The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1540 I will give you a chance to take revenge!

In the sky above the Lingchi, only Wang Kai's trembling figure remained.

No one could have imagined that there was a bloody fight before this piece of incense.

And Du Yuesheng, who led the killing, has long since come and gone without a trace, and the people in the Shadow Hall have not even left evidence of their survival in this world...

The only valuable token has already been taken away by Du Yuesheng.

To Wang Kai, all this is like a dream, but also like a nightmare.

Even until he witnessed the last head of the same sect in a different place, as the team leader, he didn't even know the opponent's name!

Not to mention the difference in strength between the two of them is as vast as heaven!

How can I avenge this hatred?


How can this revenge not be reported? !

"Junior Brothers, I, Wang Kai, am ashamed of you for not being able to serve the sect with you.

Leaving this remnant body today is just... one day to wash away today's shame with blood!

As long as I step into the Supreme Academy, regardless of the opponent's strength or status, I will definitely take my courage and avenge this blood! "

The roar of grief and indignation, accompanied by the out-of-control divine power of the master of the God Emperor Realm, swept every corner of the Lingchi, but there was no response.

After a long time, Wang Kai looked down at the token that he was able to step into the rank of one thousand, and the madness rose from his dull eyes.

However, even though he had already left indifferently, Du Yuesheng still knew everything that happened in Lingchi like the palm of his hand.

"Tsk tsk, do you want to take revenge? I'll make an exception today and give you this chance... I hope you don't become a stepping stone for others before you meet me in the academy."

Shaking his head mockingly, Du Yuesheng smiled and said through the voice transmission of Yuanshen: "Wang Kai, right? Listen up, my name is Du Yuesheng!

I killed your classmate, if you want to take revenge, I will wait for you at the academy.

As long as you can climb in front of me one day, I will give you a chance to take revenge. "

This condescending tone like a king looking down naturally made Wang Kai startled and then filled with anger, but to Du Yuesheng, it was nothing more than a trivial matter.

Even if Du Yuesheng took the initiative to seal the divine power for a mere divine emperor, Wang Kai would not lose his opponent with just swordsmanship.

The reason why Wang Kai's life was spared was nothing more than...

Du Yuesheng, enough killing.

Such reasons sound absurd, but it is easy to kill Du Yuesheng, the mere god emperor, so it doesn't matter if he is let go.

Furthermore, although Du Yuesheng is powerful and indifferent to the enemy and even cruel, it does not mean that he is keen on killing for no reason.

On the contrary, the Dao cultivated by Du Yuesheng is by no means governed by the laws of the God Realm. Killing at will will only increase demons in vain.

After all, no one else heard what the disciples of Yingsha Palace and Wang Kai said when they first stepped into the enchantment of the spirit pool, but Du Yuesheng could hear them clearly.

Besides, with Du Yuesheng's high ranking now, killing Wang Kai won't make any improvement, it's nothing more than an extra token in his hand.

For a token, destroying a person's future... It's really cruel.

"Brother Du, just now...why did you deliberately spare that guy's life? Don't you worry that he will come to seek revenge in the future?"

Next to him, Zhou Zheng followed closely behind with explosive power. Although he was a little reluctant to leave just now, since Du Yuesheng had spoken, he could only obey obediently.

However, he still doesn't understand.

Compared with Zhou Zheng, Du Yuesheng, who is the person involved, was more calm: "Come here to seek revenge? Do you think I will be afraid of a god emperor who can instantly kill with a single sword?"


Zhou Zheng was at a loss for words when he heard that.

yes! For Du Yuesheng, the life and death of the majestic emperor is nothing but a whim of his own.

This is a symbol of strength!

At this time, Zhou Zheng was even more grateful that he followed such an unfathomable Du Yuesheng.

After walking quickly for a while, after meeting Yu Qiu, before Du Yuesheng could speak, he saw Du Sheng dancing and dancing excitedly.

"Hey, Brother Du, why have I waited for so long behind the spirit pond with Da... Yuqiu sister?

In other words, you couldn't have killed them all..."

Shaking his head, Du Yuesheng sometimes felt helpless about this guy's habit of talking, "I can't kill them all, and I left one..."

Later, after Du Yuesheng told the story to the two of them, Yu Qiu was relieved, but Du Sheng seemed a little depressed.

"I said Brother Du, that's the God Emperor, and he's also the leader of the Shadow Shadow Palace, so he must be ranked very high, why did you let him go?

If it were me, I would have snatched the token a second earlier. "

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help saying with black lines on his face: "You are so domineering, so you should go grab it, but I guess it should be you who was instantly killed by a sword, right?"

Seeing his pretense being exposed mercilessly, Du Sheng couldn't help laughing a little embarrassingly: "Hey...Since Brother Du decided to spare his life, how could I be so ignorant..."

Seeing this posture, if I don't interrupt Du Sheng, it's time to chatter endlessly, Du Yuesheng immediately waved his hands with a straight face and said: "Okay, if you talk about it, you will waste time.

Don't talk nonsense, here, this is the token of the guys from the Shadow Shadow Palace, share it with you. "

While speaking, Du Yuesheng deliberately picked out the token of the emperor Chen Ming, and handed it to Yu Qiuming. After the latter hesitated a little, he still reached out to take it with a blushing face.

"Thank you, Brother Du."

"After you know our relationship, don't say such thankful nonsense, it will make people feel stupid."

Du Yuesheng's voice was a little reproachful, but more concerned, especially the unique warmth in it, which made Yu Qiu Ruyu's gentle and pretty face even more crimson.

It's a pity that when Yu Qiu finally mustered up the courage to look up at Du Yuesheng's starry eyes, the latter turned his head away at some point, and looked depressedly at Zhou Zheng and the two holding the token as treasures.

"Wow, it's five tokens in one shot, more than the god kings I've won in my life."

"As expected of Brother Du, he is rich and respectful, so I will accept it with a smile...

But...Brother Du, don't you need a token? I remember that you used to look like..."

"No need, let's help you get into the top 1,000 first."

Du Sheng originally wanted to say that it seemed that Du Yuesheng had said before that the goal was to enter the inner gate, and the token was more or less useful to him, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the latter with a wave of his hand.

It is true that Du Yuesheng wanted to enter the inner sect, but the dozen or so god king tokens did not improve him much.

After all, everyone in the Shadow Shadow Palace is trying to ensure that Wang Kai enters the Supreme Academy, so the rankings of other people will definitely be much lower.

For Du Yuesheng's current points, the two thousand God King Tokens in the future are not a burden, but they are useful...

Really close to zero...


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