The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1366 Pretty Lady (Part 1)

At the same time, the teleportation formation in the King's City entered.

The figure of Du Yuesheng and his group appeared here. This Great King City is also a very famous city in Chaos Immortal Realm, and it is extremely bustling with people coming and going.

Du Yuesheng and others did not attract much attention.

" doesn't seem to have much effect!" Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit looked at the crowd coming and going, and found that no one paid attention to them at all, and couldn't help curling his lips.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and said: "Although the teleportation distance is very far, it takes at most ten breaths. They should not be able to react in such a short time, so wait a little longer!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Xiaojun Ling and said, "Don't be with me, retreat outside the city first, and wait until I have dealt with these master-level masters."

Ling Xiaojun was taken aback for a moment, but soon she understood.

My own strength is too weak, even if I stay here, I can only hold back.

So she nodded immediately, and the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit suddenly raised her foot and walked out of the city.

"Depend on!!"

"This rabbit!"

Du Yuesheng looked at the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit who was running before the battle, and he couldn't help but cursed loudly.

In less than a few breaths, the voice of the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit sounded in Du Yuesheng's ears: "Boss, we have already left the city!"

Coincidentally, at this moment, beams of light suddenly rose one after another from the walls of the Great King City.

But after a while, the densely packed radiance that rose was connected together, forming an incomparably thick wall of light curtain, wrapping the entire Great King City.

Seeing this scene, the monks in the King's City panicked:

"What's going on here, why did the Great King City activate a defensive formation!"

"Could it be that those ancient clans in Chaos Immortal Realm are resurgent? Impossible, those ancient clans have been killed by us so long ago that they dare not show up!"

"Could it be that someone wants to attack the Great King's City?"

The people around were puzzled, but Du Yuesheng chuckled. This defensive formation was not for defending against foreign enemies, but for those immortal master level masters who contacted the monks in the Great King City to prevent him from leaving the city.

The plan is very good, the only downside is that if he didn't stay here on purpose, this defensive formation would be useless.

After a sneer, Du Yuesheng walked to a restaurant on the street.

Since those immortal master masters will activate the defensive formation to prevent themselves from leaving the city, it means that it will take some time for them to arrive here, so don't worry.

At this moment, the monks in the restaurant were also discussing the opening of the defensive formation in the Great King City.

There are still monks coming in outside the door. For monks, the restaurant is a very good place to inquire about news.

Du Yuesheng randomly found a place to sit down, ordered a pot of fairy wine, and sipped it lightly, just waiting for the fairy masters to kill them, and then killed them.

"I don't know how many fairy masters I have to kill, and the experience points I get can improve my cultivation to the level of fairy masters?"

And not far from him, a young and personable monk said in a particularly loud voice: "In my opinion, the opening of the defensive formation in the Great King City this time is nothing more than a misunderstanding. Don't worry at all, the formation will soon be completed." will be revoked."

"Oh?" Hearing this, the monks around all looked at the young monk curiously.

Then there was a burst of exclamation: "Isn't this Lu San Immortal?"

"It's really Lu San Xianzun. According to legend, Lu San Xianzun has reached the ninth level of Xianzun, and he won't die fighting the real fairy master!"

"Hiss... Fighting a fairy lord without dying? So strong!"

"Since Lu San said that this was just a misunderstanding, I'm afraid it really was just a misunderstanding."

When everyone was chattering, Lu San stood up and walked towards a lonely female cultivator in the corner.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on this female cultivator.

At this time, everyone realized that although the female cultivator in the corner was wearing a black dress, she was as bright as a lotus in water. When they looked closely, they felt that the other party's beautiful face was like a fairy descending from the earth.

Rao, most of the people present were masters of the level of immortal emperors and immortals, but it was rare to see such a peerless beauty. Immediately, there was a sound of amazement again.

And Lu San went straight to the female nun's table, smiled slightly, and said gracefully: "The beauty is drinking alone, but what are you waiting for?"

In the face of Lu San, a super genius who can compete with the level of the fairy master with the cultivation base of the fairy, the female cultivator is not surprised, and said flatly: "Wait for the city to open."

Lu San's smile was even better than before. He just made a noise on purpose to let everyone reveal his identity. The purpose was to wait for the female nun to answer like this.

So he immediately said: "Where is the beauty going?"

"Ancient land." The nun still didn't look up.

Lu San smiled again, and said: "The location of the ancient land was discovered a while ago, and the immortal masters of the various powers have brought their top geniuses to the ancient land. I was planning to go today, why don't we go together And do?"

"No need." The nun remained indifferent.

Lu San couldn't help but shook his head lightly and said: "Now the city defense formation is activated, I don't know when it will be closed, and I must have heard other people's comments about me just now. If you use the teleportation formation freely, won't the beauty consider it?"

Hearing this, the female cultivator seemed to be moved intentionally, so she slowly raised her head and glanced at Lu San.

Lu San was overjoyed, thinking that he had already impressed this peerless beauty. After all, a young, tyrannical and powerful monk like himself is definitely the best dual monk!

But at this moment, the nun lowered her head again and said, "No need."

Lu San was stunned for a moment, unable to react in time, but soon he came back to his senses and forced a smile: "Would you believe me? Then you can ask everyone here, can I do this?"

As soon as Lu San said this, many monks around who wanted to cling to Lu San immediately echoed:

"It's really not difficult for Immortal Lu San to do this!"

"For Immortal Lu San, this is just a little effort!"

"It's a blessing in life to be able to walk with Lu Sanxianzun together!"

A burst of echoing words intensified the pride in Lu San's eyes:

"Now the beauty can trust my words. I can lie alone, or I can find a group of people to lie for me, but it is impossible to ask everyone here to lie for me!"

At this moment, the female cultivator raised her head again.

Lu San thought that the female cultivator would definitely agree to him this time, but unexpectedly, the female cultivator raised her slender fingers, pointed at her, and said, "But he didn't help you talk."

Lu San was taken aback for a moment, he had been covering this place with his breath, the people here were not considered experts in his eyes, who would dare not speak for him?

He immediately turned his head to look, and immediately saw a young monk with only the seventh level of immortal respect in the corner.

He was writing and drawing on the table with his fingers dipped in wine, completely ignoring what happened to them here, as if he didn't care about them at all!


woo woo woo woo! !

On the first day of Wugui's first job search in Chongqing, when I was coding today, the main board of the notebook burned directly, which was unlucky.

But there will be no shortage of updates, and the tortoise codes all night in the Internet cafe.

The fairyland is also coming to an end, stepping into the next area.

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