The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1579 No need to suppress the realm!

"Now is the time to make a big splash. As long as you catch the full-strength sword of the elder servant, who will dare to laugh at your low level in the future?"

Du Yuesheng's words were right, and Yu Qiu's expression also showed a bit of fighting spirit when he heard the words.

It's just these reasons, Du Yuesheng understands, Yuqiu is not a fool, how can he not figure it out?

"But, Du... Brother Du, if I fail, I will lose face in the academy."

"Hey... you are a little self-deprecating, the elders have said it themselves, since it is an assessment, how can we talk about victory or defeat?

If you don't even have the courage to raise your sword to meet the enemy, what's the difference between you and these scumbags? "

Du Yuesheng's words were not loud, but he didn't use the soul to transmit the sound, which immediately attracted bursts of annoyed eyes.

"That guy, what are you talking about!? How dare you call us scumbags?"

"You have the courage to go up, everyone is sitting here watching the show, saying this is deliberately provocative!"

"Meow, I really thought anyone could be a true disciple. It's not too late to mock us if you survive!"

Du Yuesheng had only one rebuttal for everyone turning their fear of Jinghong's servant into anger at him.

"If you don't dare to go up, just sit down obediently, and save your face from being swollen by the emperor later."

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng was already standing in the hall, his slender figure seemed to contain raging power!

"Elders, Yuqiu, the leader disciple of Wentian Mountain Range, is willing to give it a try!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Even Yuqiu himself has not yet reacted to the reversal of the situation: "Brother Du, what are you doing!? I... I am not ready yet!"

"Damn it! This person is shameless, he spoke so madly just now, I didn't expect that he was cheating his teammates!"

"Looking at the two sitting at the same table, they should be tied for first place in the Wentian Mountain Range. How can there be such a deep hatred?"

"Hmph, what a deep hatred, I think they want to sensationalize.

A mere god emperor, but still want to receive a sword from his servant? It's like a mantis' arm is like a cart. Could it be that there will be people in this place who will pity the fragrance and cherish the jade? "

Accompanied by the noisy discussion, there are still people who are either ridiculed or shocked, but without exception, they all look at Yuqiu with the eyes of people who are about to die!

"It's time like this, are you still sitting?

Have you forgotten the important task of revitalizing the Ancient God Mountain? "

As soon as these words came out, Yu Qiu trembled suddenly as if struck by lightning, and passion burst out of nowhere in her beautiful eyes!

"Junior Yuqiu, give it a try, and hope the elder will give you the sword!"

The melodious and yet impassioned roar resounded through all corners of the Hall of Stars!

How dare this girl have such courage? !

A mere god emperor, dare to ask this elder to bestow a sword!

No matter how you look at it, Yuqiu is just an ordinary god emperor. If it weren't for the leader token on her waist, it would not be surprising for people to be regarded as outer disciples. was this woman from the God Emperor Realm who actually stood in front of everyone, saying what everyone dared not to say!

"This girl...couldn't be crazy?"

After a brief silence, Jing Hong's servant and the red-robed old man looked at each other, and then saw the former nodded with complicated eyes and said: "Okay, what a woman who doesn't let her eyebrows go!

Xiao Nizi dared to accept the elder's sword at the level of a god emperor, just with such courage, she is worthy of being a role model for you! "

"In that case, this elder... will give you a sword."

While speaking, Jinghong's servant's figure flashed, and he landed in the palace again, his figure like Jinsong surging with sword intent!

If it wasn't for Yu Qiu who took the initiative to stand up, the elder in white robe would not have noticed her peerless talent as a sword cultivator!

If it is said that Baili's swordsmanship is like a sharp edge and is extremely domineering, then Yuqiu's swordsmanship is like a vast and weak water, which can carry and overwhelm everything!

One sword can lead to thousands.

This is the true biography of Jinghong Palace!

"I think your courage is commendable. This elder makes an exception and suppresses his strength to the initial stage of God Venerable. How about it?"

Speaking impartially, the behavior of the white-robed elder showed fairness and strictness.

The real gap between Baili and him is almost two big realms.

And Yuqiu's God Sovereign Realm and God Venerable are also two big realms apart.

However, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the two realms between the gods and servants are not the same as the god emperor and the gods!

But before anyone stood up and refuted, Du Yuesheng responded first: "Thank you for your favor, senior, but the realm...doesn't need to be suppressed."

Don't suppress the realm! ?

Everyone present almost didn't press their chins!

"Damn it! There should be a limit to this kid pretending to be X! It's enough to dare to stand up, and why don't you use the elders to release water!"

"Meow, who said that these two people have no enmity, the elder has clearly stated that the water will be released, and he actually toasts and refuses to eat and drink fine wine!"

"Why didn't this girl slap him to death... There are such cheating teammates in the world!"

"Can you show some face?! You're not the one receiving the sword, so of course you don't have to care about the realm! If you have the guts, go for it!"

In fact, many people present wondered why Du Yuesheng didn't appear on the stage in person even though he seemed to have a sure chance of winning?

But this doubt, after seeing the confident smile on the boy's face, everyone directly regarded him as pretending to die!

"Du...Brother Du, the person on stage seems to be me. Isn't it a little bad for you to do this?"

Looking at Yu Qiu who was pulling the corner of his clothes and crying, Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing: "Of course I know it's you, so I don't need to remind you.

Don't worry, only Du Sheng can do such things as defrauding teammates. When will I, Du Yuesheng, keep my word? "

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng raised his head and looked at the white-robed elder: "Senior, the reason why this junior chooses not to suppress the state is not because he speaks outrageous words, but because he does not want to be fooled...

I know that most of the people present feel that I am provoking the majesty of the academy.

But let me ask a question, if Yu Qiu really took the elder's sword to suppress the realm, would any of you be convinced? ! "

With a loud bang, there was complete silence in the Hall of Stars who unexpectedly asked!

Facing Du Yuesheng's gaze, everyone couldn't help showing a tangled expression of unwillingness and guilt.

yes! If Yu Qiu really took the sword, what would be the consequences?

Others don't know, but Baili himself is definitely the first to stand up and refute.

The suppression of realm has obviously become the biggest controversy.

At that time, instead of questioning the elder servant's intentional letting go and angering the temple, it would be better to clarify the rules first.

Du Yuesheng, since he dared to promise Yuqiu, it means that he has already analyzed the situation clearly!

Because of this, he chose to let Yuqiu rely on his strength to convince everyone!

"Don't suppress the realm... This elder knows your painstaking efforts, and you should also know how powerful that sword is."

"The junior knows that the stars condense the sword, and its power is indeed monstrous."

After thinking for a moment, getting Du Yuesheng's answer, the eyes of the elder in white robe flashed coldly.

"Since you know everything well and are still so confident, think about it...

Already have the confidence to help your companion take over the sword, then show the strength to impress this elder! "

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