The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1332 The Heavenly Volcano Destroyed (Part 1)

"Oh? It's a formation that even Fellow Daoist Guiliu can't break?"

The newcomer Xianzun's heart trembled slightly, and he looked at Du Yuesheng who was in the formation, his eyes were full of surprise.

Who is this young man who has a formation that can block the ghost willow.

Seemingly seeing everyone's doubts, Immortal Guiliu immediately said, "This son's name is Du Yuesheng..."

Guiliu Xianzun originally wanted to introduce it in detail, but after hearing Du Yuesheng's three words, the expression of the Xianzun present suddenly changed, and a gleam of light shot out from his eyes:

"What? He is Du Yuesheng?"

"Haha, I'm still looking for this kid, I didn't expect this kid to appear so soon!"

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Ghost Willow, even if you don't say anything, this deity is also looking for Du Yuesheng. Since you still open your mouth, Fellow Daoist Ghost Willow, I will definitely break this formation for you, but, when the time comes..."

Having said that, the meaning of everyone is very obvious, that is, after capturing Du Yuesheng, share some of Du Yuesheng's magic weapon!

Gui Liu frowned, and looked at the other three immortals not far away. He was not interested in Du Yuesheng in the first place.

Seeing this scene, Yancheng and the other three great immortals could only let out a long breath of foul air, and nodded immediately, expressing their willingness to share the gains from Du Yuesheng with everyone.

After the agreement was reached, Guiliu grinned, pointed to the Eight Great Formation of Heavenly Dao, and said:

"According to my observation, there is one weakest point in this formation, which is the highest point directly above. Everyone, you just need to work together to crush it with absolutely superior spiritual power!"


With Ghost Liu Xianzun pointing the way, everyone flew into the sky without hesitation, and their eyes fell on the top of Du Yuesheng's head, which is also the highest point of the Eight Great Formation of Heavenly Dao!

The Eight Great Formation of Heavenly Dao is like a round bowl buckled on the ground.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help grinning, and said lightly: "Twenty-one immortals, it must be very refreshing for the emperor to kill me later!"

"Knowing that there are twenty-one immortals present, you dare to kill us?" Guiliu Xianzun sneered when he heard the words, he found that Du Yuesheng's arrogance really exceeded his expectations.

Du Yuesheng looked at Immortal Guiliu with a smile, pointed at his feet, and said, "Remember the word regret, you will use it soon!"

"Arrogant man, I will catch you after I break the formation!" Guiliu Xianzun snorted disdainfully, now he only thinks that Du Yuesheng is already a cornered beast, trying to use his tongue.

While speaking, he waved his hand to signal all the immortals to prepare.

Twenty immortal venerables channeled the spiritual power in their bodies one after another and came to their hands.

The spiritual power of the Immortal Venerable is so powerful, all of a sudden, the light from the spiritual power on the hands of each Immortal Venerable is as dazzling as the sun.

Looking up, the light above the sky is simply dazzling!

The scene of twenty immortals attacking together is really spectacular, even Du Yuesheng has never seen it before, so he couldn't help squinting his eyes to see it.

Then he saw that twenty strands of spiritual power containing incomparably terrifying energy flew across the sky without any fanfare, and landed on the Eight Great Formation of the Heavenly Dao above his head with a bang!

In an instant, countless brilliance splashed like water, and the Octopus Formation began to tremble crazily like a thatched cottage that had encountered an earthquake. Countless light waves flooded and brilliance splashed.

There were bursts of overwhelmed voices from the eight-pole formation, as if the formation could no longer bear it.

And within the formation, Xian Ji, who was passing his power of the Great Dao to the formation at this moment, also frowned suddenly, as if he was in trouble.

Gui Liu also kept paying attention to Xian Ji's expression, when he saw Xian Ji's ugly face, he immediately laughed and said:

"Haha, everyone, Xianji is also the core of the formation. Now Xianji feels uncomfortable, which means that we can really break the formation immediately!"

Hearing this, the hearts of the twenty immortals trembled, and they all lifted their spirits, and smashed their spiritual power towards the formation even more bravely.

I don't know how long it has passed, Xianji's face is getting uglier and uglier, suddenly, she opened her eyes suddenly, frowned and said: "Not good!"

"not good?"

Immortal Yancheng laughed out loud when he heard Xianji's words: "It's too late to know what's wrong now!"

Pofeng Xianzun also gritted his teeth and said:

"Xianji, after all, you are also an immortal in the fairy world. You also walked out of Tianhuo in the beginning, and now you are helping the rebellion in the fairy world here. Now break the formation immediately, and I will definitely kill you!"

Gui Liu even grinned and said: "Hey, everyone, I heard that Xianji is also a beauty, although she is older than the deity, but I heard that the exercises she practiced can keep youth forever, I also like it very much! "

The formation was about to break, and everyone was in a good mood. After hearing the words of Ghost Willow Immortal, many immortals laughed and said:

"Then when the time comes, we will work together to control Xianji, and give it to you, Guiliu Xianzun!"

Ghost Willow was elated when he heard that, this time the move was too worthwhile, to get a demon saint witch is not counted, but also to get the legendary Fairy Xianji who is so cruel that even the immortals are wiped out!

Unexpectedly, at the same time that Guiliu was in full bloom, Xianji raised his eyelids, and snorted coldly with disdain:

"You mobs just don't want to control this deity, but speaking of this deity is not good... It doesn't mean that you can break the formation!"

Everyone is an immortal, so naturally he disdains to lie, Xian Ji said that he was not worried about breaking the formation, then he was not.

But, in this way, what is she worried about?

Just as everyone was wondering, a loud noise suddenly came out, deafening everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of white light, which was even more dazzling than the light of the twenty immortals attacking together.

Afterwards, everyone saw that Tianhuo, which was still extremely quiet just now, exploded directly from the middle part at this moment, and white light was born from here, and a wave of air visible to the naked eye swept away, creating a gust of wind , directly razed the forest within a hundred miles to the ground in an instant!

Although the immortals were unscathed in the big explosion, they were also terrified in their hearts. What happened in the sky volcano?

Only then did Xianji stand up slowly, and the Heavenly Dao Baji Formation was also slowly withdrawn because of this, but at this moment, no one was thinking of killing people, and everyone's attention was focused on the exploding sky volcano!

At this moment, a dark figure slowly stepped out of the dazzling white light, as if a fairy lord had descended into the world.

And that graceful figure made all the male immortals present couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"Forging a Supreme Bone actually directly destroyed Tianhuo." Xianji murmured: "Without Tianhuo in the fairy world, the strength will drop a lot."

Saying that, Xian Ji looked at Du Yuesheng, as if he wanted Du Yuesheng to give an explanation.

Du Yuesheng curled his lips for a while, and could only say: "I don't know that it will become like this. If the Tianshan Volcano is destroyed, I will find a way to compensate the Immortal World. And right now, it's better for the Emperor of Heaven to get rid of these annoying flies!"

While speaking, he raised his brows, and his eyes fell on the many immortals who were stunned and undisguisedly obscene!

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