The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1333 Golden Winged Roc King (Second Change)

At this moment, Zui Mo slowly walked out of the light from the erupting volcano, his figure seemed to sway with the light.

With that beautiful face, Immortal Guiliu couldn't hold back the obscenity in his heart anymore, he opened his mouth and shouted loudly:

"Hurry up, everyone, help me catch this woman, I will reward you a lot!"

For the sake of drunken ink, Immortal Guiliu even forgot to deal with Du Yuesheng and Xianji.

Not only Immortal Ghost Willow, but the rest of the immortals also couldn't hold back the obscenity in their hearts. After hearing Immortal Ghost Willow's words, their figures flashed, and their whole body turned into a streamer, and rushed straight out.

In their eyes, Zui Mo at this moment is just a weak person who has just forged the Supreme Bone and entered the realm of Immortal Venerable.

Let them deal with a group of masters who have entered the realm of immortals for a long time, isn't that easy to catch?

But at the moment when they shot, Du Yuesheng also shouted in his heart: "System, use a character lottery card!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for getting the character Dapeng King Summoning Card!"

"King Dapeng?"

Hearing this name, Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows. Such a character appeared. This guy was clearly a monster. He didn't expect to appear on the system's summoning list.

But that's fine, at least the brutality of this guy is definitely second to none.

You must know that after King Dapeng was brought to Leiyin Temple in Xitian by Sun Wukong, he had a 50-50 fight with a lot of arhats under Tathagata Buddha. In the end, Tathagata Buddha himself took action to restrain him!

"Use the Dapeng King Summoning Card!"

Without any hesitation, Du Yuesheng immediately shouted in his heart.

With this loud shout, the sky that was still cheerful just now suddenly turned into darkness.

What's more terrible is that the darkness is like the night, covering it continuously. In the blink of an eye, as far as the eye can see, the sky for at least a few hundred miles has turned into a night!

"what happened?"

Seeing this scene, Rao, all the immortals were already in the brain at this moment, and they also noticed that the matter was unusual.

Immortal Ghost Willow cast his eyes on Du Yuesheng immediately: "Are you playing tricks?"

Du Yuesheng grinned when he heard the words, and said: "I can't say it's a trick, it's just a way to kill you!"

"It's all up to now, and you're still saying such arrogant words!"

Hearing the words, Immortal Guiliu raised his hand and patted the storage bag at his waist, and a formation plate flew out of the storage bag, turning into a huge, translucent yellow copper bell, and it was buckled directly on top of Du Yuesheng's head with a buzzing sound. .

"Trap you boy to prevent you from escaping first, and come to kill you later!"

Seeing this scene, Xianji immediately frowned and was about to attack, but Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and said:

"Today's matter, thank you Xianji Taoist for your help. In the future, the Emperor of Heaven will be able to fulfill one of your wishes, Xianji Taoist!"

Xian Ji frowned, and said, "Whatever wish?"

Du Yuesheng grinned and said, "Of course!"

The other immortals in the sky burst out laughing when they saw that Xianji was discussing the matter of wishes with Du Yuesheng in a serious manner:

"Could it be that Xian Ji has lost his mind? Otherwise, how could she believe Du Yuesheng's empty promises?"

"It also fulfills a wish, making Du Yuesheng look like some great person!"

"Du Yuesheng, I advise you not to hurry to satisfy other people's wishes, but to think about how to escape yourself!"

While everyone was talking, no one noticed that the sky was completely dark, and there was no starlight above the sky.

And just under the starry sky as black as the bottom of a pot, a pitch-black figure slowly emerged and flew down from the sky.

After a breath, this figure finally appeared in front of everyone, and went straight to Du Yuesheng's side.

When he saw the phantom shadow of the copper bell shrouded in Du Yuesheng's body, he immediately stretched out a finger, and without a sound, the whole copper bell shattered, turned into fine yellow sand, and fell to the ground. !

Afterwards, the figure cupped its hands, bent down, and said: "King Dapeng came late to rescue him, please forgive me by the Emperor of Heaven!"

The person who came here was the King Dapeng who had caused great obstacles to Sun Wukong on his way to learn the scriptures, and fought against the Arhats under Tathagata for 300 rounds!

Even if this King Dapeng is not as powerful as Monkey King, he still has at least 50% to 60% of the opponent's skill!

Seeing the appearance of King Dapeng, Du Yuesheng immediately grinned and said: "It's okay, the Emperor of Heaven is not dead, so don't blame yourself..."

The ghost willow immortals above the sky were immediately stunned.

Especially Immortal Ghost Willow, he looked at the yellow sand on the ground under Du Yuesheng's feet, and then at the array plate in his hand, he couldn't recover for a while: "Why is my sleepy clock broken?"

The other immortals frowned and looked at King Dapeng, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Who is your Excellency, why did you help Du Yuesheng, I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise don't blame our ruthless subordinates!"

After Du Yuesheng heard this, he smiled and pointed to the many immortals, and said to King Dapeng: "Leave the ghost willow immortal, and kill the rest!"

King Dapeng nodded when he heard the words, and then raised his hand, a pair of black feather wings appeared directly behind him, and with a wave of the wings, everyone felt as if a black lightning appeared, passing through the air!

An immortal venerable didn't have time to come back to his senses, but felt a chill in his heart, and looked down, only to find that a big hole had appeared in his chest!

"No, this person is a master, quickly cast the spell, and watch my Nine Profound Dragon Rain Technique!"

There was also the Immortal Venerable who reacted quickly, immediately shouted loudly, and at the same time clasped his hands together, the spell flew out of his hand almost instantly.

I saw a violent storm, every gust of wind was as sharp as a knife, and every drop of rain weighed ten thousand catties. A mountain range was first flattened by the violent storm, and then completely collapsed!

One can imagine what the consequences would be if people were shrouded in this violent storm!

But King Dapeng rushed into the Nine Profound Dragon Rain Technique indifferently, but he was not affected at all, as if the ten thousand catties of raindrops and the blade-like gust of wind were all ordinary gentle and drizzle!

"How can it be!"

When the rest of the people were surprised seeing this scene, they saw King Dapeng suddenly opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

In an instant, the violent storm that was raging just now suddenly changed direction, and all of them flew towards the mouth of King Dapeng, and King Dapeng's mouth seemed to be the bottomless abyss of the sea, and countless The storm swallowed it all!

This time, all the immortals were dumbfounded. It's nothing more than being able to resist the Nine Profound Dragon Rain Technique, but they can still swallow it all?

And after King Dapeng swallowed the entire Dragon Rain Technique into his mouth, his indifferent eyes swept over the immortals one by one, and suddenly, his mouth opened again.

In an instant, the Nine Profound Dragon Rain Art that he had just swallowed into his mouth was immediately spit out again, covering the other immortals!

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