The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1478 I Come From a Small Mountain Village

Hua Peony hasn't spoken yet.

The tiger demon standing beside Hua Mudan was angry.

In front of his own face, he didn't take himself seriously, and even said that these monster races like himself were rubbish.

How can this keep the tiger demon calm.

"Human, I'm going to eat you today." The tiger demon roared angrily at Du Yuesheng, """I haven't eaten a human in hundreds of thousands of years."

The tiger demon licked the corner of his mouth, "Your blood is very strong, it must be very chewy to eat."

"Tiger Roar!"


The tiger demon opened its bloody mouth wide, and roared out a vibrating roar of the tiger, making the surrounding space tremble.

This is the supernatural power of the tiger demon clan, the roar of the tiger.

"Looking for death!" Du Yuesheng looked at the roaring tiger demon, and snorted coldly, and the Zhu Xian sword quietly unsheathed behind him.

"Qinglian Sword Song."


Du Yuesheng stabbed lightly with the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand, and a pure white lotus flower emerged from the sky, suppressing everything and passing by.


Today's Qinglian Sword Song is no longer as powerful as it was before, and it has entered the stage of reaching its peak during Du Yuesheng's continuous training.

Immediately, the roaring sound of the tiger that filled the surrounding void was suppressed, and the void was suppressed by the lotus along with the white tiger.

As a sword qi tore through the heaven and earth, it fell on the tiger demon's body, and the tiger demon didn't even have a chance to struggle and resist.

"Boom!" Immediately, the tiger demon fell to the ground and died, staring at his chest and the heart that had been smashed to pieces with his wide eyes.

"God Emperor..." Two words came out of the Tiger Demon's mouth when he died.


"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the God Emperor monster and gained one billion divine points."

"The Lord Demon Emperor is dead!"


And the army of monsters standing on the ground, seeing the tiger demon beheaded with a sword, all shouted loudly.

Even the incomparably powerful demon king was beheaded by someone with a single sword. What use are demon kings and monsters with the strength of demon generals?

Death is not enough.

"Want to run?" Du Yuesheng looked like he wanted to run away from all the monsters. These are all experience points for upgrading.

How could he let these monsters escape?

He is still short of 60 billion experience points to be able to break through the God Emperor Realm.

"Death!" Du Yuesheng waved his hand out again, and a ten thousand zhang sword energy swept out, and the destructive aura swept across the huge sky.

Under the attack of the ten thousand zhang sword energy, a large number of monsters that needed to escape were directly divided into two and died.


"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, who killed the king of gods and monsters and gained 100 million divine points."

"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the king of gods and monsters and gained 50 million divine points."

"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the general and the monster and gained ten million divine points."

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, who killed the beast and gained one million divine points."

A series of reminder sounds continued to sound.

Du Yuesheng looked at the experience points contributed by these dead monsters, and said lightly: "There is still 55 billion experience points left!"

And Hua Mudan standing under the pagoda looked at Du Yuesheng who was like a demon god, she no longer knew how to speak.

too strong!

In just one breath, the monster army that had been chasing and killing her for days and nights was instantly killed.

"But the next second, after seeing Du Yuesheng's next move, Hua Mudan said angrily: Damn, am I really that unattractive?"

She originally thought that Du Yuesheng would come to save herself immediately after killing those monsters, but she saw that Du Yuesheng was not here to save herself.

Instead, they came to the army of dead monsters and started looking for treasures.

You are a man after all.

Is money really that important?

Anyway, I am also a beautiful woman, why don't you take a look?

For the first time, Hua Mudan wondered whether her appearance could not attract others' interest?

Otherwise, why would this person not look at himself, but buried himself in the loot?

On the other side, Du Yuesheng kept collecting the treasures from the monsters and the others, which was a pride.

"That's right, top-grade artifacts, high-level artifacts. Hey, there are also king-level artifacts. It seems that this wave of gains is not small."

Du Yuesheng saw that the storage ring was full, and said to the system: "System, give me all back!"


"The recovery was successful, and a total of 100,000 exchange coins were obtained."

Du Yuesheng was speechless when he heard the system prompt that the recovery of so many artifacts was only worth 100,000 exchange coins.

"That's right!" Du Yuesheng raised his head and turned his gaze to Hua Mudan who was trapped by the pagoda.

I have to say that Hua Mudan is really an out-and-out beauty, in Du Yuesheng's heart only Xiaoyu can compare.

"Xiaoyu, wait for me, my husband has already entered the God Realm, so I should be able to find your news."

Du Yuesheng lamented in his heart, he did not find a trace of Xiaoyu all the way from the world of mortals, the world of cultivating immortals, and the world of immortals.

It was as if this had evaporated the world.

"I hope God Realm can hear about her." Then Du Yuesheng got up and flew directly under the pagoda.

"This beautiful lady, have you thought about it, do you want to give me 130 million top-grade sacred stones?" Du Yuesheng smiled teasingly.

"Don't you think that what you do is not a gentleman's behavior at all?" Hua Mudan said angrily, looking fiercely at Du Yuesheng in front of her eyes.

"Haha!" Seeing Hua Mudan's angry look, Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing.

"I forgot to tell you, I come from a small mountain village, for you people in big cities."

"I'm just a bumpkin in your eyes. In my eyes, the behavior of a gentleman can't be eaten. I still feel that the god stone is more important."

"So, are you giving it or not?"

"You" Hua Mudan almost wanted to vomit blood.

Small village?

Hua Mudan couldn't believe that it was possible for a person from a mountain village to have such a powerful body?

"So, you must be the best god stone?"

"Yes, for a bumpkin like me, what I lack the most is the sacred stone." Du Yuesheng looked at the angry Hua Mudan and replied.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that the commotion just now was too loud. I have already found a powerful monster approaching."

"If you don't want to give it, Da Yao doesn't mind taking you back, enjoy it slowly."

"Bastard, you bastard." Hua Mudan was no longer reserved, and cursed loudly.

However, when Hua Mudan thought about what Du Yuesheng said, she also calmed down.

She knew that Du Yuesheng would never lie to herself, but she didn't have so many divine stones at all.

"Well, I don't have so many sacred stones, can I use other things as collateral?" Hua Mudan asked softly.

"What?" Du Yuesheng asked suspiciously, "I want to see if it's worth 130 million top-grade sacred stones, am I losing money?"

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