The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1575 Ten Martial Gods

Inside the Hall of Stars, there were bursts of bright light.

But at this time, Du Yuesheng was actually standing on top of the stars!

The stars are the bricks and stones of the Star Palace!

This supreme avenue of manipulating the stars can be used so mysteriously!

The most important thing is... the three people standing on the Hall of Stars.

One red and two white!

Even if this kind of combination is anywhere in the academy, it is not easy to see it, but Du Yuesheng was summoned by him when he first entered the academy.

Especially... standing in the middle of the Hall of Stars, the one headed by the three elders surprised Du Yuesheng, who was deep in the city.

Bai Yuan!


The system prompt for killing the Lord God cannot be faked, but why... Bai Yuan is still standing here?

And what surprised Du Yuesheng even more was that the old man who looked exactly like Bai Yuan in front of him seemed to be the incarnation of the rainbow light on Qinglongtai!

The old man glanced at Du Yuesheng, nodded slowly: "That's right, it's not too late. Everyone seems to be here."

The voice was flat, with a bit of the majesty of a long-lived person, but even Du Yuesheng didn't notice that the old man looked at him with a deep coldness hidden in his eyes!

"Since you're here, give me your seat."

After finishing speaking, the old man waved his red sleeves, and Du Yuesheng and the two felt an invisible force dragging him to the seat at the end.

Looking around, Du Yuesheng realized that he was surrounded by fellow disciples with ringleaders on their belts!

Hua Jiu, the proud son of the temple, was naturally among them.

But what makes Du Yuesheng unhappy is that the guy's position is actually ranked first, obviously ahead of him!

It was only when the old man spoke again that Du Yuesheng knew that it was not time to care about such details: "Today, I have summoned you all to make an important announcement."

Seeing everyone's eyes on him, the old man nodded in satisfaction and said, "The two around me are the servants of the two elders, Jinghong and Qianyedian!"

As soon as these words came out, Du Yuesheng heard exclamations from beside him.

Jinghong Hall?

Qianye Palace? !

That's the main hall where the academy's ten warrior gods live!

And looking at this posture, even the most trusted servants around him were sent here, obviously to accept true disciples!

"Yuqiu, what kind of supernatural powers do this Jinghong and Qianye Second Palace have? Even if they are seniors at the main god level, they shouldn't be surprised like this, right?"

Hearing this, Yu Qiu immediately explained in a low voice: "Brother Du, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...

Leaving aside the two seniors among the Ten Martial Gods, as long as they can become true disciples, their treatment is almost the same as that of the black-robed elders!

And after the realm breaks through the peak of the gods, there is still a chance to compete for the successor of the temple, and will be the next ten warriors! "

The next ten warriors?

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows slightly, his gaze was intriguing.

This title sounds really prestigious, but Du Yuesheng knows very well that it will be a long time before he becomes the next Ten Martial Gods!

I don't have so much time to waste in the God Realm...

What's more, Du Yuesheng has a system in his body, so he doesn't look down on ordinary masters at all, even the main god.

Just as he was thinking about how to find an opportunity to escape, he heard a burst of sarcasm from beside him: "Hmph, successor of the temple is a position that countless people dream of, not just any cat or dog can be it."

After finishing speaking, the young man holding the umbrella in one hand still looked at Du Yuesheng and Du Yuesheng with playful eyes for a while.

What he said was obviously aimed at Du Yuesheng and Du Yuesheng who were accompanying them last.

Especially Yuqiu, who is only in the realm of the emperor.

Being ridiculed in public, even knowing that the other party is the leader's disciple, Yu Qiu couldn't bear it and wanted to fight back, but was held back by Du Yuesheng with a chuckle.

"Hey, Yuqiu, this man is right, so why get angry?

The successor of the temple is indeed not something that any cat or dog can covet. I don't think any senior among the ten martial arts gods will choose some idiot with high self-esteem as the successor! "

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng looked at the young man who spoke with a smile that was not a smile, and was extremely satisfied with the uncertain expression of the latter.

"Who do you think thinks highly of itself?!"

Seeing the young man getting angry, Du Yuesheng smiled indifferently and said, "Of course it's an idiot who mocks his fellow disciples."



With a cold drink, the whole hall was instantly quiet.

Even Du Yuesheng couldn't help turning his head to look at the old man who looked exactly like Bai Yuan, silent and thoughtful.

"This is the Hall of Stars, how can we tolerate the noise of being competitive? If you are not convinced, settle your grievances on the martial arts stage in private!"

After the old man finished speaking, the youth with the umbrella glared at Du Yuesheng fiercely. The hostile and provocative meaning could not be more obvious.

"Boy... don't think that you can be arrogant by stepping on two watchdogs to death. You will regret it in the future!"

The young man's low-pitched threats did not have the majesty of the Hall of Stars.

"This deity replaces the two Martial Gods, and I will introduce it first. If you want to compete for true disciples, don't be distracted..."

As he spoke, the old man started talking nonsense, but when Du Yuesheng heard that he started talking nonsense from the history of the temple, he didn't bother to listen any more, and lowered his head and whispered to Yu Qiu, "Why, Yu want to fight for it too?" The true location?"


As soon as she nodded, the girl seemed to think of something, she shook her head suddenly and said: "How is it possible, Brother Du, stop making fun of me.

True disciples are extremely demanding, saying that one in a million is not enough, I still have this self-knowledge. "

Although the words were indifferent, it was still hard to hide the disappointment in Yuqiu's expression. Obviously...she didn't even care about her qualifications to compete with her peers in the Hall of Stars...

Seeing it, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but sighed and shook his head, secretly thinking: "Hey, the temptation of true disciples is so great?

As long as you ask me, the girl, the god-level martial arts can be given to you by the emperor of heaven, so why bother with a mere true inheritance? "

After sighing, Du Yuesheng had to admit that seeing the disappointment in Yuqiu's expression, it was obvious that there was already a fetter.

If Du Yuesheng didn't even have the courage to stand up in this true disciple competition, Du Yuesheng estimated that Yuqiu would definitely have a lingering shadow in his heart.

Over time, especially when she found that some inner disciples improved faster than her in strength, she would give up on herself even more. At that time, even Jian Xin was weak, so how could he become stronger?

"If you really want to be a true disciple, I can help you once..."

"What did you say?!"

Hearing Du Yuesheng's sudden words, Yu Qiu couldn't believe her ears...

You must know that all the leaders and disciples present are unfathomable. In Yuqiu's view, even Du Yuesheng himself may not be able to stabilize the audience. How can he help him successfully compete for the true biography?

It's just... the sincerity and confidence in the young man's slightly curved and smiling starry eyes are definitely not fake.

Yuqiu has seen this kind of smile many times.

And every time he said something with a smile, Du Yuesheng never broke his promise...

For some reason, the girl finally nodded in embarrassment, expressing her heart.

"I heard that Zuo Wushen's sword skills in Jinghong Palace are amazing, I...I want to learn one or two of his supernatural powers.

Brother Du, do you really have a solution? "

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