The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1576 The Supreme Academy also has a back door!

"There is a way, of course there is a way."

Du Yuesheng didn't pay attention to a mere descendant of Martial God.

Since Yuqiu is so eager to pursue the way of swordsmanship, he should help this little girl.

But before Du Yuesheng could say more, he heard a young man in green clothes beside him say first: "Surprised...Senior Jinghong also accepts disciples?

I heard that senior Jinghong's swordsmanship is superb, and he can be called the number one sword in the God Realm. Only I am worthy to be his true disciple! "

The speaker was none other than the recently famous Baili Sword Master!

Although there is a distance between them, Du Yuesheng, who has narrowed eyes, can easily feel the pure and exquisite sword intent from him, even every word and deed is like a sharp sword, which makes people fearful.

This kid is indeed a genius among sword cultivators...

"But it's a pity, since girl Yuqiu has taken a fancy to that senior Jinghong, no matter how talented you are Ling Ran, you have to stand back."

As soon as Baili Sword Master finished speaking, Du Yuesheng saw the young man with the sword who had provoked him earlier snorted coldly with sarcasm: "Hmph, it's up to you? Kill a few cats and dogs and you will really think that you are invincible?

What Baili Sword Master is nothing more than being touted to go to the sky. Today, Senior Jinghong's disciple can only be me, Duan Pengfei! "

"What did you say?! Blood Umbrella Covering the Sky, Duan Pengfei... It's your luck that I didn't meet you in the Blade's Edge Mountains. I didn't expect you to want to die so soon?"

"Death? I'd like to see how you sword idiot can compete with me!"

As the two taunted each other, the atmosphere in the Hall of Stars became more and more tense. When they saw that they were about to fight, the old man standing in the hall suddenly shouted: "Shut up, all of you!"

In an instant, the hall returned to its previous tranquility. Those who disliked each other could only warn each other with provocative eyes.

"Since you are already disciples of the leader, if you want to emphasize the rules, there is no need for the deity to repeat it a third time.

If anyone dares to speak rudely in this Hall of Stars to provoke fellow disciples, don't blame the deity for being merciless! "

Such an overbearing warning immediately made everyone's hearts tremble, and they dispelled the idea of ​​talking nonsense any more.

It's just that Du Yuesheng, who has been on the sidelines all his life, kept sneering: "The blood umbrella covers the sky... Baili Sword Master, everyone has such a bluffing reputation, why don't they dare to fart in front of the elders?

But then again..."

As soon as the subject changed, Du Yuesheng turned his head and said puzzledly: "The Temple of the Night God should be as famous as the Temple of the Shocking Hong, right? Why do these guys want to squeeze into the threshold of the Temple of the Shocking Hong, but they have no interest in the Temple of the Night?"

"It's not that I'm not interested, it's that I dare not be interested..."

At the same time when Yuanshen transmitted the sound, Yu Qiuqiao's face showed a bit of helplessness: "I heard that Senior Qianye has a weird personality, and the exercises he practiced are also unique. To put it bluntly, they are almost exactly the same as the divine arts of the Dark Temple!

So no matter what, Xuanyuanying would definitely worship under Qianye Palace. Who would dare to compete with Ye Ming at this time? "

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng was even more puzzled: "Xuanyuanying... Didn't he let Huajiu step on him? Are inner disciples still eligible to participate?"

And Yu Qiu spread his hands, and looked aside lightly: "Here, who in this Hall of Stars would dare to treat Xuanyuanying as an inner disciple?"

Looking at Yuqiu's eyes, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking to himself, so the Supreme Academy also said this through the back door!

When did Xuanyuanying come in? !

And the position is actually still in front of the Emperor Ben, almost on a par with that hypocrite Hua Jiu...

Du Yuesheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion, these heaven's favored children are indeed from prominent backgrounds, and they can even slightly bend the always strict academy rules.

But having said that, why doesn't Du Yuesheng understand that the Holy Temple and the Dark Temple have been fighting openly and secretly for many years, and there are not small forces in the academy, otherwise everyone present here can be said to be distinguished, and with his face of Ye Ming, he is not worthy of letting the academy special care……

"Well... Didn't Hua Jiu claim to be irreconcilable with the Dark Temple? Isn't he going to fight for such a good opportunity?"

"I don't know, if it was the usual way, Hua Jiu would definitely not benefit Xuanyuan Ying in the slightest.

However, Senior Qianye's godhead technique is almost the opposite of the sacred technique of the temple, so there is no need for Huajiu to compete for this spot. "

Tsk tsk, it turns out that the Heavenly Emperor is not the only one who doesn't pay attention to true disciples...

What makes Du Yuesheng feel funny is that most of the people in this hall are peerless geniuses who are full of arrogance, their eyes are too high, and they look down on their fellow students even more.

But even so, no one dared to compete with Xuanyuanying for the position of a true biography, and they all wanted to worship in Jinghong Palace...

How can this bullying face not be ridiculous?

"Brother Du, have you thought of a way to help me compete for true inheritance?"

After all, she was a simple-minded girl, and after a while, Yu Qiu asked coquettishly.

And Du Yuesheng rested his chin with one hand, his eyes were deep: "Not yet, or... there are too many ways, and I can't decide which one to use at the moment.

Let's wait and see what happens, let's see what the test of the servant of the temple is. "

To be honest, Du Yuesheng had heard of this kind of true biography assessment before, and the conditions could almost be described as extremely harsh.

But Du Yuesheng didn't care, because even if the white-robed elder said that he wanted Yu Qiu to challenge him alone, there were many ways to do it.

Inside the Hall of Stars, the atmosphere was surging.

After announcing the rules, the old man in red took a glance, nodded and said: "Now, the selection of the Jinghong Palace begins, and who will be lucky enough to worship under Jinghong's sect depends entirely on the elder servants."

Is it all up to the elder servant to make the decision? !

Cooperating with you, the red-robed elder is just here to see the scene?

As soon as these words came out, the hall could not help but let out bursts of sighs, but due to the domineering strength of the old man, no one dared to speak sarcastically.

Because everyone's eyes fell on the white-robed elder.

The servant who symbolizes the supreme majesty of Jinghong Palace slowly walked into the center of the hall of thousands of stars.

Every time you take a step, the piercing sword intent in your body becomes stronger and stronger, and when you finish your steps, your whole body is like an unsheathed divine sword, attracting attention!

Everyone present, especially Baili Sword Master, who is obsessed with swordsmanship, was so excited that he couldn't suppress his expression: "What a powerful sword intent, it has the ability to produce thousands of supernatural powers with one sword!

This dare to be the first in the world, let me come! Save your time wasting on you. "

While speaking, Baili Sword Saint jumped up and stood in front of the white-robed elder. This heroic performance made everyone present react differently.

As a competitor, the sword-wielding young man naturally sneered and ridiculed: "Tch, even this kind of cannon fodder for throwing stones and asking for directions is rushing to be used, it really is that the sword practice has become an idiot..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a cold gaze from the white-robed elder in the hall, which made him shut up hastily in fright, and thought to himself that he had said something wrong, he was going to die!

In this hall, there are many sword cultivators, but that idiot Baili is not the only one!

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