The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1371: Ping Xiner (third update)

Du Yuesheng originally thought that an expert at the level of a fairy master would not make a move easily.

Unexpectedly, Liu Long cast a spell directly after a disagreement.

However, he didn't panic much, instead a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"This is my first battle after being promoted to Immortal Lord. Don't be too weak and let me down!"

"Hey!" Hearing this, Liu Long had a smirk on his face: "I'll give you the original words, don't be too weak and let me down!"

After he finished speaking, the huge green dragon flew over Du Yuesheng's head, only to see Liu Long's five fingers open, and the big mouth of the green dragon opened directly. Seeing this, Liu Long pressed his arms down, and the green dragon fell from the sky .

"Oh? This green dragon is completely under your command?"

Du Yuesheng grinned, this was the first time he had seen this kind of spell, but he didn't bother to explore much, so he thought directly: "Spiritual consciousness!"

With the activation of his consciousness, a strange wave of primordial spirit emanated directly from his body.

Immediately afterwards, a 360-degree picture with no dead ends also directly appeared in his mind. Within a radius of ten miles, no matter how tiny it was, a flower, a tree, a grass, or a rock, everything could be seen. clear and distinct!

This is the function of divine consciousness!

But this was not Du Yuesheng's purpose. The moment he released his consciousness, his thoughts moved, and the tyrannical consciousness directly condensed into a line, and he swept it away!

The speed of consciousness is so fast that no one can match it at all, so in the blink of an eye, Du Yuesheng's consciousness hit Liu Long not far away.

Liu Long, who was still aggressive just now, cast the spell, at the moment when he was swept away by his consciousness, he felt as if his head had been hit hard by a hammer, his body shook, and the spiritual power in his body surged wildly. The whole person fell into a moment of chaos.

And the spell in his hand collapsed in an instant, and the green dragon also turned into pieces of brilliance from the head to the tail, and disappeared directly.

"Sure enough, it's a good opportunity!"

Of course, Du Yuesheng had already made preparations. At the moment Liu Long fell into chaos, his figure flashed, and the Immortal Sword jumped out of his hand, and the sword pierced straight out without any muddle.

Liu Long, who was in a state of chaos, could clearly see that the sword was coming towards him, but he couldn't move at all. He could only watch helplessly as the tip of the sword continued to expand in his pupils!


In the next second, the Immortal Execution Sword pierced directly between Liu Long's eyebrows and came out from the back of his head.

But Du Yuesheng knew very well that an expert at the level of an immortal master would not be able to kill him with this injury, so he immediately thought: "Swallow the sky!"

In an instant, thousands of sword lights erupted from the Immortal Execution Sword. The moment the sword light flew up, it directly cut Liu Long, who had no resistance, piece by piece, turning into broken corpses and flying all over the sky!

At the same time, his spiritual consciousness was also directly activated. In the picture sent back by the spiritual consciousness in his mind, he could clearly see a wisp of Liu Long's primordial spirit directly entering half of his finger.

"Want to leave now? It's too late!"

Seeing this scene, Du Yuesheng raised his hand casually, and a white sword light shot out, directly chopping the finger that Liu Long was hiding into pieces of meat.

At this moment, Liu Long, who had no place to hide, only had time to let out a scream, and then disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing Liu Long, the second-level master of the immortal master, and obtained 970,000 immortal points!"

When Liu Long died, everyone present was stunned.

A second-level immortal master, was defeated by a first-level immortal master, and was even killed?

Ping Xin'er also had an incredulous expression on her face. In her perception, it is impossible for a battle at the level of a fairy master to be challenged by leapfrogging.

But the current scene made her have to believe all of this!

In the world of cultivating immortals, the strong are always respected.

Thinking of this, Ping Xiner hardly hesitated, and immediately performed a half-squatting salute to Du Yuesheng, raised her delicate and beautiful face, looked at Du Yuesheng flatteringly and said:

"Your Excellency's cultivation is Tongxuan. It was my concubine who misunderstood me before. In fact, I was also coerced by Liu Long before. Thank you senior for rescuing my concubine. How about senior taking my concubine with me?"

As he said that, a strange wind blew up and lifted up Ping Xiner's clothes, outlining her extremely hot figure. Many monks present were still afraid of Du Yuesheng's murder just a moment ago, but at this moment they were Horny!

Seeing this scene, Du Yuesheng couldn't help grinning, this Ping Xin'er must have practiced the art of dual cultivation, and she must have charm skills in her body, otherwise she would not have captivated everyone.

It's a pity that in Du Yuesheng's eyes, this charming skill is still too weak.

It's not that he has a firm heart, it's just that Du Yuesheng has seen too many peerless beauties, a little Ping Xiner, so ugly!

So Du Yuesheng didn't hide his thoughts, and immediately said: "You want me to take you to Huangquan Road?"

Ping Xin'er was startled, her charm skills didn't work? She hastily put away her charm skills, took a few steps back, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, and said quickly:

"Your Excellency's strength is indeed beyond my imagination, but don't be too arrogant, Your Excellency. There are quite a few master-level masters who have entered here this time, and you are not the only one who is astonishing in the world. I, Ping Xin'er, happen to be Get to know some!"

The corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth twitched, and he said lightly: "Are you threatening me?"

"So what!" When Ping Xiner said this, although her voice was still trembling, her confidence became more and more abundant:

"I don't believe you don't know Immortal Master Jian Feiyang, he is my friend for many years, as long as I crush the jade slip in my hand, he will come to save me!"

As she spoke, Ping Xiner opened her palms, holding a jade slip like a small sword in her hand.

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and his sword flew upwards. He sounds like a powerful character, but it's a pity that the more he is threatened, the more he likes to face difficulties!

So, he simply took a step forward, revealing his murderous intent.

Ping Xin'er was so frightened that she trembled all over, and she clenched her hands subconsciously, and with a click, the jade slips shattered.

At this time, Ping Xin'er suddenly realized that Du Yuesheng did not attack her directly, but instead stood there expectantly, waiting for something.

For a moment, Ping Xin'er's heart trembled suddenly, and she couldn't help but ask, "You... what do you mean?"

"What's the meaning?"

Du Yuesheng grinned: "Of course it's to see how powerful Jian Feiyang is, and to see if he can do ten tricks under my command!"

"How powerful is Feiyang the sword?"

Ping Xin'er's voice suddenly rose, and there was a hint of sarcasm in her eyes:

"If you can't get away, you can do ten tricks. You are looking for death. You will know later that people like Jian Feiyang are the real fairy masters.

And you, even if you have the cultivation of a fairy master, you are still an ant! "


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