The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1330 Formation Master

Yan Chao Xianzun just made a random shot just now, just to test it out, but he didn't expect the Eight Great Formation of Heavenly Dao to be wobbly.

This gave Immortal Master Yan Chao great confidence, Immortal Master Pofeng and Immortal Yancheng beside him also nodded again and again, no need to discuss, the three of them immediately flashed their figures, and rushed forward in unison, wanting to attack with their own deities Heavenly Eight Great Formation!

Seeing this scene, Du Yuesheng just stood quietly in the formation, still smiling.

Wushuang Value Mall said that if the Baji Formation of Heavenly Dao can withstand the attacks of everyone below the Immortal Lord, then there is nothing wrong with it, no matter how violently it shakes, it will never break open.

As for these three people, Du Yuesheng could also fight them in their heyday, but since the strategy is to wait for Zuimo to leave the customs and then kill them all in one go, Du Yuesheng is naturally too lazy to do it now.

Of course, the three of Yan Chaoxianzun didn't know what Du Yuesheng was thinking, they only thought that Du Yuesheng was already petrified at this moment.

In a blink of an eye, the three of them rushed to the front of the formation, and Xianzun Yan Chao raised his hand and punched out. The fist was directly covered with a layer of silver-gray brilliance, and the power of the great way contained in the silver-gray brilliance caused waves of heaven and earth to fluctuate , Make it change color!

But Pofeng Immortal Venerable patted his waist, took out a feather fan, raised his hand, and a burst of multicolored clouds flew out of the feather fan, which also contained a trace of the power of the Dao, and it was so powerful that it made people The color of the smell changes!

Yancheng Immortal Venerable opened his mouth, and a stream of rays of light gushed out of his mouth, which condensed into a huge mountain and pressed down towards the formation.

The three immortals attacked a formation together, which made people dazzled. The eight great formations were even more wobbly at this moment, like a thatched cottage in a storm, and it seemed that it was about to be torn apart.

There was also a hint of disdain in the eyes of the three great immortals: "You still want to use this formation to protect yourself?"

But after they finished talking, the wobbly eight-pole formation gradually stopped shaking, and finally gradually stabilized.


For a moment, the three great immortals were stunned.

It is obviously a weak formation, why does it still remain indestructible under the combined attack of the three?

Du Yuesheng, who was standing in the formation, had expected this scene long ago, he couldn't help but raised his head, grinned, and said lightly: "Did the three of you not eat today?"

"You!" The three great immortals raised their brows, it's fine if the blow failed, but now they are being ridiculed by Du Yuesheng like this, how can the three of them bear it?

The three immediately shouted: "Bastard, don't be arrogant!"

While speaking, Immortal Pofeng couldn't bear it first, raised his hand and waved the feather fan in his hand, and colorful clouds of wind flew out of his feather fan one after another, and bombarded towards the formation.

A burst of roaring sounded continuously, the brilliance continued to bloom, and the formation was volatile, but after a long time, the Xiafeng dissipated, but it was still extremely stable, and it was not affected at all!


Seeing this scene, Pofeng Immortal Venerable's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and the repeated attacks failed to break through a weak formation, which has exceeded the bottom line that Pofeng Immortal Venerable can accept!

Du Yuesheng laughed more and more heartily: "It's a big battle, but unfortunately, it's useless!"

Hearing Du Yuesheng's sarcasm, Pofeng Immortal Venerable's complexion turned from gloomy to flushed, but he couldn't refute, as an Immortal Venerable, when had he ever suffered such sulking.

For a moment, the angry Pofeng Xianzun wanted to take out his hole cards and fight Du Yuesheng to the death.

But at this moment, Yancheng Xianzun stood up, and said in a low voice: "Fellow Daoist Pofeng, don't worry, this kid has a weird formation, and there is no need for us to make great efforts to break the formation... "

"Huh?" Hearing this, Immortal Venerable Pofeng and Immortal Yan Chao couldn't help raising their eyelids to look at Immortal Yancheng.

Only then did Yancheng Immortal Venerable speak one word at a time: "When I was traveling around the world, I met a master who was quite accomplished in battle. The master summons to come and break through this formation!"

For a moment, a bright light flashed in the eyes of Pofeng Xianzun and Yan Chao Xianzun: "What Fellow Daoist Yancheng said, could it be that the legend is the first person in the formation of Xianzun... Guiliu Xianzun?"

"Exactly!" Yancheng Xianzun sneered and said, "Although Guiliu Xianzun hasn't been born for a long time, I and him are close friends!"

While speaking, Yancheng Immortal directly took out a sound transmission jade slip, said a word quickly and crushed the sound transmission jade slip.

Afterwards, Yancheng Immortal looked at Du Yuesheng coldly, and said word by word: "Arrogant boy, when Ghost Willow Immortal arrives, I think you can still be so rampant!"

The corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth twitched, it was not surprising that the other party would find a formation master to break the Heavenly Dao Baji Formation, but, can this formation master break the formation produced by Wushuangvalue Mall?

Not long after, a huge vortex suddenly appeared above the sky that had gradually calmed down, and a burst of space fluctuations came out of the vortex.

Immediately afterwards, a scruffy old man wearing a tawny robe, with disheveled hair and shriveled skin like a dead tree stepped out of the vortex step by step.

The old man's small, dark eyes glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on Yancheng Xianzun, and a voice as sharp as an old eunuch rang out:

"Yancheng, we agreed that if I help you break the formation, you will be charged once!"

Immortal Master Yancheng grinned when he heard the sound, and said, "Fellow Daoist Guiliu, do you know Du Yuesheng? Do you know the Holy Witch of the Demon Race Holy Demon Cult?"

"Du Yuesheng? Is that the kid who turned the fairy world upside down recently? I'm not interested in him."

Halfway through the conversation, Immortal Guiliu suddenly changed the subject and said, "However, the Holy Witch of the Demon Sect is the best of double cultivation. I heard that Du Yuesheng is with him..."


Speaking of this, the smile on Yancheng Xianzun's face became more and more obvious: "The kid in the formation in front of me is Du Yuesheng, and the holy witch of the Holy Demon Sect is in Tianhuo. You come to break the formation, and the holy witch will give you , Du Yuesheng give it to us!"

Ghost Liu Xianzun raised his brows, looked at Du Yuesheng seriously, then suddenly grinned, and said: "So that's the case, this proposal, I agree with!"

Hearing this, the three great immortals all heaved a long sigh of relief. In their eyes, in the entire fairy world, there is no formation that Immortal Ghost Willow cannot break through. Now that Immortal Ghost Willow is helping to break the formation, Du Yuesheng is just a turtle in a urn. !

Immortal Ghost Willow is not a sloppy person either, after he finished speaking, he surrendered from the sky, landed in front of the eight-pole formation of the heavenly law, and began to observe the eight-pole formation of the heavenly law, intending to break the formation.

At the same time, he couldn't help but said to Du Yuesheng: "Boy, I really don't know how to thank you, usually the holy witch will not leave the land of the demons, but I didn't expect you to come to my door this time, and I will break the formation later Afterwards, this deity will intercede for you and make your death easier!"

Du Yuesheng also grinned when he heard the words, and said: "Thank you for your kindness, but there is no need, because when the Emperor of Heaven kills you, he will definitely make your death ugly!"

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