The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1370: The Immortal Lord's Gap (Second Change)

Seeing someone flying over, both Liu Long and Ping Xin'er stared blankly.

The other monks behind them also became nervous, wondering if another trap had appeared.

However, as Du Yuesheng and the others approached, Liu Long and Ping Xin'er gradually relaxed their vigilance.

"Xin'er, don't worry, the person who came here seems to be an immortal master, and his cultivation level is lower than mine. He is only a first-level immortal master!"

When he said this, Liu Long's eyes were not without complacency, and Ping Xin'er also nodded. She is also the first level of the Immortal Lord, so she can naturally see through Du Yuesheng's cultivation.

The husband and wife are two fairy masters, so they are not afraid of one fairy master and one level.

After the other monks behind them heard this, they relaxed their vigilance one after another.

They all paid a lot of natural materials and treasures to Liu Long and Ping Xin'er, so they are eligible to seek protection with these two people.

In this ancient land, there is a crisis everywhere, and people’s hearts are also sinister, so they have to seek protection. So many people have died in the previous trap, which has made them very scared. If they encounter a stronger opponent at this time, they simply Just don't live.

After Du Yuesheng and the others flew up to the crowd, Du Yuesheng didn't even look at Liu Long and the others, and just ignored them.

The most important thing for him now is to rush directly to the core inheritance site of the ancient land and send Ling Xiaojun in.

Coincidentally, at this moment, bursts of white mist suddenly rose from the road ahead. Wherever the mist went, even experts at the level of fairy masters became hazy with their naked eyes. Can't see the way ahead.

Seeing this scene, Du Yuesheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, another trap appeared.

The Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit was even more impatient, and couldn't help saying: "It's really troublesome to have so many traps appearing before reaching the core inheritance zone!"

On the contrary, Ling Xiaojun said very patiently: "The entire ancient land, except for the core area of ​​the inheritance, the rest of the places are arranged by the people who choose the inheritance. It is not surprising that such traps appear one after another!"

Du Yuesheng nodded, even if he used the system to detect, he could directly see through the fog.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Liu Long, who was standing not far away, walked up with a smile, cupped his hands and said:

"Fellow Daoist, if we meet by chance, how about we go together? When facing this fog, it will be much easier!"

Du Yuesheng raised his brows, glanced at Liu Long, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes: "We're going together, your Excellency probably wants me to scout the way for you to die!"

Liu Long's heart skipped a beat. His purpose was indeed to find someone with enough money to help him find the way. After all, the traps in this ancient land, even the masters of the fairy master level, may fall!

It's just that he didn't expect Du Yuesheng to see through his thoughts at a glance.

The most important thing is that Du Yuesheng, the first level of the Immortal Lord, actually dared to say such a straightforward thing in the face of himself, a master of the second level of the Immortal Lord, so bold, aren't you afraid of angering yourself?

You must know that the realm of the fairy master is not like other realms. The gap between each level is a huge difference. In other realms, it is equivalent to a gap of a big realm!

Thinking of this, Liu Long grinned slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he didn't even bother to talk, but with a wave of his hand, one of his followers stood up.

The follower immediately pointed at Du Yuesheng's nose and shouted:

"Boy, you don't know the strength of my Immortal Master Liu Long, right? He is the second level of Immortal Master, and you are the first level of Immortal Master. Whatever My Immortal Master Liu Long asks you to do, just do it!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes, and glanced at this follower, he was nothing more than a ninth-level immortal, a waste.

Even too lazy to use the skill of watching and killing, Du Yuesheng directly made a little sound.

Immediately, the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit stood up holding the Sea of ​​Clouds Fan, and said impatiently: "Damn, there are strange flowers every day, and the most people are looking for death. If you can't walk well, you have to come here and look for death!"

"Do you dare to say that I'm courting death?" Although Liu Long's followers didn't dare to fight Du Yuesheng directly, he was certainly not afraid of the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit right now:

"If I don't give you a little bit of power, look at it, you think we are paper!"


The follower had just finished speaking, when he felt a gust of wind coming directly towards him, and the extremely tyrannical force hit his chest, making him unable to bear it, and his whole body flew up.

And when he was in the air, gusts of wind came from all directions, hitting his chest fiercely.

Poor Liu Long's follower, who paid a lot of natural materials and earth treasures to get Liu Long's protection, after he came in, he was sent out by Liu Long to make trouble, and as a result, the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit Rabbit stood far away and used a cloud sea fan to protect him. Slapped to death!


Seeing that his subordinates were decisively killed by the Nine Heavens Xuanling Rabbit, Liu Long couldn't help taking a deep breath, not because of fear, but because of anger!

"Boy, I haven't seen you before. It seems that you have just been promoted to the Immortal Lord, and you have been so arrogant not long after you have been promoted to the Immortal Lord. If you give you a little more time, wouldn't you even look down on the world? ?”

While speaking, Liu Long walked forward slowly, and the aura of the whole body burst out directly. Compared with Du Yuesheng's current Du Yuesheng, the aura of the Immortal Lord was stronger.

As his breath exploded, there was a gust of wind around him, making everyone present breathless.

And that Ping Xin'er was giggling: "Oh, I angered my brother Long, but there is no good fruit to eat. Isn't it just to let you go ahead to explore the way, you are a master of the fairy, what are you afraid of?"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help grinning, and said lightly:

"I never said I was afraid of..."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Long's breath eased a lot, he thought Du Yuesheng had given in.

Unexpectedly, immediately afterwards, Du Yuesheng said: "I just think that you two are not worthy of letting me lead the way."

"Not worthy?"

Liu Long's face darkened: "I'm a majestic master of the second level of the fairy master, and you dare to say that I am not worthy, so I want to tell you whether I am worthy or not to let you lead the way!"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Long took a step forward, his body was still in place, but a wave of spiritual power in his body had already spread out directly, condensing into a long dragon with faint blue light shining all over his body.

The long dragon appeared, raised its neck and let out a long dragon cry, the sound was deafening.

Afterwards, Liu Long raised his hand and pressed forward, and immediately, the long dragon came straight at Du Yuesheng.

This long dragon's aura is extremely tyrannical, not much worse than that of a fairy master, and this long dragon's eyes are full of tyranny. On the way towards Du Yuesheng, he even opened his mouth to say:

"Hey, it turned out to be another Immortal Lord Yizhong who didn't know what to do and wanted to die. The taste must be good!"

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