The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1365 Yuanshen Item Card (Fourth Change)

Du Yuesheng couldn't help but stare, he actually raised four levels in one go, it seems that the reward for killing the master of the fairy master alone is really good!

Not bad for using so many skills at once.

And the most profitable event this time, even got an item card!

Du Yuesheng couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "It's been a long time since I got an item card."

Without even thinking about it, with a thought, he clicked on the message of the Primordial Spirit Tremor Card:

Card Name: Yuanshen props card

Card Level: Advanced

Card description: This card is created by the gods. It is specially used to deal with the gods. It can shake the opponent's soul and make the opponent fall into a state of dizziness, unable to cast spells or move. The primordial spirit is shattered to achieve the goal of killing!

Card Note: This card is a range attack. Within a radius of ten miles, everyone except the player will be attacked. Please use it carefully!

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng raised his brows involuntarily, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, he couldn't help but murmured:

"This is clearly the best weapon to kill a fairy master level master!"

When the Immortal Venerable is promoted to the realm of the Immortal Master, a ray of primordial spirit will be born. Although this ray of primordial spirit is not very strong, it is enough to keep the immortal master immortal for millions of years.

He wouldn't even die if he turned into the appearance of Mr. Xingji just now.

And in the fairy world, there are no spells to attack the primordial spirit, unless you kill a complete piece of flesh and blood from the fairy master.

But who can have such a tyrannical combat power as Du Yuesheng?

Therefore, the tyranny of the fairy master is crushing.

But with this card, Du Yuesheng can instantly kill a large group of fairy masters without even using Point to Invincible!

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng seemed to have seen the scene where he killed a group of fairy masters in one breath and raised his cultivation to the realm of fairy masters.

It took a long time to put away the joy in his heart, Du Yuesheng raised his hand and made a move towards Jiutian Xuanling Rabbit, saying: "Let's go!"

Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit and Ling Xiaojun, who was already in shock, flew to Du Yuesheng's side.

For a while, Ling Xiaojun didn't know what to say. He thought that the master of the fairy lord realm was already invincible, but today he saw that he was really a chicken and a dog!

She was a little skeptical, even if she got the inheritance of the ancient land and became a master of the fairy master, so what?

The messy thoughts in her mind were not noticed by Du Yuesheng and Jiutian Xuanling Rabbit.

Especially the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit, I saw him staring at the gleaming Xingji City, and said with a murderous look on his face: "Boss, there are still many monks in the city, why don't we kill them all, lest they expose our whereabouts! "

But Du Yuesheng shook his head and said: "No hurry, I just want them to expose the position of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Ah?" Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit was taken aback, completely unable to understand Du Yuesheng's desire for a large group of fairy masters to surround and kill him.

But soon, Jiutian Xuanling Rabbit still nodded and said: "In that case, let's go to the city with great fanfare and use the teleportation array."

Du Yuesheng chuckled and looked at Jiutian Xuanling Rabbit: "You are better at this than me!"

Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit nodded proudly, and said: "Of course, you can follow me later, Boss. This handsome rabbit will definitely let the news of your use of the teleportation array spread throughout the city in an instant!"

With that said, the group of people flew towards Xingji City.

Originally, there were many people flying above Xingji City, but today, not only no one was flying above, but many monks shrank their necks and hid in their caves and houses, not daring to come out!

They all saw the battle outside Xingji City just now, and they also knew that the city lord of Xingji City was beheaded by one person, but they didn't know that the person who came was Du Yuesheng.

When flying over Xingji City, the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit waved his hand and shouted:

"All the people in Xingji City listen to this handsome rabbit. Now my boss, Heavenly Emperor Du Yuesheng, has killed Lord Xingji, so this Xingji City belongs to my boss!"

"What? This person is actually Du Yuesheng?"

"This Du Yuesheng is so strong!"

When the monk who was hiding in the city was secretly slandering in his heart, the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit shouted again:

"My boss heard that many people wanted to kill him, let me tell those idiots through your mouths, my boss is invincible in the world, one will die, one will die, two will die, one pair, if you have the ability, chase us!"

After finishing speaking, the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit looked up at Du Yuesheng and said, "Boss, do you think the people in Tianyuan Pavilion will immediately send someone to chase us after hearing this?"

Du Yuesheng thought for a while, shook his head and said: "There are not enough people in Guangtianyuan Pavilion..."

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng also mobilized his spiritual power, and said in a low voice: "This Heavenly Emperor has six ancient keys in his hand, and all the brave immortal masters come and get them!"

The ancient land key is a very important part of the ancient land inheritance, even if it appears, it can attract those masters of the fairy master level to frantically fight for it.

Now Du Yuesheng said that he has six here, and he is not afraid that those masters of the fairy master level will not come!

After hearing this, Jiutian Xuanling Rabbit couldn't help giving Du Yuesheng a thumbs up, and said word by word: "It's still the boss, you are ruthless..."

But Ling Xiaojun looked at Du Yuesheng suspiciously and asked, "Why did the Heavenly Emperor let those people come after you?"

Du Yuesheng smiled and said: "Because the Emperor wants to kill them all in one go!"

After finishing speaking, the three of Du Yuesheng and the others stood on the teleportation array. As the teleportation array started, the figures of the three disappeared immediately.

At this time, the monks in Xingji City dared to poke their heads out from the door.

Then almost everyone flew towards the teleportation array.

But the strange thing is that no one used the teleportation array, but all of them stared wide-eyed at the lingering spatial fluctuations above the teleportation array.

Not long after, a monk took out a sound transmission jade slip and said: "Du Yuesheng went to the Great King City, and he has six keys to the ancient land in his hand, and many people know the news, let the sect send out a fairy master-level Masters chase after them!"

When the first monk speaks, there will be a second and a third immediately, and after a while, the voices of each monk will be heard one after another:

"Du Yuesheng is in the Great King City, and has the key to the ancient land..."

"Du Yuesheng arrived in Dawang City, there is an ancient land..."

As the sound transmission jade slips were shattered one by one, the news spread across half of the Chaos Immortal Realm almost instantly.

Everywhere in Chaos Immortal Realm, there are big forces, great sects that have entered millions of years ago.

At this moment, almost at the same time, they knocked on the door closed by the masters of the sect.

The ancient land key can open up the road to the God Realm.

Who doesn't want to get it!


Who works in Chongqing, the tortoise is going to look for a job, does anyone have any introductions?

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