The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1578 Yuqiu, let's go!

At this point, the results of the assessment are clear at a glance!

Bai Li, who was so badly injured that even standing up was an extravagant hope, let alone the leader disciple of the same sect, any god king could easily trample him to death.

Fortunately, the white-robed elder finally put some water...

"Right now, who else is sure to receive Elder Ben's sword?"

After the words were finished, the entire Star Hall was completely silent, and no one dared to answer!

Just kidding, who the hell is going up to take your sword if he can't think of death?

You must know that among the disciples of the twelve chiefs, Bai Li is inferior to even Hua Jiu in terms of swordsmanship alone, and even he can't catch him.

Tsk tsk, they couldn't guarantee that this white-robed waiter, who was kind on the surface but extremely powerful, would cherish his talent.

Baili was seriously injured, and only survived when the elder deliberately let go of the water, and the immortal sword Ning Sui wanted to protect the master...

If it were someone else... they had heard that in the assessment of the True Inheritance of the Ten Martial Gods, even the chief disciples that the sect focused on training would have a death quota.

At a time like this, who else would dare to go up to seek death?

His eyes circled around the Hall of Stars, and after staying on Du Yuesheng for a while, the elder in white robe said with a warm smile: "That's right, in terms of swordsmanship alone, you are the one I've seen in my life who can be called Ling Ran.

Not only that, the immortal sword that can be fought in the end is broken, and the sword spirit will take the initiative to die to save your life, which shows that your swordsmanship is righteous. "

After finishing speaking, the elder in white robe waved his sleeves, and an arc of light fell on Baili's body, allowing his bleeding skin to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ahem...a lot, thank you senior for your guidance, Baili's swordsmanship is not good, and I am convinced that I lost."


Unexpectedly, after Bai Liqiang propped up his stumped body and bowed, the white-robed elder raised his head and laughed a long time: "Boy, others say you are a sword idiot, but I don't believe you, now it seems that it is true.

Since it is an assessment, how can we talk about victory or defeat?

What's more, this elder has never said that you have no chance to worship under my Jinghong Palace. "

As soon as these words came out, Bai Li's eyes were extremely hot and his heart was surging: "Senior, what do you mean, this disciple still has a chance!?"

"Yes, there is still a chance. Of course, there is still a chance."

Although this pun answer did not directly agree with Bai Li, it was enough to make him ecstatic.

Jinghong Hall! That's the sect of the Ten Martial Gods!

As long as I still have a chance, that's enough!

Besides, although Baili is a sword idiot, he is not a fool. Although he has a bit of arrogance, he knows that he can almost be called the number one among the chief disciples in terms of swordsmanship.

At that time, even if I am extremely embarrassed by the sword, other people may not be stronger than myself!

"Okay, you go back."

Waving his sleeves, the white-robed elder looked at the broken sheath of the fairy sword, and stroked his beard apologetically, "I almost forgot, another fairy sword was destroyed in my hand...

The guardian of the fairy sword is a miracle. But this elder is not a person who is keen on destroying people's personal weapons, so you can use this Xingluo sword.

If you have the opportunity, remember to give it back to the elder. "

Taking the Xingluo sword floating in front of him with both hands, Baili quickly thanked him: "Thank you, elder! This disciple must remember today's instruction!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Li returned to his own seat, with an ecstatic look on his face, not the slightest bit of embarrassment of being seriously injured and dying.

And these actions have shaken everyone's fighting spirit.

In terms of swordsmanship strength, they are far from Baili's opponents, not to mention that the attitude of the elder servants is already obvious, they are releasing water and giving swords, who would be so stupid as to be the first bird at this time?

Especially the blood umbrella covering the sky, the jealousy between the facial features is hard to hide: "Hmph, I didn't expect that you, an idiot full of swordsmanship, would take advantage of it. It's really boring!"

Bai Li also fought back without showing any weakness: "Hehe, if you refuse to accept it, go up and receive the sword from senior. If you can survive, how about I withdraw from the competition voluntarily?"

"You... don't push yourself too far!"

Pointing fiercely, Blood Umbrella Zhetian wanted to get angry, but when he met the cold gaze of the red-robed old man, he had no choice but to give up and let Baili wink and mock.

Unknowingly, there was an awkward silence in the Hall of Stars.

The double entendre in Jinghong's servant's words obviously hasn't decided to take Baili under his family, but he is only slightly satisfied with his performance.

Obviously, he still looks forward to everyone's performance, especially Hua Jiu and Xuanyuan Ying...

But neither the Saints nor Ye Ming were interested in Jinghong Palace, and the rest of them didn't have the courage to stand up...

This is really embarrassing enough!

The elder in white robe couldn't help but look a bit worried. Although he was very satisfied with Baili's performance, he dared not forget his master's words!

The original words of Martial God Jinghong are "If you want to worship His Royal Highness, there is no difficulty, as long as you receive a sword from you, you can still stand up"...

But this is not a very embarrassing requirement, but no one has achieved it!

Which brings him back to how to deal with...

Ever since, the eyes of the white-robed elder gradually fell on Du Yuesheng and the two of them.

"It's two more sword cultivators, but... this little girl's strength is really weak. I'm afraid she can't even catch Baili's sword, let alone challenge the sword power of Xingchen."

The red-robed elder beside him couldn't help but look a little ugly when he heard this.

The disciples of the leaders of the Twelve Main Cities in previous years, although not all talented, but they all have the courage to fight.

But now, what's not interesting is that they don't play with enough posture, and the rest of them don't have the courage to connect with the waiter with a sword.

Could it be... the college's admission criteria should be a little stricter?

Just thinking about it, His Highness Du Yuesheng whispered in Yuqiu's ear: "Yuqiu, come on, it's now."

It's now?


With a sound of surprise, Yuqiu was obviously still in a state of trance just now.

Even in the face of Du Yuesheng's warm and encouraging eyes, Yu Qiu couldn't help dodging and panicking: "Now? Brother Du, you have seen the strength of the senior servant, I will go up now..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Du Yuesheng: "You want to say that going up now is no different from sending you to death?"

Although he was reluctant to admit it, Yuqiu... could only nod his head aggrieved and helplessly: "Even Baili can't catch it, if it were me..."

"So what if it's you? Baili can't catch it, but it doesn't mean you can't catch it.

Don't forget, I said I would help you. "

Although he has absolute trust in Du Yuesheng, he has to say that the sword that was full of stars just now hit Yu Qiu too hard!

Even if one desires to become a true disciple, the premise must be to survive!

Just when Yuqiu was struggling in her heart, a generous palm was caressing her fragrant shoulder.

At the same time, the young man's warm smile seemed to give her infinite courage...


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