The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1329 Three Great Immortal Venerables (first update)

Du Yuesheng couldn't help raising his brows, Xian Ji was one of the few friends he had in the fairy world, yet she also felt suspicious.

But thinking that almost everyone in the fairy world is shouting and killing Du Yuesheng when they see Du Yuesheng, Xian Ji's ability to ask this directly in person has proved that she attaches great importance to Du Yuesheng.

So Du Yuesheng immediately said: "Zui Mo has broken with the Holy Demon Sect."

"Then why did she come to the fairy world?" Xianji asked obviously relieved when he heard the words.

"Do you believe me when I say she came to see the scenery?" Du Yuesheng shrugged helplessly.

There were many other monks around, and they couldn't help curling their lips when they heard Du Yuesheng's words, looking at the scenery? Who believes such nonsense.

But at this moment, after being silent for a while, Xianji actually opened his mouth and said slowly: "Trust you once."

After all, Xianji glanced at the many monks present, and said with a stern look: "You seem to have provoked a lot of people this time, and it will take at least three days to forge the supreme bone, so I will help you guard the volcano! "

Du Yuesheng couldn't help but take a deep look at Xianji, this is someone giving a pillow when he is sleepy, the current Heavenly Dao Octopus Formation just needs an immortal to sit in it, so Xianji came.

So Du Yuesheng immediately said: "In this case, help me preside over the formation!"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng had a thought, and shouted directly in his heart: "System, help me buy a Heavenly Dao Octopus Formation!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for obtaining the Heavenly Dao Octopus Formation, which consumes 33,000 unparalleled points!"

At the same time, a Heavenly Dao Octopus Formation Disk appeared directly in Du Yuesheng's hand. With a big wave of Du Yuesheng's hand, the formation disk flew high into the sky, rising against the wind, and turned into a huge formation foundation with a size of hundreds of feet.

Then a beam of light burst out above the base of the formation, and the light waves surged and flowed down, covering the entire Tianshan volcano in a blink of an eye!

Xianji's figure flashed, and he came directly to Du Yuesheng's side, his eyes swept over the formation disk above the sky, his eyes flickered for a while, and after a long time, he said in a deep voice: "This formation disk is so powerful, I'm afraid no one under the fairy master can do it." break!"

Du Yuesheng smiled and said: "That's true, but it needs an immortal to preside over the formation!"

Xian Ji nodded, raised his finger, and a gray-white ray of light flew out slowly like flowing water at the fingertips, and poured directly into the array.

Immediately, the entire eight poles of heaven trembled fiercely, and a strange fluctuation surged from the formation disk. In a blink of an eye, the protective light curtain emitted by the formation disk suddenly appeared. The breath of silence.

"My avenue is the avenue of silence." Xianji sat cross-legged, presiding over this formation required her full attention.

At this moment, the distant sky was shining brightly, and the sect closest to the Holy Fire Gate finally learned of the drastic changes in the Holy Fire Gate, and sent experts to rush over.

When they saw the completely destroyed Sacred Fire Gate, their complexions changed suddenly. When they saw the large formation above the Tianshan Volcano, and then saw the immortal silence in the formation, they frowned even more.

A shout came from far away: "Xian Ji, as a master in the fairy world, are you going to join forces with Du Yuesheng now?"

At this moment, Xian Ji was absorbed in his thoughts and couldn't hear the words of outsiders at all. Naturally, Du Yuesheng couldn't stand by and watch. He raised his eyes and looked at the people, and they turned out to be three immortals with different clothes.

Obviously this is the master of the three sects.

Du Yuesheng grinned immediately, and said: "Follow the same stream? What kind of stream? What kind of dirty?"

After the three immortals looked at each other, they let out a cold snort and said in unison: "Hmph! Of course they are the same kind who betrayed the fairy world! The filth of the demon clan!"

"Betray the fairy world?" Du Yuesheng sneered when he heard the words, raised his head to look at the three immortals, and said: "Then the emperor wants to ask, how many demon monks have you killed?"

A fairy in a blue robe with a high bun stood up immediately, and said word by word: "I am the Pofeng Immortal, I am not proud of myself, there are no less than a hundred demon masters who died under my hands!"

The second immortal also stood up and said: "I am the immortal of Yancheng. There are more than eighty-seven masters of the demon clan who died under my hands!"

The third immortal was the most arrogant, and snorted coldly: "I am the immortal Yan Chao, the master of the demon clan who died under my hands, no less than three thousand!"

Hearing what Yan Chao Xianzun said, the monks around couldn't help gasping. Yan Chao Xianzun directly killed three thousand demon monks with his own power, which was really tyrannical.

But Du Yuesheng let out a disdainful laugh amidst the exclamation: "Three thousand? Eighty? One hundred, you all killed four thousand demon monks..."

"How? Heartache? Then you should cry, what are you laughing at?" Yan Zhao Xianzun looked at Du Yuesheng's disdainful smile, very upset.

Du Yuesheng shook his head and said: "I am laughing at you as a frog in the well. You keep saying that I have betrayed the fairy world and joined forces with the demons, but the number of demons you have killed is less than a fraction of what I have killed..."

Du Yuesheng didn't lie. In Pomo Plain and Yellow Wind Valley, Du Yuesheng probably killed 30,000 to 40,000 demon monks in total.

Hearing this, all the monks present were stunned. Did Du Yuesheng kill so many demon monks? Then how could he join forces with the demons, how could he betray the fairy world?

But soon, Xianzun Yan Chao burst out laughing immediately, and said: "Haha, I am dying of laughter, you killed so many demon monks, who saw it?"

Du Yuesheng frowned, he killed so many demon monks, indeed not many people knew about it, or those who knew were not here.

At this time, Yan Chao Xianzun said coldly: "It doesn't count to betray the fairy world and join forces with the demons, but you dare to deceive us and treat us as three-year-old children? Let me die!"

While speaking, Xianzun Yan Chao waved his big hand, and the big hand composed of spiritual power directly transformed out of thin air, and across a distance of more than ten miles, Lingkong grabbed Du Yuesheng fiercely.

Du Yuesheng couldn't help but sneered, and said:

"If you want to kill me to seize the treasure, you all have reasons to overthrow what the Emperor said, but it's okay, I just want to have a clear conscience, as for you want to kill the Emperor, it's a dream! "


As soon as he finished speaking, the big hand transformed by Yan Chao Xianzun directly pressed on the eight-pole formation of the heavenly way arranged by Du Yuesheng, and there was a loud noise, and there was a wave of light waves on the eight-pole formation of the heavenly way, and the entire formation could not shake. stop!

But that's all, the big hand transformed by Yan Chao Xianzun finally exhausted his spiritual power, and disappeared directly, but the Eight Great Formation of Heavenly Dao was still intact!

However, when Yan Chao Xianzun saw this scene, he hooked his mouth and said:

"I thought it was some kind of powerful formation, but I almost broke it by this immortal, everyone, take action, break this formation in one go, kill Du Yuesheng, and capture the demon saint witch in Tianhuo! "

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