The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1479 What did you say I want to do (first update)

"It's worth it, it's definitely worth it!" Hua Mudan said loudly.

At the same time, an emerald green orb appeared in her hand.

"This bead was obtained by my mother in a forbidden place, and even the Lord God can't crush it."

"Although I don't know it's a treasure, it's no worse than the Holy Treasure in terms of strength." Hua Mudan said with a look of reluctance.

This orb was the only thing her mother gave her.

Du Yuesheng watched a bead appear in Hua Mudan's hand, with a look of disdain in his eyes, I'm not a woman.


"I found the Chaos Stone, please collect it from the player."


Du Yuesheng heard the system prompt suddenly, and couldn't help looking at the beads in Hua Mudan's hand seriously.

"Fuck, it's actually a chaotic stone. Fortunately, there is a system reminder."

Du Yuesheng was overjoyed, he liked Chaos Stone very much.


Du Yuesheng's palm erupted with a suction force to collect the chaotic rock in Hua Mudan's hand.


"Congratulations to the player for getting a Chaos Stone. Currently, there are three Chaos Stones, and there is still a difference of ninety-seven pieces."

Hua Mudan looked at Du Yuesheng who had collected her orb, and said loudly:

"Hey, you took my treasure, shouldn't you let me out?"

"Okay!" Du Yuesheng nodded, and then burst out with monstrous power with both hands, and slashed down on the pagoda that was suppressing Hua Mudan's head.

In ancient times, Yang Jian, the god of Erlang, split the mountain to ask for his mother.

Today, I, Du Yuesheng, split the pagoda to beg for a beautiful woman.


With one palm, the pagoda that originally suppressed Hua Peony shattered, and the endless sealing power was crushed and shattered.

Hua Peony also appeared beside Du Yuesheng from the broken place in an instant.

Du Yuesheng looked at Hua Mudan who appeared beside him, he smiled and said: "Okay, beauty, our deal has been completed, so goodbye."

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng was ready to leave, but he still wanted to find other army of monsters to complete the upgrade.

"Ah!" Hua Mudan heard Du Yuesheng's words, her little face became angry again, "Is it true that I don't have the slightest attraction to him?"

Seeing that she was about to leave Du Yuesheng, Hua Mudan hurriedly said: "Don't you want to know how to get to the treasure of Tianyuan Shenzun?"

"You know?" Du Yuesheng turned around and looked at Hua Mudan, he really didn't know where the treasure of Tianyuan Shenzun was.

It has been a few days since he entered the tomb, and he is flying around in the tomb like a headless chicken.

"I know." Hua Mudan looked at Du Yuesheng who turned around, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she thought to herself, "You may also be hooked".

But Hua Mudan really didn't deceive Du Yuesheng, she really knew the secret of entering the treasure.

Moreover, there are many big monsters in the tomb, and only with such a pervert exists can she feel at ease.

And it is possible to use this person's power to enter the Tianyuan Treasure together.

"However, I'm telling you that it's not without request. If you don't agree, I won't be able to beat you even if I die."

Hua Mudan said calmly, "If you can blackmail me, I can blackmail you too, unless you don't want to know where the treasure is."

Grandma, this chick dared to rebel.

Du Yuesheng's eyes widened, suspecting that he heard it wrong, it was blackmailing him.

"You think I'll say yes?"

"I will definitely agree."

Hua Mudan nodded, "My request is very simple, then take me to the treasure place."


"Are you so sure that I will agree to your request?" Du Yuesheng approached Hua Mudan step by step.

"What are you going to do?" Hua Mudan shouted as she looked at Du Yuesheng who was walking towards her step by step.

At the same time, there were still hands tightly hugging his body, and the figure retreated again and again.

"Hey, look at the dark moon and the windy night, what else can a lonely man and a widow do together?" Du Yuesheng smiled evilly, and stretched out his hands to grab Hua Mudan.


"don't want.."

Hua Mudan saw that Du Yuesheng was being grabbed towards her with her outstretched hands, she quickly yelled and closed her eyes.

But after waiting for a while, Hua Mudan found that Du Yuesheng hadn't grabbed her hands, so she opened her eyes involuntarily.

Just in time to see Du Yuesheng quietly looking at Hua Mudan with an evil smile on his face.

"Haha, I'm a gentleman, tell me how to get to the treasure location." Du Yuesheng laughed.

"The inheritance place of Tianyuan Shenzun is in the center of the tomb, but it takes millions of miles away from here.

During this period, big monsters gathered and their strength was tyrannical, and they wanted to reach the central area.

"Several million miles, it seems that the size of this tomb is not small." Du Yuesheng also felt a little headache.

Although he has the secret of traveling, he can travel thousands of miles in one day, but it takes him more than ten days to travel without sleep for a few million miles.

And along the way, it is not clear how many big monsters there are, nor what big monsters they will encounter.

Moreover, he believed that there would be more big monsters in the central area, and they would be guarded layer by layer to prevent people from breaking in, which greatly increased the difficulty.

"Tell me, is there a shortcut?" Du Yuesheng asked Hua Mudan, she actually knew where to go to the treasure.

Then there must be shortcuts.

"Yes, most people definitely don't know, only those who have entered Tianyuan's tomb and left will know." Hua Mudan nodded and replied.

"Tianyuan Key, you should know it, right?"

"Could it be?"

When Du Yuesheng heard Hua Mudan mention the 'Tianyuan Key', he couldn't help guessing a possibility.

"It seems that you are also stupid? You also said that you are from a small mountain village." Hua Mudan looked at Du Yuesheng's expression, and he had already guessed a bit.

"The Tianyuan key is not only the qualification to enter the tomb, but also allows the Golden Immortal to teleport three times within the tomb."

Just when Du Yuesheng was about to take out the Tianyuan key to try the big teleportation.

Suddenly, a monstrous roar resounded from the sky and echoed in the heaven and earth.



At the same time, only a tens of thousands of feet long boa constrictor was seen soaring in the sky, emitting a monstrous aura covering all directions.

Hua Mudan looked up at the sky, and saw the tens of thousands of feet long python.

"No, it's a peerless demon at the level of a demon emperor!" Hua Mudan trembled all over.

Hua Mudan directly grabbed Du Yuesheng who was still calm, and said, "Let's run, you are not its opponent."

"Run?" Du Yuesheng looked at Hua Mudan who was holding him, he shook his head, he was not the one who ran away.

Again, only people can escape in front of them, and there is no one who can make him escape.

Hua Mudan looked at Du Yuesheng who was not moving, she said anxiously:

"Let's go, what do you want to do, I know you are very powerful, you can instantly kill the key of the demon emperor level."

"But the difference in strength between the Demon Emperor and the Demon Emperor is too great, you are definitely not his opponent."


Do you have a rest on Ching Ming Festival?

The tortoise has only had a day off and is about to go back to work, poor thing.

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