The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1486 Xiaojin

This is a white gate ten feet long and five feet wide, with a mysterious rune engraved on both sides of the gate.

However, this is only the beginning.

The half-empty door gradually opened, and at the same time a body gradually emerged from the door.

When Taoist Yuan saw the body appearing from the gate, his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, as if he could stuff an egg.

Because he found that the naked body gradually emerging from the gate was actually himself.

And it was his body after successfully crossing the catastrophe and transforming into a dragon.

Back then he could explode his body, it was impossible for him to exist

And while Taoist Tianyuan was still amazed at his own body inside the gate, white iron chains engraved with runes slowly protruded from the gate.

After a while, the iron chain that emerged from the gate was wrapped around Taoist Tianyuan, and at the same time, a huge pulling force pulled Taoist Tianyuan towards the gate.

Taoist Tianyuan watched as he pulled his iron chain, and said to Du Yuesheng, "What are you going to do?"

Du Yuesheng didn't even look at Taoist Tianyuan, his hands continued to make seals, one after another mysterious marks emerged from his hands, and they entered the void gate that appeared.

At the same time, a beam of purple light shot out from Du Yuesheng's hand, and directly shot into the body of Taoist Tianyuan who had turned into a stone statue.

After the light shot into his body, Taoist Tianyuan passed out directly.

And the iron chain wrapped around the stone statue quickly pulled up the stone statue and entered the gate.

Du Yuesheng watched Taoist Tianyuan being pulled into the gate by iron chains, drops of sweat kept falling from his forehead.

He also never thought that it would take so much effort to revive a person. If he had known it would be so laborious, he would not have revived Taoist Tianyuan.

If Du Yuesheng's current inner thoughts were known by everyone in the God Realm.

I don't know if they will chase him with kitchen knives.

You must know that Taoist Tianyuan has only one consciousness left now, even the Supreme God of the God Realm cannot revive him.

If the soul exists, then the Supreme God can also resurrect people.

But it's just a sense...

But Du Yuesheng was able to resurrect Tianyuan Taoist who had been dead for an unknown number of years by virtue of a single divine sense.

"Resurrect me, Taoist Tianyuan!" A seal in Du Yuesheng's hand moved towards the gate again.


There was a suction force between the stone statue in the gate and the body of Taoist Tianyuan, and gradually the two overlapped each other, and a breath of power shaking the world continued to wake up.


"My Taoist Tianyuan has returned..."

Suddenly, a monstrous roar roared out from the gate, and then a figure with the head of a dragon gradually walked out of the gate.

Every time he took a step, the breath on his body deepened a little bit, and the vast expanse around him was shaking.

At the same time.

The entire Tianyuan tomb was also howling with strong winds, and billowing black clouds floated over every area in the tomb.

In the sky appeared a figure holding a giant sword.

From the figure holding the huge sword in his hand, a terrible coercion that suppressed the nine heavens and ten places emanated, and the coercion spread throughout the void of the tomb.

All of a sudden, the endless army of monsters in Tianyuan's tomb felt their own souls beating.

Everyone can't help kneeling on the ground...

And in the central area of ​​Tianyuan's tomb, there are peerless great monsters emerging at this moment, and these big monsters are at the lowest level of the demon king.

at this time.

These big monsters all looked at the floating palace, maybe they were looking at the figure holding the giant sword.

"The patriarch is back, haha... Heaven never dies, my monster clan... My dragon clan will definitely dominate the God Realm again."

"The patriarch is back, haha... Heaven never dies, my monster clan... My dragon clan will definitely dominate the God Realm again."

"Ha ha!!"

These peerless monsters showed joy one after another.

These big monsters all believed that the Tianyuan demon god was definitely not dead.

They were finally made to wait until the day when the Tianyuan Demon God would be resurrected.

Du Yuesheng looked at the dragon head descending from the gate, "Is this the real body of Taoist Tianyuan?"

The Taoist Tianyuan came down from the gate, walked up to Du Yuesheng, and knelt down on the ground.

"I, Tianyuan sees the master!"

Du Yuesheng looked at Taoist Tianyuan who was kneeling on the ground, and heard him call himself master, what's going on?

"Ding, the system gives a friendly reminder that since Taoist Tianyuan is a monster, the system judges it to be a pet, and it will automatically accept it as a player's pet.

Memory changes, 100% loyalty to the player. "

"I rely on it!"

"System, I submit to you."

Du Yuesheng was also worried that the revived Taoist Tianyuan would be bad for him, even if they were all from the earth.

But there is an old saying in Huaxia, "People don't do it for themselves!"

Now that Du Yuesheng heard the prompt from the system, he felt relieved.

"From now on, I'll call you Xiaojin."

"Yes, Master!"

Du Yuesheng said with a smile: "Then, Xiao Jin quickly show me the treasures in your collection."

For what purpose did he enter the grave?

No it's a treasure.

Now even Taoist Tianyuan has become his pet, and all the treasures are his own.

When Xiao Jin heard Du Yuesheng's words, he couldn't help hesitating, "This...master...actually a treasure..."

Du Yuesheng looked at the hesitant Taoist Tianyuan, and asked doubtfully, "What's the matter, Xiaojin?"

"Master, actually... there is no treasure at all, the only treasure is the picture that the master collected."


"No treasure...I bought a watch last year."

Du Yuesheng was very speechless, never thinking that he was desperately looking for the treasure.

In the end, he told himself that there was nothing.

"Master, there is one more thing that needs your consent."

"whats the matter?"

"Master, I have only just been resurrected now, and my strength has only returned to the realm of a god-man, so I cannot leave here.

So I also ask the master to let me practice here, and give me a hundred years, and I will definitely be able to recover to the state of the supreme god. "

When Du Yuesheng heard Taoist Tianyuan's words, he really didn't notice that Taoist Tianyuan's strength was at the level of a god.

"Well... you can recover here." Du Yuesheng nodded in agreement.

A hundred years in exchange for a Supreme God, this deal is very cost-effective.

There is no treasure, so it is useless to stay here.

It's time to set off for the Supreme Academy.

I went to look for Fatty, the Empress, Long Wushuang and others who ascended to the God Realm. I don't know how they are doing in the God Realm?

It's not that Du Yuesheng, the Empress and Long Wushuang, are not worried, their talents are there.

Even if they ascended to the God Realm, Du Yuesheng believed that the two of them would be able to get along well.

As for Fatty's situation, Du Yuesheng was very worried. His talent was mediocre, and he liked to cause trouble everywhere.

"Xiaojin, can you still use the teleportation function?"

"Yes!" Taoist Tian Yuan nodded.

"Okay, then you will teleport me to the area of ​​the Supreme Academy?"

"Okay, master!"

Taoist Tianyuan pointed out his fingers lightly, and a beam of light instantly enveloped Du Yuesheng's whole body.

Seeing Du Yuesheng who had disappeared, Taoist Tianyuan directly crossed his legs and began to recover his strength.


A new map opens.

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