The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1477 Wearing golden armor and stepping on colorful auspicious clouds


Under the palm of the tiger demon, Hua Mudan was sent flying another hundred meters, and cracks appeared in the protective armor on her body.

It can be seen how powerful this palm is.

"Hey, I see how it is resisting my next attack." The tiger demon approached Hua Mudan step by step.

"If you dare to step over with the key, I'll blow myself up immediately. Even if I die, I want you to be buried with me."

Hua Mudan steadied her body, watching the tiger demon approaching again, she said with a determined face.

Now, under the successive blows of the tiger demon, her body armor has already shown a few cracks, and she can still withstand one blow at most.

How could this not make Baihua feel flustered and scared?

But she is not afraid of death, only afraid of falling into their hands, and self-destruction is his only way out.

"Haha, if you want to blow yourself up, is it possible for you to blow yourself up in front of me?" The tiger demon laughed loudly when he heard Hua Mudan's threat.

"Give it to me!" A round treasure appeared in the tiger demon's hand, and he threw it lightly at the flower peony.

Immediately, the round treasure thrown by the tiger demon turned into an invisible pagoda and shrouded around Hua Mudan.

Hua Mudan looked at the pagoda covering her head, her face changed drastically, and she immediately manipulated the baby to explode.

But the divine baby that exists in her dantian is not under her control at all, and sits firmly in the dantian.

Moreover, she found that the air around her was constantly decreasing, as if it had been sealed by something.

The tiger demon looked at the disheartened Hua Mudan, laughed and said, "Haha, this is an artifact specially prepared for you humans."

When Hua Mudan heard the tiger demon's flowers, she felt cold and fell into darkness.

It can't even be self-destructed!

Could it be that she really wanted to die or become the tiger demon's slave girl.

The tiger demon laughed and stretched out its tiger claws to grab Hua Mudan.



However, at this moment, the world suddenly shook.

The tiger demon also stopped moving, looking at the world ahead, where a red cloud of calamity appeared, wondering in his heart, "What's going on? Could it be that the demon emperor has awakened?"

The tiger demon knows that this area is the trump card of a snake clan demon emperor.

Their Tiger Clan and Snake Clan have been enemies since ancient times, so he was also cautious in chasing and fleeing Hua Mudan to enter here.

He was afraid of waking up the sleeping demon emperor.


At the moment when the tiger demon was puzzled, the red cloud moved so fast that it appeared in their eyes in less than a moment.

When some monsters saw the red cloud, they shouted "Demon Emperor, it's human, it's human!"


When the tiger demon heard the names shouted by all the monsters under him, his eyes lit up, and another human came.

"Haha, if I catch two humans this time, I can compete for the next Tiger Emperor." The tiger demon was very excited.

All the monsters in Tianyuan's tomb have a common goal, which is human beings.

As long as you catch the human beings who enter it, you can enter the inheritance place of the monster clan's headquarters.

There, accept the baptism of the law arranged by Tianyuan Shenzun before his fall, and you can break through the realm of the demon emperor.

"Human?" Hua Mudan heard the name that was about to be called out. She had already extinguished the flame and started to burn again.

"I thought it was some kind of monster, but it turned out to be just a cat, wasting my spirit." A voice full of imperial prestige came from the sky.

At the same time as the sound appeared, a man wearing purple armor, stepping on red clouds, and holding a long sword descended to the earth.

"Humans, court death!" The tiger demon looked at the descending figure and heard the words that came out of his mouth.

Of course he knew what 'flower cat' meant.

Tigers and cats are almost similar in appearance, except for their different body shapes.

When Hua Mudan saw the man who descended to the earth wearing purple armor, stepping on red clouds, and holding a long sword in his hand.

She was completely surprised.

"Kill God!"

For this person, Hua Mudan can never forget, snatching the key of Tianyuan and destroying the gods with a sword, the overlord of the major forces of Gaia.

Before the opening of Tianyuan's tomb, it even overwhelmed the masters who descended from other regions, and its power shook all directions.

How could she forget this person.

Moreover, at this moment, he was wearing purple armor and stepped on red clouds, which made Hua Mudan even more mesmerized.

"It's saved!" At the same time, Hua Mudan looked at Du Yuesheng approaching, she knew that she didn't have to die.

He is the existence who can kill even the god emperor and the strong with one sword.

He must have dealt with these God-Emperor-level monsters in minutes.

This is indeed the case.

Du Yuesheng, who came down, really didn't take the tiger demon into his heart. He was flying aimlessly in Tianyuan's tomb.

Suddenly he saw many monsters gathered here, which made him think that a baby was born, and came down in a hurry.

But after the arrival, Du Yuesheng discovered that it was just a group of monsters chasing a woman.

Du Yuesheng still has a little influence on Hua Mudan, a woman.

In the battle to snatch the Tianyuan key, she took the initiative to confront her, but Du Yuesheng remembered it clearly.

Du Yuesheng turned his head, smiled at the trapped Hua Mudan, and said: "This beautiful lady, I think your situation is very bad, do you need me to rescue you?"


"Kill the god save me"

Hua Mudan nodded, she definitely needs Du Yuesheng's help.

"A lot. Let's agree now. It's not free for me to save you. Breaking the pagoda on your body requires 50 million top-grade divine stones."

"As for taking you out of here, I need 100 million top-grade divine stones, and I'll give you a 20% discount if you're an old acquaintance."

"You only need to pay me 130 million." After Du Yuesheng finished speaking, he looked at Hua Mudan with an extremely sincere smile on his face.

for a moment.

Hua Peony was surprised.

In any case, she never thought that since Du Yuesheng would make such a request, it would be a complete extortion.

Why does he only think about money?

Outside Tianyuan's tomb, he also killed so many people for the top-grade divine stone, but now he actually exchanged his own life for it.

People don't often say that a hero saves the beauty and wins the hearts of the beauties.

But in this situation?

Hua Mudan really wondered if she had heard it wrong. Although she was not all over the country, there were still flowers like jade.

In the fire domain, my own beauty can also be photographed in the top 20 of Qunfang, and I have never been ignored by others.

"Asshole, this guy is an asshole." Hua Mudan cursed in her heart.

Du Yuesheng looked at Hua Mudan whose expression was constantly changing, and he said lightly: "Why isn't there? Then there is nothing I can do to help."

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng pretended that you won't give me money.

Labor and management left immediately.

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