The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1485 Resurrection of the Dead

"The God Realm in ancient times can be said to be a golden age where strong men, evildoers, and geniuses all emerged."

"At the beginning, I traveled over and possessed the body of a flood dragon, and I was lucky enough to obtain the inheritance of Huanglong Taoist, one of the twelve golden immortals in the prehistoric era of China."

"After accepting the inheritance of the Huanglong Taoist, in less than tens of thousands of years, I cultivated to the realm of the ancient celestial beings."

"According to the strength of this world, the immortals in the prehistoric era are comparable to the main gods, and even stronger."

"However, because I need countless treasures to cultivate Taoist Huanglong, I have offended many forces in the God Realm."

"When I was about to finally cross the catastrophe and transform into a dragon, I was besieged by the endless forces led by the Holy See of Light. That battle could be said to have been fought until the God Realm collapsed."

"Countless ancient main gods have fallen, and even the supreme gods who are high above are killed by my last self-destruct."

Taoist Tianyuan slowly explained to Du Yuesheng the deeds of his fall.

Du Yuesheng heard that Taoist Tianyuan had obtained the inheritance of Taoist Huanglong.

Are all the legends of China true?

Taoist Tianyuan asked Du Yuesheng: "My fellow, before my consciousness dissipates, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Du Yuesheng replied.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you to destroy the Holy See for me. They were the biggest force that caused my downfall back then."

"This..." Du Yuesheng didn't know how to answer.

Although he didn't know what the power of the Holy See of Light was like, it was a power that existed in ancient times.

No matter how terrifying it is to survive, it is also a superpower, and it is not an existence that Du Yuesheng can contend with now.

Taoist Tianyuan looked at the hesitant Du Yuesheng, and immediately said: "Don't worry, I won't let you do it for nothing, I can give you a treasure."

"Treasure?" Du Yuesheng's eyes lit up.


"Actually, the biggest fundamental reason for my fall was because of this treasure, which caused many forces in the God Realm to agree to the siege of the Holy See of Light."

"Oh... what kind of treasure is it?" Du Yuesheng also wanted to know, what kind of treasure could be scrambled by many forces in the God Realm.

"That's the thing!" Taoist Tian Yuan waved his hand, and a picture glowing with purple light appeared in midair.

Du Yuesheng was expecting some treasure at first, but when he saw the treasure mentioned by Taoist Tianyuan.

The smile on his face froze.

"Damn, I thought it was some great treasure, but this is it." Du Yuesheng was very speechless.

Taoist Tianyuan looked at Du Yuesheng's expression, and said calmly: "Hmph, don't look down on this thing, do you know his origin?"

"This treasure map is a super treasure left by a peerless powerhouse who dominated the world in the early days.

Under our God Realm, there are countless worlds, as you know, although the energy of those planes is not as advanced as the God Realm.

But there are also some terrifying planes.

Those strong people who can break through the limit of the plane, and the creatures who ascended from the lower plane to the God Realm, are all people who are against the sky, and their chances can be called against the sky.

Because the heights that can be reached in the lower planes are limited, but when these heaven-defying powerhouses enter the God Realm, they will be a dragon that goes out to sea, and the sky is high for him to soar.

And there is an ascender named Martial Ancestor, who will immediately become the Supreme God as soon as he ascends to the God Realm from the next generation.

After the main god is the supreme god.

You must know that in the God Realm of the early days, the Supreme God was powerful and invincible, far from being comparable to the God Realm today.

The God Realm of that era was comparable to the prehistoric era, and the Supreme God was comparable to the prehistoric quasi-sage.

One can imagine how terrifying this person is.

After that, this person created a top force in the God Realm, named Martial Palace, and he was honored as Martial Ancestor.

However, because the Martial Ancestor was too domineering, he was going to make countless forces in the God Realm submit to the Martial Palace.

In the end, a fire of war broke out that swept across the entire God Realm, and that catastrophe was truly terrifying.

It is rumored that Martial Ancestor challenged countless powerful men in the God Realm with his own strength, and finally he forcibly killed more than a dozen Supreme Gods.

Stepping on endless corpses, one step at a time aspires to the supreme throne of the God Realm.

The Taichu Era was also renamed the Wuzu Era because of his appearance.

One person suppresses an era. "

Taoist Tianyuan slowly explained the origin of this treasure map for Du Yuesheng.

He also admired this 'martial ancestor' who suppressed an era.

"Now you know how precious this treasure map is. If you get this treasure map, you can dominate the entire God Realm."

"As long as you promise me, this treasure map can be given to you." Taoist Tian Yuan believed Du Yuesheng this time.

However, Taoist Tianyuan just looked at Du Yuesheng for a moment.

His whole body trembled.

Definitely won't say no.

"You bastard, labor and capital have three..." Du Yuesheng smiled and took out three treasure maps from the system space and displayed them

"" Taoist Tianyuan looked at the three treasure maps floating beside Du Yuesheng, he didn't know what to say.

Du Yuesheng stretched out his hand, took the fourth treasure map directly, and said to Taoist Tianyuan:

"Don't worry, we are all fellow villagers and Chinese people. I will definitely avenge you."

Taoist Tianyuan heard Du Yuesheng's answer and said, "Thank you!"


"Why is there still a problem?" Taoist Tian Yuan couldn't help becoming nervous.

His spiritual consciousness is getting weaker and thinner, and he is about to disappear into the world.

"However, if you need to avenge your revenge yourself, I won't do it?"

"What... I'll report it myself??" Taoist Tianyuan was puzzled when he heard Du Yuesheng's words.

What does it mean to report by yourself?

He's about to disappear into the sky...

"Because...I will bring you back to life."

"What? Resurrect me??" Taoist Tianyuan laughed when he heard this sentence.

His soul and body are gone.

Even the arrival of the supreme saint cannot bring him back to life, and even a small god emperor dares to speak such big words.

Du Yuesheng didn't care about Taoist Tianyuan, instead he silently contacted the system in his heart.

"The system exchanged for me a dead recovery card from Yu-Gi-Oh."


"The player consumes 10,000 exchange coins, and the exchange is successful."

Special Card: Resurrection of the Dead

From: Yu-Gi-Oh

Description: Use this card to bring the dead back from the grave.

Note: A trace of the soul consciousness of the deceased must be used as the carrier before it can be resurrected.

Du Yuesheng squeezed the 'resurrection of the dead' tightly, then closed his eyes, and read loudly:

"Resuscitate me, Taoist Tianyuan who is sleeping in the tomb, follow my will to wake up..."

"Resuscitation of the dead!"


Suddenly, a white gate slowly appeared between the sky and the earth.

A sacred breath of life emerged leisurely from heaven and earth.

"What is that..." Taoist Tian Yuan was also surprised when he saw the appearance at the Void Gate.


Going to work again tomorrow.

Turtle takes a day off...

did you go out to play

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