original realm, Xiao Yao has developed some inheritance, so he has enough confidence in himself.

"The Dark Wing Demon Emperor is the strongest demon emperor of the Demon Race, and it is also the combat power we need to rely on." The Hand-covered Demon God said with a black face.

Xiao Yao sighed, "You mean, don't you agree?"

The Demon God of Covered Hands snorted coldly.

He stared at Xiao Yao, his eyes like a poisonous snake.

"What if I don't agree?" Folding Hand Demon said.

Xiao Yao took a step back, a murderous look in his eyes.

Although he did not turn his head, he had already communicated with Qinglong Xu Kuangge.

"Senior Qinglong, Xu Kuangge, are you afraid of death?"

"Hey, I'm your son for fear of death." Xu Kuangge said with a grin.

Although he didn't know why Xiao Yao mentioned this at this time, he didn't care, he just said whatever he thought.

Qinglong's voice sounded colder.

"I swear to live and die with adults!"

Xiao Yao was about to be moved by Qinglong.

That's interesting enough.

I really don't know what kind of personality charm the sword emperor human emperor had that can make Qinglong so dedicated.

He was satisfied with Xu Kuangge and Qinglong's answers.

"What do you mean?" The Hand-covered Demon said with a sneer, "Is it trying to die with us? Are you afraid that you don't have this ability!"

Maybe there were before, but now that the Demon God of Covering Hands jumped out and mixed up, they don't have this ability anymore.

Not only is the Demon God of Covering Hands, but the Yaozu thinks so, Xiao Yao also understands.

He shook his head, indicating that he didn't mean it.

He stared at the Demon God of Covered Hands, with wisps of murder in his eyes.

Make no secret of it.

The hand-covered devil frowned, and there was a vaguely bad feeling.

At first he felt that everything was under his control, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Senior Qinglong, Xu Kuangge, we will die in the Demon Realm today, but even if we really die here, we will have to hold back. How about this demon **** in front of us?" Xiao Yao said aloud.

The voice spread thousands of miles.

The reverberation echoed.

"Hahaha, I understand this. At first, when I was not cultivating well, a group of people bullied Lao Tzu, so Lao Tzu dragged the leader, pressed him to the ground, hit him on the head with a brick, and there were a dozen people left to beat me. One, I don't let go, just thinking about pulling a back cushion when I am dying, is that also the case now? Very good!" Xu Kuangge laughed.

The face of the Demon God of Covering Hands finally changed.

The situation is indeed not under his control.

In fact, when he felt that he could control everything, he had already committed a big mistake.

He overestimated Xiao Yao and Xu Kuangge, and also missed the intervention of the Dragon clan.

Otherwise, he would not propose a reconciliation at all, but would directly do it in the demon world.

Now, he is regarded as the number one enemy by Xiao Yao.

To die, drag him to death!

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