The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1538 Token sent to the door

Du Yuesheng smiled calmly and condescendingly from beginning to end.

"Why, don't you believe it?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that Your Excellency..."

It's just that Wang Kaiduo hoped that Du Yuesheng was bragging with himself and releasing satellites!

As a true disciple of the top-ranking sect, Wang Kai knows what kind of guy the Night Temple is helping.

Don't look at the Yingsha Temple, which is quite a famous sect in the God Realm, but in front of the Night Temple, it is really not enough...

And the Temple of the Night, which is extremely powerful in terms of power and strength, turned into a fish in Du Yuesheng's mouth?

The power of the transcendent sect, among which the most common inner disciples are the cultivation bases of the middle realm of the god king, Du Yuesheng... really wiped them all out?

If that's the case, it's better not to resist. After all, the Night God Palace can be destroyed. If Du Yuesheng wants to crush his group to death, isn't it easy to catch?

But it is impossible for Wang Kai to give up the opportunity to enter the Supreme Academy without a little bit of resignation.

"Your Excellency, can you answer my last question?"

Du Yuesheng showed extremely abnormal patience at this time, and said with a smile: "Say, it depends on my mood whether I answer or not."

When Wang Kai heard this, he bowed slightly and wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead, and said in a trembling voice, "Which disciple of the Night Temple did you kill?"

It was really helpless for Wang Kai to ask such a question, because he was not sure that Du Yuesheng would answer honestly.

But there is no way to do it, the matter has come to this point, even if there is a glimmer of hope, it cannot be let go.

If this master who doesn't know the depth of his strength only wiped out the outer disciples of the Night Temple, then he might still have the strength to fight...

At the very least, you can escape from the spirit pond even if you try all your classmates.

However, Du Yuesheng's understatement completely shattered the only hope in Wang Kai's heart.

"Hey, that guy's name is Ye Yu. He is an elite disciple of the sect. You should have heard of it, right?"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng also generously threw the token in front of Wang Kai, not afraid that the other party would take the opportunity to snatch it.

Just kidding, in front of Du Yuesheng, it would be considered God's favor for them to escape, and they still want to grab the token?

In fact, the reason why Du Yuesheng is so patient is very simple...

Let these guys obediently hand over the tokens!

Although speaking with fists in the Wentian Mountain Range is the simplest and rudest way, but it is the best policy to subdue the enemy without fighting.

On the other hand, Wang Kai, after feeling the exclusive aura on the token, was already speechless in a daze!

Ye Yu's token!

This turned out to be Ye Yu's token!

Of course he knew who Ye Yu was!

The chief disciple of Tangtang Night Temple was also wiped out by Du Yuesheng? !

No wonder he has the bottom line to call out every mouthful of miscellaneous fish, it turns out that he is really hiding something!

At this time, Wang Kai had long since dared not question Du Yuesheng's strength, and now all he wanted was to quickly weigh the pros and cons!

Obviously, in front of such unknown masters, he is not even considered a miscellaneous fish, and if he wants to kill himself, it is only a matter of moving his fingers.

And the reason why he has been reluctant to do it for a long time is obviously not because he is afraid, but because he wants to hand over the token obediently!

Although he felt a little uncomfortable with Du Yuesheng's domineering attitude, what else could Wang Kai do besides obediently bow his head in front of his real strength?

Not only that, even the faces of the people in the Shadow Hall beside them turned pale.

"Senior Brother Wang, this seems to be the token of the Temple of the Night, and the aura on it cannot be faked."

"...I heard that the people in the Temple of the Night are acting as a group, just like us, so now the token is in the hands of others..."

"That is to say, all the people in the Temple of the Night have been wiped out?!"

"Damn! Brother Wang, let's run..."

However, the disciple who had the idea of ​​running away just met Du Yuesheng's eyes, and was too scared to speak.

Obviously, with Du Yuesheng's leisurely posture with his hands behind his back, he is absolutely not worried about running away!

He has a lot of ways to kill people before everyone activates the teleportation power of the token...

Enough gossip has been said, Du Yuesheng thinks there is no need to delay any further: "Now, you should know why I am here, right?

I think you are also a smart person, obediently hand over the token, I can pretend that I have never seen you. "

Obediently hand over the token? !

As soon as these arrogant and even arrogant words came out, everyone in the Shadow Hall couldn't help being filled with righteous indignation, but when they saw the Zhu Xian sword floating above Du Yuesheng's head, they all chose to remain silent...

Now is the time to wait for Wang Kai to make a decision.

Du Yuesheng was not in a hurry, but he was too lazy to waste his patience on these guys.

To be precise, he has wasted enough patience today.

"When I count to three, you choose to hand over the token obediently, or fight me."

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng raised his fingertips slightly, and the smile on his face remained undiminished.


"Your Excellency, can you give me a bottom line for the Shadow Hall?"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng shook his head and remained silent.


Beads of sweat on Wang Kai's forehead had already soaked his robe, and his voice was trembling: "In the future, I, Shadow Demon Hall, will definitely be grateful to Dade, thank you very much..."

Thanks Dade?

What a joke, labor and management came here on their own initiative today, just to stomp on people!

It's just because I'm in a good mood now that I'm not interested in killing people. You guys who don't even count as trash really think you have the qualifications to bargain with me?

Furthermore, what is the Asking Sky Mountain Range? It is a place where people murder people and rob goods. Today, I will let you go from Shadow Demon Palace...

I'm afraid that what will face me in the future is not something that must be thanked, but the swearing-in of the God Realm, right?

Thinking of this, when Du Yuesheng raised his third fingertip, he did not hesitate.


After the words were finished, the Zhuxian Sword also burst into a frightening low buzzing sound.

"It seems that speaking with strength is the most direct..."

Slightly hooking his fingertips, Du Yuesheng glanced at the people in Yingsha Hall who were about to draw their swords.

Although Wang Kai didn't speak, he also sacrificed his magical powers to protect himself.

Obviously, Wang Kai has made his own choice.

Not only that, but before Du Yuesheng made the first move, he heard a burst of wild laughter coming from the depths of the Lingchi.

"Hahaha you pretending to be a waste, you really think you can threaten us by destroying the Temple of the Night?!

You obviously had the opportunity to do it just now, but now that Laozi's injury has healed, it's time to take your sacrificial sword! "

In the blink of an eye, a gray afterimage flashed out from the spirit pool, stabbing directly at Du Yuesheng.

However, before Wang Kai realized that there was something wrong with the reminder, the corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth raised an imperceptible sneer.

"I will accept the token delivered to the door with a smile!"

Before the words were written, the Zhu Xian sword had already pierced the sky...


Blood mist filled the sky, reflecting the sky above the Red Spirit Pond.


The first update!

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