The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1539 Blood Fog Filling the Sky

"Junior Brother Chen!!!"

Wang Kai raised his head and looked at the cloud of blood that exploded in the sky, his eyes filled with grief and indignation!

Even though he knew that Du Yuesheng was definitely not a good person with a soft heart, he never expected that he would be so cruel and ruthless when he started his actions!

In Wang Kai's perception, Junior Brother Chen Ming didn't even leave a whole body until his death!

This is the fate of offending Du Yuesheng.

Until this time, the people in the Shadow Hall, who were filled with anger and fear, were stimulated by the blood of the same sect, so they raised their weapons one after another and fought to meet each other!

"Kill him and avenge Senior Brother Chen!"

"Damn it, there are only two of them, fight it out, we must not let him go!"

"Brothers, form an formation! Today's revenge must be paid in blood!"

eye for eye?

In Du Yuesheng's eyes, the desperate fight that was mixed with rage was full of loopholes.

Just dodge at will with body skills, and you can break the Shadow Shade Hall's always invincible Instant Prison Shadow Shade Formation.

In mid-air, Du Yuesheng looked at the crowd, laughing non-stop.

"Tsk tsk, how dare you fight back with just a few trash? Don't you know that this will make you die faster...

Hey, God Emperor over there, your junior brother's blood has fallen on you, aren't you going to avenge him?

Do you think I should praise you for your knowledge of current affairs, or should I call you timid and cowardly like a waste? "

Du Yuesheng's contemptuous words made Wang Kai's eyes turn red, he clenched his fists tightly, and his body trembled violently.

But even so, the death of his junior brother who had lived and died with him for many years did not make Wang Kai make up his mind to work hard.

Because he knew that if Du Yuesheng could kill Chen Ming with a single blow, the result would be the same if he was himself.

"You, don't bully people too much!!! Even if I fight for Shadow Evil Palace today and I won't be able to get it in a hundred years, I still..."

Condescending, Du Yuesheng's chuckle sounded extremely ironic: "What? You want to die for nothing, and accompany your junior brother to be a pair of dead souls under the sword?

Let me remind you one last thing, if you are in Wentian Mountain Range, you should keep a low profile with your tail between your legs.

Or fight for that so-called ridiculous dignity just like your gang of juniors who are desperate for revenge.

At the very least, it's better than weighing the pros and cons of you, a piece of trash who thinks you're bearing the burden of humiliation! "

A roar of anger, every word punishing his heart, made Wang Kai's clenched and trembling fists ooze bright red blood.

And after this humiliation, everyone in the Shadow Hall, who couldn't even touch the corner of Du Yuesheng's clothes, was even more furious.

"Fuck! A villain who only knows how to talk, don't hide if you have the ability, and fight grandpa head-on!"

"Damn it, Brother Wang, don't listen to this guy's nonsense, let's work together, with you presiding over the Instant Prison Shadow Formation, we can definitely kill him!"

"There is still a god king over there, if you can't kill that guy, let's kill his companion first..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes of grief, anger and hatred fell on Zhou Zheng who was in the distance.

However, Zhou Zheng, who originally thought he would just watch and cheer the whole time, felt the piercing killing intent and panicked instantly.

"Brother Du, save me... These guys want to pick the soft persimmons first!"

When Du Yuesheng heard this, even in the midst of a fierce battle, he couldn't help laughing angrily, thinking, is this guy really stupid, or does he know that there is nothing to be afraid of by his side?

But no matter what, Du Yuesheng would definitely not watch the people in the Shadow Hall kill Zhou Zheng.

"If you know that you are a soft persimmon, you should obediently hide, so as not to be crushed to death."

After finishing speaking, the smile on Du Yuesheng's clear face gradually disappeared...

Instead, there is the iciness of Precursor Killing.

"Execution Immortal Sword, cut!"

When the word "cut" fell to the ground, the Zhuxian sword in Du Yuesheng's hand also drew an arc that made the air tremble!


An invisible but extremely sharp sword qi slashed out, and the people in the Yingsha Palace who rushed towards Zhou Zheng stood in place as if they had been petrified.

The next moment, blood mist splashed and heads flew across!


The blood of his companion stained Wang Kai's pupils red.

But to Du Yuesheng, it was just a dispensable experience value.

"Ding, congratulations to the player who killed the king-level monster and gained 100 million magical powers..."

"Ding, congratulations to the player who killed the king-level monster and gained 100 million magical powers..."

"Ding, congratulations to the player who killed the king-level monster and gained 100 million magical powers..."

"Tsk, it's only 100 million experience, is it true that the god king level is worthless now? Or is the challenge of leapfrogging the system design too harsh."

He casually killed everyone in the Shadow Hall, and all he got in return was a joke from Du Yuesheng.


It wasn't until this moment that Du Yuesheng heard the clenched fists behind him that he remembered Wang Kai's existence.

"Stop, stop!"

His voice was hoarse, and he couldn't hide his grief and indignation.

When Du Yuesheng heard the words, he looked around and asked with a blank expression: "Are you scolding your fellow disciples?

It seems that now...they have no chance to make a move. "

Indeed, the people in the Temple of Shadow Shade, from the moment the Sword of Immortal Execution drew an arc, they never had a chance to make a move again...

However, what Du Yuesheng didn't expect was that Wang Kai could bear it even when he scorned and even humiliated him so much!

How strong is this guy's sense of sect responsibility! ? Or is there some kind of eccentricity that likes to be trampled on?

"Kill, kill me..."

To be honest, when Du Yuesheng first heard this, he thought he had auditory hallucinations.

However, the determination on Wang Kai's face that he regards death as home does not look like a fake.

Even Du Yuesheng could notice that this guy seemed to be bleeding from clenched fists, but in fact he was secretly using blood sacrifices, trying to die with him.

But such cards that can be easily seen through will naturally not pose the slightest threat to Du Yuesheng...

It was Wang Kai's words that made Du Yuesheng interested, raised his sword eyebrows, and smiled inexplicably: "What do you mean? You want me to give you a chance to die defending the dignity of the sect?"

As soon as this remark came out, it was Wang Kai's turn to be stunned.

He didn't expect that Du Yuesheng would still be in the mood to mock himself at such a time.

Could it be that he can't feel that the ultimate move he sacrificed with his life essence is changing the laws of the surrounding world?

"If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you, but I dare to swear with my life that one day, my shadow hall will pay back today's revenge a hundred times!"

When Du Yuesheng heard this, he thought it was funny.

"Repay a hundredfold? You really take your own sect seriously...

One day, I think your only chance to take revenge in the Shadow Demon Palace is to dig up my grave a hundred times when my lifespan is exhausted. "

After chuckling, Du Yuesheng lost the interest in killing again.

Indifferently retracting the Zhuxian Sword, Du Yuesheng turned away without waiting for Zhou Zheng to ask questions, not caring at all about Wang Kai's possible sneak attack at any time.

Also not guessing the ending, there was also Wang Kai who stood there wondering if he should initiate the blood sacrifice...

"You, you won't kill me?"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng didn't stop at Ji Xing's figure, but turned his head slightly, leaving Wang Kai with a sneer that was hard to look up to.

"Kill you? I'm not inhumane enough to kill anyone I see,"

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